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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Alfred's file search uses OS X's metadata server for searching which doesn't support this style of searching, but you could try this workflow: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/4042-fuzzy-folders/ Cheers, Andrew
  2. Alfred simply passes the URL off to OS X to open in your default browser, so this is going to be a bug in Firefox not Alfred. If Firefox is quit and you click a link in e.g an email, you'll likely get the same behaviour. My guess is that if Firefox is running with other webpages showing, it will just open a new tab as expected. Cheers, Andrew [moving to the help sub-forum]
  3. Hi there, Sorry about the slow reply! The web search for searching gmail which is built into Alfred searches your main gmail account. It would only take a few simple mods to create a workflow which could search the gmail account of your choosing. I've just taken a look and it also looks like mailplane has url scheme support too: http://behemoth.mailplaneapp.com/features/entry/mailplane_urls/ ... so you could easily build a nice workflow to integrate into Mailplane Cheers, Andrew
  4. If you update to 2.2 pre-release b241, Alfred now shows debugger output when there is stderr even if there is no exit code from the script. Also, when there is an XML parse error, the XML output is displayed. Thanks for the feedback!
  5. I definitely plan to improve the debugger over time... the 2.2 puts in place the debugging infrastructure to build upon In actual fact, I may remove the termination status code check before 2.2 is released and always show the error output if there is one.
  6. Could you have Activity Monitor opened and Alfred selected, and during the hang, click the cog in Activity Monitor and "Sample Process". If you can catch this correctly, it should show us where the delay is. My guess is it's related to either indexing, or a hanging network item. After getting the sample, could you also try turning off the eject keywords in Alfred's Features > System prefs
  7. If you update to 2.2 pre-release b240, this should now be fixed
  8. If you update to the Alfred 2.2 pre-release b240, this should now be fixed. Alfred clears his cache of the iTunes XML path on reload
  9. So I've investigated this further and it's definitely a behavioural change and likely bug in Mavericks where Finder doesn't take focus when it should. Alfred's default window doesn't deactivate for the smoothest possible [visual] experience and this is where the problem comes. Having said that, if you use this Workflow, the focus should be correct as Alfred deactivates and focus is forced back to OS X. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Find%20and%20open%20disk%20images.alfredworkflow I have a ticket and will continue to monitor this for an OS X fix or behavioural change in Alfred. Cheers, Andrew [moved to noted]
  10. This may very well be a quirk of OS X's new multi-screen support. One thing which may fix this is if you set Alfred to display on the "active screen" in Alfred's Appearance > Options. Cheers, Andrew [moving to investigating]
  11. I can understand why this is happening as Alfred caches the iTunes library XML path at startup for performance reasons. Reviewing the code, this may not be strictly necessary, so I've added a ticket to look into removing the caching which should fix this issue. Cheers, Andrew
  12. Thanks - Programatically creating a workflow for your users should be pretty easy. Create yourself a template workflow, you can reveal this in Finder in Alfred's Workflow preferences. Then if you follow the following rules, you should be good: 1. Workflows are run from the current working directory, so if you create a configuration text file, you can load this in your workflow in the ./ folder 2. The files for the workflow are mostly in plain text (such as info.plist), so you can make modifications to these on your server 3. The .alfredworkflow is simply a zip file, so if you zip up the files (file in route of zip) and rename it to .alfredworkflow, you can provide it to users and it will install Cheers, Andrew
  13. Whenever you get any issues like this, it's almost always an OS X metadata issue. The first thing to try is to reindex your OS X metadata. I've actually improved this in Alfred 2.2, so if you grab the pre-release from Alfred's Update prefs, then in the Advanced prefs, select "Rebuild OS X Metadata". Tick the option to delete the Spotlight-V100 folder for a deep reindex. Let me know how you get on [moving to workflow help]
  14. Could you please pop your Powerpack email address into your forum profile (only visible to Vero and I) for Powerpack related questions, cheers
  15. Alfred will dispatch the calls to open the apps in order, so it may just be that TM2 is slower to launch and focusing itself after GC. You could use a Run Script action set to osascript with something like this: tell application "Google Chrome" to activate delay 1 tell application "Safari" to activate
  16. This is because Alfred pre-encodes {query} strings but doesn't pre-encode full URLs in the same way as when adding a custom web search, anything outside of the {query} part needs pre-encoding. I agree that this isn't ideal - I've added a ticket and may be able to sneak a fix in for this for 2.2 Cheers, Andrew
  17. Are they OS X contacts, or something else such as Exchange? If you update to the Alfred 2.2 pre-release, you could try switching to using the spotlight metadata to find contacts. You'll find this option in Alfred's Features > Contacts > Advanced prefs - "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts" Let me know how you get on Cheers, Andrew
  18. Is Alfred listed and ticked in OS X's security preferences? Also, is Spotlight seeing your contacts? Cheers, Andrew
  19. I'm not entirely sure why this is happening, and I've yet to be able to reproduce it. Having said that, I do have a likely fix for you... If you update to the Alfred 2.2 pre-release (from Alfred's Update prefs), I've added an option which allows you to use the OS X metadata to search contacts which you may find faster. Once updated, Open Alfred's preferences to the Features > Contacts > Advanced and select "Use Spotlight metadata for searching contacts". Hope this helps Cheers, Andrew
  20. Andrew


    As David says, the iTunes mini player is the best way to access your iTunes library, but if you are looking for the 'play' keyword which lists music in the default results like Alfred v1, add the 'Find and play music' workflow example from the [+] button in Alfred's Workflow prefs
  21. This is by design to make Alfred as light weight as possible. iTunes publishes XML which Alfred reads for the mini player, but updates this even when a song is played (e.g. to update play count), so Alfred can't simply watch for this file to change and update automatically... if he did, he would be processing this large XML file constantly. You can simply use cmd+r when in Alfred's mini player to reload the library. Cheers, Andrew [moving to closed]
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