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Alan He

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  1. Like
    Alan He reacted to mdbraber in Run command when Alfred activates/deactivates   
    Is it possible to run a command or workflow whenever the Alfred window is shown / hidden? I want to deactivate certain KeyboardMaestro groups when Alfred is visible (otherwise key presses go to Alfred instead of Keyboard Maestro). I can link something to the Cmd-Space keypress, but then I don't know when the Alfred window gets hidden again...
  2. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Is there a way to sort universal actions list?   
    Universal Actions was a significant mid-cycle 4.5 update. Alfred 5 primary focus was on Workflows, and has taken over 6 months of hard work.
    Don't worry, Universal Actions will get some attention again in the future.
  3. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Is there a way to sort universal actions list?   
    Alfred's Universal Action sorting is basic compared to Alfred's default results, but rest assured that 4.5 is just the beginning for Universal Actions and I have so much more in the works
  4. Like
    Alan He reacted to yedhrab in Usage count for all snippets and sort them with it   
    Add usage counts for all snippets so we can delete unused snippets or sort all snippets with usage count
  5. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Text copied from 1Password Safari extension appear in clipboard history   
    @jtbandes Alfred ignores clipboard data containing org.nspasteboard.ConcealedType by default (unless you've unchecked this option in Alfred's Preferences > Clipboard History > Advanced), which 1Password has always implemented. This metadata allows Clipboard History apps to ignore the clipboard contents by default.
    If you have this option checked in Alfred, I'm wondering if they forgot to implement this data type in the newer 1Password 8 extension?
  6. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in How to change width of Alfred window?   
    @marfon Welcome to the forum
    First, to customise a theme, make sure you're using either a custom theme or duplicate one of the default ones (as it's not possible to modify a default theme).
    Next, hover on the left or right side of the theme where you'll see "Drag to enlarge window width" as subtext at the bottom
    Let me know how you get on.
  7. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from YuTang in Python2 installation seemed incorrect   
    ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python
  8. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Alfred 5: Add user configuration password field   
    I actually already have an internal ticket for password fields. This wasn't added in v5 due to wanting to also encrypt the value (or place it in the keychain), which adds a whole extra amount of complexity.
    I like the idea to add a "masked" option to the text field, I'll add another ticket for this.
  9. Like
    Alan He reacted to YuTang in Multiple keywords support   
    Currently we can have only one keyword in a single input, yet from time to time I need to set some aliases to that keyword. For example, I set a keyword gb to search books in Google Books. but in case that I don't remember that keyword clearly, I also set another keyword gbook to do exactly the same thing. But now I need to add a new keyword input and it's kind of troublesome to keep their icons, url, title, etc. exactly the same.  So I wonder whether you have any plan to support set multiple keywords to increase fault tolerance, just like another app xSearch, you can set multiple keywords and separate them with a comma. I feel it would be great if you add multiple keywords to web search or keyword input in the workflow.

  10. Thanks
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Clear Clipboard History and Clipboard   
    None of this is hidden: if you explore Alfred’s preferences you’ll see everything is organised in logical places with open and readable formats. It allows for other advanced stuff, like accessing clipboard history inside a Workflow. It works pretty well because Alfred is quite fast and stable, but you’re still editing a file in a way it wasn’t intended to. In other words: it works but should still be considered a hack and not an officially supported method, which is why it isn’t officially documented.
  11. Like
    Alan He reacted to tig in Why favicon not supported ?   
    It is very difficult to see the bookmarks because they all have the same icon.
    It is also ugly as an application design.
    When searching bookmarks with vimium (chrome extension), favicons is supported by default.
    Will it be supported in version 5?
  12. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Why favicon not supported ?   
    Welcome @tig,
    Browsers extensions can have permissions external tools won’t, that’s why they’re implemented as extensions. As someone who is building a Workflow which does use favicons, this is not a straightforward problem. One can’t easily grab the favicons from the browser’s cache and associate them to the correct domain (at least not on Safari). Nor is there a simple and reliable way to get favicons at all from websites, let alone high (or even medium) resolution icons. Some services make available the low resolution versions, which look pixelated in a larger interface such as Alfred results. Plus, favicons are often monocoloured blobs which won’t be legible in some themes.
  13. Like
    Alan He reacted to deanishe in Remote Use on 2 Computers?   
    Yes, Alfred Remote supports multiple Macs.
  14. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in The State of Alfred Remote app   
    The simple answer to this is Alfred Remote *will* get a major update, but I can't give you a timescale.
    To keep Alfred's quality as high as possible, we are extremely selective over which features bring the most value to our wider user base. Alfred Remote constitutes a minor part of this user base, so while we have continued to add features to Remove via updates in Alfred itself, the core Alfred Remote app has remained as is.
    While it would be nice to do a minor update to Remote to include some of the newer iOS features, Apple has evolved iOS significantly since Remote was originally released, with some technologies deprecated, and some new ones introduced, so Remote would need an overhaul to fit with within Apple's framework and "vision", all while trying to keep Remote backwards compatible with Alfred 3.
    Over the past number of years, I've been keeping a close eye on Swift and Swift UI, and this may provide a perfect platform for a complete Alfred Remote rewrite, but it could be too early to allow this to work on a wider number of older devices.
    As I said before, when Alfred Remote version 2 comes out, I'd like to keep it as a free update for all current Alfred Remote users.
  15. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in The State of Alfred Remote app   
    Alfred Remote will be receiving a big "Version 2" update, I'm already planning the feature set and improvements.
    It's also worth noting that we've been adding features to Alfred Remote through added objects within Alfred itself, so while Alfred Remote hasn't had a core update, it has had new abilities added over the past few years.
  16. Like
    Alan He reacted to homever in Clipboard sharing between paired iOS device and server   
    Since Alfred now has a built-in server running in the background and is paired with iOS devices
    How about a clipboard sharing feature?
    Straight and seamless. 
  17. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Is the Alfred app suitable for saving passwords?   
    Welcome @Viola,
    It depends on the exact nature of your request. Alfred isn’t a password manager; apps who deal with passwords (there are several) tend to do just that. Technically you could use Alfred to store and retrieve passwords, but I’d recommend finding a password manager you like then using Alfred to interact with it. There’s an official Workflow for 1Password as well as third-party Workflows for KeePassXC, Bitwarden, Keychain (native to macOS), and probably others.
  18. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Export Clipboard History Alfred 4   
    It’s the file at ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases/clipboard.alfdb.
  19. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Is it possible to show more than 9 results?   
    Moving this to Feature Requests (it isn’t possible at the moment).
  20. Thanks
    Alan He reacted to Praxder in Moom - Switch Between Custom Moom Snapshots   
    Direct download: Alfred_X_Moom
    GitHub Link: Github
    Switch between Moom snapshots (layouts) with Alfred
    Here's a screenshot to demonstrate:

    Download the latest release from the above link and double-click to install.
    Simply activate the Alfred file actions menu and type "moom"
    Current Issues:
    Currently, the workflow will not work properly if your snapshot names have a comma in them.
  21. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Skype Workflow   
    Welcome @KouFribz,
    Skype has been an Electron app for a number of years, and those have always hard poor automatability. There may be an URL scheme or API for limited interaction with it as a service, but for the app itself it would require Microsoft to make changes.
  22. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Alfred 5 Sneak Peek - Take a look at what's coming in Alfred 5 :)   
    Once Alfred 5 is out and settled, the Alfred Workflow Gallery will be our top priority, including integration directly into Alfred.
    The Workflow foundation changes I've made in Alfred 5 pave the way for some really exiting new features (for Alfred 5.1, 5.2 etc). We'll be sharing details in due course!
  23. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in Alfred 5 Sneak Peek - Take a look at what's coming in Alfred 5 :)   
    This may warrant creating a separate thread to this one, but if you let us know what features you're looking for, we may be able to help you achieve it with Workflows and a Snippet Trigger. There's so much flexibility in using Snippet Triggers, there's a good likelihood what you're looking for is already possible
  24. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Alfred's position on screen   
    Alfred Preferences → Appearance → Options (bottom left) → Where he shows (top right). You’ll be able to visually position Alfred.
  25. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Snippets Regex   
    I’m not aware of any text expansion software which does what you ask. Text expansion works by replacing a specific string of characters with something else. If it had to understand everything you type and be constantly evaluating, it would consume a lot of resources and lead to unexpected results. Just think of any trigger with .* in it.
    An alternative would be a Snippet Trigger which invokes Alfred with a specific Workflow (or Alfred in general, since it does math by default).
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