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    vitor got a reaction from Alan He in OCR, select the screen area, and press Enter to immediately obtain the text.   
    This is simple enough and looks quite ready to go in the Gallery, but I have a few suggestions:
    You don’t need the Run Script, you can and should instead use the Run Shortcut automation. That would make it use no code and be a good candidate for the “Good for Learning” category. Would be useful to add a Hotkey Trigger too. I can imagine someone using e.g. ⌘⇧6 to take the screenshot and get the text. By the way: nice use of the Automation Task.

  2. Like
    vitor got a reaction from Grug in Window Switcher — Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space   
    Thank you for the kind words.
    Updated to 2023.6.
    Tweaked icon. Show dialog when requiring screen recording permissions. Ignore extra windows created by Stage Manager.

    The last point should fix your case, @jr5.
  3. Like
    vitor got a reaction from Grug in OCR, select the screen area, and press Enter to immediately obtain the text.   
    This is simple enough and looks quite ready to go in the Gallery, but I have a few suggestions:
    You don’t need the Run Script, you can and should instead use the Run Shortcut automation. That would make it use no code and be a good candidate for the “Good for Learning” category. Would be useful to add a Hotkey Trigger too. I can imagine someone using e.g. ⌘⇧6 to take the screenshot and get the text. By the way: nice use of the Automation Task.

  4. Like
    vitor got a reaction from godbout in Menu Bar Search   
    Signature looks correct, but you also need to notarise it otherwise there’s going to be a dialog about how Apple wasn’t able to scan it for malicious software and it won’t run.
    First set up your credentials:
    /usr/bin/xcrun notarytool store-credentials --apple-id 'YOUR EMAIL' --team-id 'YOUR TEAM ID'  
    To notarise a raw binary, first zip it then use notarytool on the zip:
    /usr/bin/xcrun notarytool submit '/PATH/TO/THE/ZIP' --keychain-profile 'PROFILE NAME SET WITH store-screndials' --wait  
    After it returns successfully you can trash the zip, it’s only necessary to send it over. From then on, the first time a user runs your binary it’ll contact Apple’s servers to verify the notarisation then keep the information locally.
    If you use Xcode, there should be a flow for notarising without having to leave it.
  5. Like
    vitor got a reaction from kpw in Programmable Calculator   
    Welcome @Patrick Graf,
    Seems like you’re looking for the Script Filter Input. You’ll be able to take whatever is input in Alfred, then do your calculations and return some JSON which will show up in Alfred.
  6. Thanks
    vitor got a reaction from sepulchra in open apps from the dock   
    I don’t know the exact timeline, but at least some of the options have been available at least since Monterey.
  7. Like
    vitor reacted to sepulchra in Dispatch Key Combo Object   
    I didn't realize that. I learn something new everyday! And even just a few years ago I don't think I would have been able to build something like this thanks in part to this forum.
    Not for the screen shot, but I like to be able to see the entire flow at a glance if possible. I have 2 x 27" displays and I like to see it all on one. If don't have to scroll, I choose not to scroll!!!!
  8. Like
    vitor reacted to universe in Aflred to replace the file selector?   
    you can also drag and drop from alfred into the dialog box
  9. Like
    vitor reacted to sepulchra in Dispatch Key Combo Object   
    It is a little slow as I have some delays from debugging that I want to play with removing but this is the back end if you are curious:


    na is the CLI tool that brett terpstra wrote to write to taskpaper files but i also mirrored it in plain text files using alfred's write to text file -- which is also useful
  10. Like
    vitor got a reaction from sepulchra in Dispatch Key Combo Object   
    That was fun to watch, thank you for sharing the result!
  11. Like
    vitor reacted to sepulchra in Dispatch Key Combo Object   
    @vitor look at the fruits of your labor:

  12. Like
    vitor got a reaction from samdale67 in Window Switcher — Switch to a specific window of an app in the current Desktop Space   
    Performance doesn’t just mean speed. You cannot fairly compare the resource usage of apps which are continually running in the background and gathering information to a single binary that must launch, execute, and exit in a fraction of a second. It’s different tradeoffs (like almost everything in computing) and Window Switcher is designed to be fast and consume effectively nothing, especially when you’re not using it.
    In addition, you’re focusing on one third of the given reasons and not the right one. That post does not say hidden windows specifically cause performance issues. Every one of the tools we’re talking about has a different interface and objectives.
    It’s worth noting the code is open-source, which allows anyone to pick it up and tweak it to their needs. There are also other window changing workflows which may behave in other ways. Different people have different preferences and value different things. There is a strong core of users who like the workflow exactly as it is, and it’s important to not ignore that.
  13. Like
    vitor got a reaction from Stephen_C in Copy file name   
    Quick note: If you want the full path, you don’t even need the Automation Task, you can connect the Universal Action directly to the Copy to Clipboard.

    Considering your last post, you might want a File Filter instead of a Universal Action.

    I highly recommend you go through the interactive guide, as linked above. It’ll teach you the basics and help you to figure out how to figure out these details.
  14. Like
    vitor reacted to gingerbeardman in System Settings — Open macOS System Settings Panes   
    Thanks, that's fine, they have started rising to the top as I've been using them.
    This is a great source of these deep urls: https://gist.github.com/rmcdongit/f66ff91e0dad78d4d6346a75ded4b751 just in case there are any "missing".
  15. Like
    vitor reacted to TobiasMende in Audio Switcher (Swiftly switch audio output and input devices)   
    Sorry for the delayed response.
    This sounds like your Mac has problems executing the Swift script.

    Have you installed the Workflow from the Gallery (https://alfred.app/workflows/tobiasmende/audio-switcher/) or from the forum?

    I thought the requirements are pre-installed in the modern Mac versions, but maybe some requirement is missing. This might be solved by running `xcode-select --install` on the command line.
  16. Thanks
    vitor got a reaction from sepulchra in Dispatch Key Combo Object   
    This is vey much untested (I have neither Pro Tools nor a keyboard with numpad), but what I was suggesting was something like:
    const systemEvents = Application("System Events") const keycodeNumpadMap = { "0": 82, "1": 83, "2": 84, "3": 85, "4": 86, "5": 87, "6": 88, "7": 89, "8": 91, "9": 92, ".": 65 } function run(argv) { argv[0].split("").forEach(character => { systemEvents.keyCode(keycodeNumpadMap[character]) }) systemEvents.keyCode(76) }  
    This is using /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript).
  17. Like
    vitor got a reaction from godbout in Alfred AirPods Pro Connector   
    Should also be worth considering joining both workflows together for the next version, so people only have to install one. Or (I just thought of this while writing the previous sentence) even having a Script Filter that both shows the battery and allows for connecting and disconnecting (you shouldn’t be able to know battery levels anyway when AirPods are disconnected, I’d guess).

    If you have an alternative icon, that would be helpful to further differentiate from the other AirPods workflow too. It surprised me a bit when I downloaded the Connector yesterday, as the icon in the notification was different from the one in the workflow.
  18. Like
    vitor reacted to porcupine945 in Spotify Mini Player: Control your Spotify library at your fingertips   
    Thanks and apologies - I’m new here and didn’t know that there was such a thing.
  19. Like
    vitor reacted to godbout in Alfred AirPods Pro Connector   
    good point. and very fair. thanks for the info.
    well that was making sense for me to bundle it in the Workflow when it was only available from me and through GitHub, so that users had nothing to think about. but with the Gallery uniforming the Workflows installs, maybe users will get used to those notice about having to install the dependencies or that some dependencies are already bundled. so that changes things a bit and i'll have to rethink what's the best now. will depend on what i plan for the future, but my first feel is that the Gallery is the first place to go for Workflows, so that will influence my choice quite strongly. thank you! those notices are super welcomed.
    ha excellent, thank you again! haven't touched those Workflows for a while and moved quickly onto other things. so great new knowledge. will digest, and most probably end up updating the Workflow. thank you again Vitor!
  20. Like
    vitor got a reaction from tone in Movie and TV Show Search   
    Not exactly, as the workflow already used Python 3, only the path changed so everyone’s on the same version. That break sometimes happens after a macOS update.
  21. Like
    vitor reacted to paulw in "Frontmost browser" automations don't work from other active apps   
    @vitor looks like it was fixed in the latest version of Orion RC. Sorry for the trouble!
  22. Like
    vitor got a reaction from alfreduser123 in Movie and TV Show Search   
    Not exactly, as the workflow already used Python 3, only the path changed so everyone’s on the same version. That break sometimes happens after a macOS update.
  23. Like
    vitor reacted to universe in awesome   
    just wanted to say that Alfred is amazing! super quality build, precisely customizable, and my absolute daily driver for everything. amazing app, thank you!
  24. Like
    vitor got a reaction from rdjfraser in ZotHero — Generate Zotero citations in Alfred   
    @Tee Elem See how to use the debugger.
  25. Like
    vitor got a reaction from rdjfraser in ZotHero — Generate Zotero citations in Alfred   
    Also @rdjfraser, make sure you’re using the fork by @giovanni and not the original by Dean. Same for the other thread.
    Use the versions in the Gallery for both.
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