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Everything posted by xilopaint

  1. I thought a bit more about my suggestion and there's a problem I didn't think of at first. Some outputs have multiple lines. Now I'm not sure if a script filter is the best option anymore. Perhaps a Terminal Command object would be more suitable.
  2. @gleitz why don't you use a script filter instead of a keyword+notification to display the output?
  3. Hey @vitor, just to let you know I removed OneUpdater and updated the icon. I haven't made a new release though, so the new changes will be available in a new release once the Gallery is launched. Should I commit a version bump now?
  4. Please@vitor, add this workflow. It's one of my favorites.
  5. @vitorI just found out that you can still access the old UI for sharing the iCloud link via touchbar. Very weird. How can people without touchbar Macs can access that?
  6. Run rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools & xcode-select --install
  7. No way to help if you don't post Alfred Debugger information.
  8. It worked, thanks! Maybe you can help me with another issue. I don't see the option to share an iCloud file by a link anymore.
  9. @vitordo you know why I'm getting this sign above the notification icon on macOS Ventura? I'm using Notificator with the library and facing the same problem with notifications from iStat Menus app.
  10. It seems you are not entering the filename for the output PDF file.
  11. Try to reinstall Command Line Tools. Run sudo rm -rf /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools and after that xcode-select --install .
  12. @ShahrukhIt seems you don’t have Developer Tools installed or it was deleted with macOS Ventura upgrade. Do you get any output for xcode-select -p in Terminal?
  13. It works for me. If you're facing any issues, please post the output of Alfred Debugger.
  14. Do you remember if you installed Rosetta after or before the last time we tested the workflow?
  15. Please, try to decrypt this file using the password asdfzxcv and tell me if it works. You will be prompted to install PyCryptodome. You can accept it.
  16. Please, install this build and post the output of the !diagnostic keyword.
  17. Hey @zeitlings and @TomBenz, now I have a M2 Mac. Could you guys help me with a test?
  18. I would check your environment. My old MacBook Air 2017 i5 8GB has better performance than your MacBook Pro 2019 i7 32GB. Not normal.
  19. It's not the same. You see the items 1 sec faster indeed. What's your machine model?
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