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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. The new-ish quicklookurl feature in the JSON feedback only works with URLs. The "standard" Quick Look feature (i.e. using arg) also works with filepaths. IMO, quicklookurl should also work with filepaths. It's a very handy feature, and not having it reduces the utility of quicklookurl considerably.
  2. Run Script, Language = /usr/bin/python with input as argv Script: from __future__ import print_function import re import sys print(re.sub(r'\n+', ' ', sys.argv[1]), end='') That will replace one or more consecutive newlines with a space. Connect to whichever inputs/outputs you need.
  3. Locally-mirrored services can easily be searched with a File Filter. Online-only services are much more complicated. A proper PITA to search multiple services with reasonable performance.
  4. That's a pretty vague question, tbh. Do you have any particular services in mind?
  5. Funny. I'm not seeing this at all, and almost all of my workflows are symlinked. Alfred 3 definitely has more issues with symlinks than v2 did, however, like failing to export symlinked workflows.
  6. 99% sure Alfred 3 supports Yosemite (Mavericks, too, IIRC). Almost impossible to to say what the issue is without the workflow itself. A common issue with AppleScript is calling Alfred itself. The application name has changed, so tell application "Alfred 2" doesn't work under Alfred 3.
  7. Yeah. It looks like Andrew has removed the "Export as URL" option from Alfred 3. That was the default way in Alfred 2, which is why Packal uses it.
  8. That's the wrong type of URL. If you read the instructions on Packal, it says right below the URL field that you enter the alfred:// URL. That is to say, this one: alfred://theme/?t=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
  9. Out of interest, what shell voodoo did you use to do that? Or did you fix the server response (which seems to be incorrect)?
  10. Maybe. Hard to say, as you haven't explained what you're ultimately trying to achieve. There might be a cleaner way to do what you're trying to do.
  11. You don't. If you use Alfred's File Selection Hotkey, as Andrew described, you'll end up with the right file. Or are you not after opening the file in Navigation mode?
  12. Seems I don't use a whole lot of native apps… There's a property list located at ~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/Library/Preferences/com.microsoft.Excel.securebookmarks.plist It appears to contain the same files as Excel's Recent Files menu, but not in any particular order. It wouldn't be difficult to extract the file paths from that file and show them in a workflow.
  13. I was trying to figure out what was going on with @rounak's computer there. I'd never noticed this option before, and I must say I'm much happier with Navigation mode now I've turned it on
  14. You need to do a bit of UI scripting with Finder to achieve that. Here's an example workflow that does what you ask.
  15. You're not cleaning the server response properly. The server sends back this: "<items><item uid= \"test\" arg= \"one\"><title>em11@mail.com</title><subtitle>em11@mail.com</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items>" But you only remove the backslashes: "<items><item uid= "test" arg= "one"><title>em11@mail.com</title><subtitle>em11@mail.com</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items>" You still need to strip the surrounding double quotes and remove the spaces after uid= and arg=: <items><item uid="test" arg="one"><title>em11@mail.com</title><subtitle>em11@mail.com</subtitle><icon>icon.png</icon></item></items>
  16. As best as I can tell, Alfred's Recent Documents… only contains documents that were opened via Alfred.
  17. No. Search for Excel in Alfred, select the Excel result and use Alfred's "Actions" key (which is right arrow by default, I think) to show Alfred's File Actions. Choose the "Recent Documents…" File Action to show Excel's recent files in Alfred. You can check which key is set to open the File Actions menu in Alfred Preferences > Features > File Search > Actions.
  18. First of all, when you're having a problem, please post the broken workflow somewhere instead of pasting bits of it into the forum. Unless you're doing something very obviously wrong, it's almost impossible to diagnose an issue without being able to run the workflow. And expecting people to rebuild the workflow for themselves to help you debug is unreasonable. That said, the "obvious" error here is that your XML is invalid. There's no closing </items> element in the XML from your API. Presumably, Alfred can't parse the XML because it's invalid, so it's trying to parse it as JSON instead.
  19. Simple enough to copy this Google images search script into your workflow. No idea about the other two.
  20. Forget about messing about with calendar data directly. Use icalBuddy instead (brew install ical-buddy). The problem with data from Calendar.app is that it if you naïvely ask the app for today's events, it won't return any repeating events unless today is the first occurrence in the sequence. Instead, you have to grab every event that starts on or before today (which is horrendously slow), and then calculate the actual occurrences yourself based on the recurrence rule and excluded dates. Recurrence rules are not simple things.
  21. That JSON is actually invalid. You need to remove the trailing comma here: "subtitle": "${date}", That is to say, it should read "subtitle": "${date}"
  22. Also, the Dropbox website if you don't use Time Machine.
  23. I think just editing a workflow with Alfred 3 makes it incompatible with Alfred 2, even if you don't use any 3-only features. Just fixing a typo is enough to break compatibility.
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