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  1. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from POR7O in Call contact via iPhone (new Yosemite feature)   
    You can do it yourself right now. Preferences -> Features -> Contacts -- click on Phone and pick 'Pass to URL Scheme'. In the URL field, enter 'tel://{query}'. Now when you press enter on a contact phone number it'll open the call dialog. You _do_ have to press the Call button to initiate the call though.
  2. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from DMaher in Call contact via iPhone (new Yosemite feature)   
    You can do it yourself right now. Preferences -> Features -> Contacts -- click on Phone and pick 'Pass to URL Scheme'. In the URL field, enter 'tel://{query}'. Now when you press enter on a contact phone number it'll open the call dialog. You _do_ have to press the Call button to initiate the call though.
  3. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from vdesabou in Call contact via iPhone (new Yosemite feature)   
    You can do it yourself right now. Preferences -> Features -> Contacts -- click on Phone and pick 'Pass to URL Scheme'. In the URL field, enter 'tel://{query}'. Now when you press enter on a contact phone number it'll open the call dialog. You _do_ have to press the Call button to initiate the call though.
  4. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from Caleb Grove in Using JavaScript for Automation   
    Either wait for a new release that supports it or run it using the shell 'osascript' command.
  5. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from dfay in New AppleScript Progress Support - FYI   
    Just noticed this after installing Yosemite:
    Progress Reporting AppleScript now has built-in support for reporting progress in a script. The global AppleScript object has four new properties:
    progress total steps (an integer)
    progress completed steps (an integer)
    progress description (text)
    progress additional description (text)
    A script may set any of these properties at any time during the script to update the progress display. progress completed steps divided by progress total steps provides the fraction completed; if completed or total is -1, progress is considered indeterminate. progress description and progress additional description provide a message about what the script is doing.
    Exactly how the progress is displayed depends on how the script is run: in Script Editor, it appears in the script window’s status bar; in script applications (applets), it appears as a progress dialog; and for scripts run from Script Menu, it appears in the Script Monitor menu. (Script Monitor appeared in previous system releases, but was only used for Automator workflows; it now displays any script run using NSUserScriptTask, which includes anything run from Script Menu.)
  6. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from Carlos-Sz in New AppleScript Progress Support - FYI   
    Just noticed this after installing Yosemite:
    Progress Reporting AppleScript now has built-in support for reporting progress in a script. The global AppleScript object has four new properties:
    progress total steps (an integer)
    progress completed steps (an integer)
    progress description (text)
    progress additional description (text)
    A script may set any of these properties at any time during the script to update the progress display. progress completed steps divided by progress total steps provides the fraction completed; if completed or total is -1, progress is considered indeterminate. progress description and progress additional description provide a message about what the script is doing.
    Exactly how the progress is displayed depends on how the script is run: in Script Editor, it appears in the script window’s status bar; in script applications (applets), it appears as a progress dialog; and for scripts run from Script Menu, it appears in the Script Monitor menu. (Script Monitor appeared in previous system releases, but was only used for Automator workflows; it now displays any script run using NSUserScriptTask, which includes anything run from Script Menu.)
  7. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from thanasut in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

  8. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from ryancardoza in Microsoft Remote Desktop workflow working again   
    It's probably the version update window that Microsoft insists on showing with every new point release. Run the app normally and click the button that says, 'don't show this update window again'. The workflow should start working again after that. Unfortunately, this workflow will continue to be 'brittle' until Microsoft specifically supports scripting the app.
  9. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from gr4z in Microsoft Remote Desktop workflow working again   
    Ever since Microsoft released a new major version - 8.0 - the RDP workflow has been completely broken. Microsoft, for reasons known only to them, removed the ability to _search_ the defined servers. Since they don't provide an AppleScript dictionary for the app, the only way to script opening a specific server was to use the search function, so the workflow was broken.
    Microsoft just released 8.0.8 which finally adds the search functionality _back_ into the application. The workflow still didn't work so it needed to be tweaked to the new UI. Everything is back to working normally now for the workflow. You can find it on Packal:
    Keep in mind that even though this is working the same way it always did before, it's still fragile since it uses UI scripting since there's no exposed scripting support. That means that a new version pop-up window will stop the workflow from working and having focus on a remote desktop instead of the main application will also stop the workflow from working. Until Microsoft adds scripting support, this is the best I can do.
  10. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from Coopeh in Microsoft Remote Desktop workflow working again   
    Ever since Microsoft released a new major version - 8.0 - the RDP workflow has been completely broken. Microsoft, for reasons known only to them, removed the ability to _search_ the defined servers. Since they don't provide an AppleScript dictionary for the app, the only way to script opening a specific server was to use the search function, so the workflow was broken.
    Microsoft just released 8.0.8 which finally adds the search functionality _back_ into the application. The workflow still didn't work so it needed to be tweaked to the new UI. Everything is back to working normally now for the workflow. You can find it on Packal:
    Keep in mind that even though this is working the same way it always did before, it's still fragile since it uses UI scripting since there's no exposed scripting support. That means that a new version pop-up window will stop the workflow from working and having focus on a remote desktop instead of the main application will also stop the workflow from working. Until Microsoft adds scripting support, this is the best I can do.
  11. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from thanasut in Assigning shortcuts   
    Settings -> Advanced -> Apps Matching -> Full fuzzy match from word boundary
    Then PS will match Photoshop.
    Or, you can create a simple workflow that connects the keyword 'PS' to Photoshop and 'LR' to Lightroom.
  12. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from alexcory in Fast Chrome Bookmark Search   
    You appear to have some quoting/escaping issues. Only a very few queries work for me, most result in errors along these lines:
    Warning: SimpleXMLElement::addChild(): unterminated entity reference dept_id=458139&newsid=12176189&PAG=461&rfi=9 in /Users/ctwise/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.220C307E-D429-4527-8E5A-27216286206C/bookmarks.php on line 40
  13. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from chadv in My IP   
    Very cool. I adapted yours, added network name and support for multiple networks. Also threw in a MAC address keyword. Thanks!
  14. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from David in VMWare Fusion Controller   
    I created a workflow inspired by the Parallels controller workflow. It doesn't do screen captures since VMWare requires a username / password to do that, otherwise it's pretty similar. It's on alfpt or you can download it from here: http://tedwi.se/u/d4
    The following commands are available:
    vm list - Provides a list of VM's and their status (running or stopped). Copies path to clipboard. vm start [nogui] - List the VM's that are currently stopped so you can start them. Optionally, if you add 'nogui' it will start them without showing the VMWare window. vm stop [hard] / vm suspend [hard] / vm reset [hard] - List the VM's that are currently running so you can stop, suspend or reset them. Optionally, if you add 'hard' it will force the action. vm pause / vm unpause - Get a list of VM's that are currently running so you can pause or unpause them. A paused VM counts as running. vm snapshot <name> - Get a list of VM's that are currently running so you can create a named snapshot of a VM's current state, 'name' is not optional. vm ip - List the ip addresses of all running vms and copies the selected ip to the clipboard. The vm _must_ be running vmware tools for this to work. vm revert <name> - revert a vm to the named snapshot.   2013-02-07 - Add icons (cribbed from Jonas Erikson's VirtualBox controller)
  15. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from paulw in Funnel (a variant of the Pipe workflow)   
    Awesome! I added it to the workflow.
  16. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from paulw in Funnel (a variant of the Pipe workflow)   
    You are correct. The only way in Alfred to act on selected text is through a hotkey. Otherwise the Alfred input box becomes the text source. I'll update the workflow.
  17. Thanks
    ctwise got a reaction from Beery in Funnel (a variant of the Pipe workflow)   
    Funnel takes text and converts it to some other text by running it through a filter. The filter can be a shell script one-liner or a full script. Anything that takes standard input and outputs to standard out. At the moment, the following filters are implemented:
    - Base64 - decode - Base64 - encode - AES-256 - decrypt with passphrase 'X' - AES-256 - encrypt with passphrase 'X' - x509 - fingerprint - x509 - hash - x509 - certificate information - Change case - lowercase - Change case - uppercase - Change case - capitalize - Change case - title case - JSON - format - String - reverse - String - format US phone number - Lines - clear bullets - Lines - sorted unique lines - Lines - number lines - Lines - bulletize - Lines - top 10 unique lines - Lines - remove blanks - Lines - unique lines only - Lines - doublespace - Markdown - convert search links to normal links - Markdown - convert to HTML - URL - encode - HTML - encode - Sort IPv4 addresses  
    The Funnel workflow is a variant of the preexisting Pipe workflow (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1187-filter-clipboard-through-your-favourite-one-liners). I wasn't happy with how the workflow presented options and I didn't want the options sorted by Alfred. I also wanted to bundle some heavier processing scripts, so I created my own version of the workflow from scratch.
    The workflow can operate on text on the clipboard, on a file whose filename is on the clipboard, on selected text (using a hotkey) or on a selected file (using a hotkey). No matter where the text comes from, it is piped through the selected filter. If the text came from the clipboard or a selection, it is pasted into the active application after being processed. If the text came from a file, the file contents are replaced with the processed text.
    So, for example, if you select a block of text and trigger the workflow with a hotkey, you can choose 'Lines - bulletize' and the selected text will be replaced with bulleted lines. If you select a JSON file in Finder (or Path Finder) and trigger the file hotkey, you can choose 'JSON - format' and the file contents will be replaced with formatted JSON.
    Update: As Vitor pointed out, I forgot the link :-) https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/com.tedwise.funnel/funnel.alfredworkflow
  18. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from personalnadir in Removing The Hit List tasks from 'open' command search results   
    Never mind, looks like a CoreData thing. You'll have to make sure you're not including the folder in your search directories  - ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/CoreData/com.potionfactory.TheHitList
  19. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from dakush in Funnel (a variant of the Pipe workflow)   
    Funnel takes text and converts it to some other text by running it through a filter. The filter can be a shell script one-liner or a full script. Anything that takes standard input and outputs to standard out. At the moment, the following filters are implemented:
    - Base64 - decode - Base64 - encode - AES-256 - decrypt with passphrase 'X' - AES-256 - encrypt with passphrase 'X' - x509 - fingerprint - x509 - hash - x509 - certificate information - Change case - lowercase - Change case - uppercase - Change case - capitalize - Change case - title case - JSON - format - String - reverse - String - format US phone number - Lines - clear bullets - Lines - sorted unique lines - Lines - number lines - Lines - bulletize - Lines - top 10 unique lines - Lines - remove blanks - Lines - unique lines only - Lines - doublespace - Markdown - convert search links to normal links - Markdown - convert to HTML - URL - encode - HTML - encode - Sort IPv4 addresses  
    The Funnel workflow is a variant of the preexisting Pipe workflow (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1187-filter-clipboard-through-your-favourite-one-liners). I wasn't happy with how the workflow presented options and I didn't want the options sorted by Alfred. I also wanted to bundle some heavier processing scripts, so I created my own version of the workflow from scratch.
    The workflow can operate on text on the clipboard, on a file whose filename is on the clipboard, on selected text (using a hotkey) or on a selected file (using a hotkey). No matter where the text comes from, it is piped through the selected filter. If the text came from the clipboard or a selection, it is pasted into the active application after being processed. If the text came from a file, the file contents are replaced with the processed text.
    So, for example, if you select a block of text and trigger the workflow with a hotkey, you can choose 'Lines - bulletize' and the selected text will be replaced with bulleted lines. If you select a JSON file in Finder (or Path Finder) and trigger the file hotkey, you can choose 'JSON - format' and the file contents will be replaced with formatted JSON.
    Update: As Vitor pointed out, I forgot the link :-) https://github.com/packal/repository/raw/master/com.tedwise.funnel/funnel.alfredworkflow
  20. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from spacek33z in Would love a big new release :-)   
    Andrew has been doing a great job fixing defects and he's probably got a big new release in development. Hopefully it's not too late to bring back up old feature requests and throw in a few new ones. So here's my personal pain list.
    Interface Changes   1. Support images in clipboard history
    2. Support full Spotlight syntax in searches, e.g., tag:tagname name:xyz
    3. Assigned keystrokes, e.g., control-m for move, for command file operations in addition to command-1, command-2, etc.
    4. Display keystroke hints for multi-file select (I can never remember them)
    5. Make clipboard merging less fussy. I had to turn it off because it triggered constantly when I didn't want it to.
    6. Copy workflows
    7. Add all displayed files to the file buffer (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2296-add-all-files-to-the-buffer/)
    8. Email compressed versions of files (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1173-email-compressed/)
    9. Allow file actions to perform complex checks to make sure they're applicable to the selected file (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/779-add-additional-filtering-to-file-actions/)
      Workflow Changes   1. Support debugging and/or show errors/intermediate results 2. File path completion when workflows call for filename inputs (and yes, I'm aware I could _also_ make them file actions) (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/728-shell-command-line-completion-for-shell-commands/) 3. Throttle script filters (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/535-throttle-script-filters/) 4. Add a contact results type to workflows so a workflow can return not just generic results or filename results but also contact results (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2884-return-contacts-from-a-workflow/). So, for example, an LDAP search workflow could return contacts. 5. Allow filter stages to pass multiple results instead of having to concatenate results in query and parse them back out again. See Pipe Dream #4. 6. Provide custom right-arrow results (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/436-ability-to-right-arrow-on-results-of-script-filter/) 7. Provide initial query to all stages of the workflow (http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/412-provide-original-query/)   Pipe Dream   1. TextExpander-like workflow triggers 2. TextExpander-like snippet expansion 3. Add Keyboard Maestro functionality 4. Switch from XML to JSON both for result lists and for complex result values.   In general, I'd love to subsume the complete functionality for Keyboard Maestro and TextExpander into Alfred.  
  21. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from chadv in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

  22. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from firesofmay in SSH with smart hostname autocompletion   
  23. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from cands in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

  24. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from gnicklaus in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

  25. Like
    ctwise got a reaction from forgetfulfellow in Menu Search   
    The previously released menu search workflow has been universally panned due to the poor performance of the AppleScript that dumps menu contents. The caching of results worked very poorly as a stop-gap. So, I've re-written the menu extraction in Objective-C. It's much faster. The source is here: https://github.com/ctwise/alfred-workflows
    You can download the workflow directly from http://tedwi.se/u/db
    To recap, this workflow lets you trigger an application's menu's from Alfred. For example, if you're in iTerm and trigger Alfred, you can type 'm view' to get a list of all menu items with 'view' in the name or that belong to the 'view' menu. Selecting one of the entries triggers the corresponding menu entry in iTerm. In one sense it gives you a command-line to control your applications.
    The workflow has the beginnings of shortcut key display as well but it's currently disabled due to numerous bugs.
    v1.3 - Provide error message when assistive devices isn't checked.
    v1.2 - Skip the Safari History and Bookmarks menus. They take too long.
    v1.1 - I fixed the bug with Alfred not remembering selections and added AlleyOop support. Download from the same link.
    Requires OS/X 10.7+.
    You need to turn on OS/X assistive device support to allow this workflow to operate. You can find the checkbox in Settings. The settings page looks very different in recent versions of OS/X but the wording for providing access for assistive devices is very similar no matter what OS/X version you're using. Here's an image of the settings from the latest version of Mountain Lion.

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