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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. You might be interested in the 'kMDItemKind' metadata field. This is the field OS X uses to identify what 'genre' a certain file belongs in. If you tell the Script filter to restrict its search to items whose 'kMDItemKind' is 'Document', you should get document files. Here's a picture to make things clearer: When you click the [+] button, choose 'kMDItemKind'. Then replace the '{query}' text with 'Document'. Cheers
  2. If you make a workflow with a File Filter, you can specify what kind of files you want to search and where you want to find them. You can then, for example, use the keyword 'docs' to find document files. Cheers
  3. I agree; hotkey's the best choice. I would make the hotkey, keep the action set to 'Pass through to workflow', and connect it to the 'chrome' script filter. Here's a picture of what I mean: Now when you press ⌃⌘C Alfred will open like this: Ready for you to type You can do the same thing (with a new hotkey, of course) for any Script Filter, Keyword, or File Filter. Cheers
  4. I haven't tested this, but maybe KMDItemTextContent will search the file's contents. Set up a file filter, hook it up to an 'Open File' action. Use KMDItemTextContent in the filter's settings. See here: Don't know how to preview the match, though
  5. I updated the workflow; I looked through my code and found a bunch of junk I forgot to clean up. Anyway, try installing it again. Thank you for your patience
  6. If you didn't change the keyword in my workflow, I don't know what's wrong. Could you try reinstalling the workflow? https://raw.github.com/TylerEich/Alfred-Extras/master/Workflows/Wolfram%7CAlpha.alfredworkflow
  7. I can't replicate this behavior. Here's the theme I'm using: http://cl.ly/3t0A1H0Z1n2Q Can you replicate this behavior with other opacity levels or with the theme I'm using?
  8. Alfred does allow a customizable 'Please Wait' text, which this workflow uses; a recent behavior change in Alfred changed what he does when nothing is returned by a script. David Ferguson suggested using a 3 character minimum query length before searching. My script is set to simply return nothing if the string is not >3 characters. Before, this would continue to show the 'Loading...' text. Now it is recognized as an invalid result and triggers a fallback. I don't want to remove the character requirement because that would slow things down a lot (search would be called on the first character, take 5 secs to load, and then process what you really wanted). I could return a single, invalid result that says you must type 3 characters.....
  9. Alfred only works on OS X 10.6+; sorry v0.9 beta might work; see here: http://v1support.alfredapp.com/kb:minimum-requirements
  10. David Ferguson made a very complete tutorial on getting an AppID. Ignore the last bit where he talks about going into Alfred extensions and editing PHP; my workflow will take care of that. You may have to wait a few minutes for this to work. Once you get the AppID, type 'appid {your appid here}' (without the { or the }). When the workflow says the AppID is valid, press enter. This will save your AppID and allow you to use the Wolfram|Alpha workflow Cheers
  11. OS X can assign apps to desktops without any help. See here: Cheers
  12. I would hook up a keyword of your choice to a 'Launch Apps / Files' Action. Then I would drag the folders/drives I wanted to open into that window. Keep in mind: this only works for folders/drives! If you give it a file, it will actually open that file, not reveal it in Finder. Cheers
  13. I'm guessing here, but try attaching the 'Large Type' output to your 'Run Script' object Cheers
  14. In the modal dialog for setting up fallback results, the entries respond to a double click. They will appear editable, but on pressing ↩ to save changes, all edits are discarded. Alfred 2.0.3 (187) on OS X 10.8.3 (12D78). Replicated: yes
  15. Check your Alfred Preferences (open Alfred and hit Cmd + comma). Go to Features > Default Results > Essentials and make sure 'Contacts' is checked. Cheers
  16. You can tell Alfred 2 to remember your last typed query for 5 min (see Alfred Preferences > Advanced > History). Also, try pressing the up arrow on a blank Alfred search; this will move up through a history of the last 20 queries. Cheers
  17. Alfred 2 is stable and can replace Alfred 1. Before you delete Alfred 1, make sure you have everything you want from Alfred 1 transferred to Alfred 2; you can use the button in Alfred 2's General preferences for some settings. For extensions and hotkeys, you'll need to replace those with Workflows. Many workflows are available in the Share Your Workflows forum. If you want, you can keep both versions of Alfred installed; just make sure you use a different hotkey for each. Feel free to ask if you need more help
  18. The script won't provide valid feedback until you enter at least three characters. For the first two characters (and a few seconds after that, while the script is asking Wolfram|Alpha for answers), you will see fallback results. Could you try highlighting the Wolfram|Alpha entry, pressing tab, and then typing 'Hello World'? You also might wait a few seconds; it takes a long time for Wolfram|Alpha to respond. Let me know if you need more help
  19. Alfred v1 bugs do not belong in the v2 Bug Reports forum. I pasted the provided url (https://www.test.com/test.aspx?#test=board/1234%23filter=test) in Safari 6.0.3 and got a 404 error. Are you sure you provided the correct URL? Am I doing something wrong? Can you give more information?
  20. I use ⌘A to select all, then the delete key to clear. Or close Alfred, open him again, and start typing. Andrew's suggestion (⌘-delete) is even better No time delays, though; that could cause issues with workflows that need more than 0.5 seconds to operate.
  21. I can't make a custom search, but I can make a workflow Try this: http://cl.ly/012H0P172r3y
  22. I am referring to File Navigation. If the full name of the directory is typed, then yes, a slash enters the directory. Tab will do the same if no other matches are available. Take this screenshot as an example: Since Desktop is highlighted, typing a / should go to '~/Desktop/' instead of '~/d/' which does not exist Hope this makes more sense
  23. In file navigation, I don't like remembering when I can use ↩ to enter a directory (e.g. move operations vs. normal navigation). ⌘↓ is nice, but I usually end up removing my hands from typing position to hit that hotkey. It only takes one ⌫ to exit a directory. It would be awesome if typing a single / would enter a directory. Thanks
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