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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. I can't replicate this problem; maybe your Alfred download is corrupt? Try reinstalling Alfred 2? Not sure what's wrong with your setup
  2. I don't believe this is a bug. Finder also copies files to external disks instead of moving them Cheers
  3. It is a little hard to find . Try changing 'Advanced' > 'Files / Apps' > 'Apps Matching' to 'Full fuzzy search from word boundary'. Here's a picture for reference: Cheers
  4. Try hooking up a 'Hotkey' Trigger to a 'Open URL' Action. Set the Hotkey's 'Argument' field to 'OS X Clipboard Contents'. In the 'Open URL' Action, put {query} wherever you need the clipboard's contents. You could also set it up to use whatever is selected in OS X, without copying. Set the Hotkey's 'Argument' field to 'Selection in OS X' Cheers
  5. The PowerPack is not a download; it is a key you enter into the Alfred you know and love. I think License Activation Help - Alfred Support is what you're looking for. See if that helps Cheers
  6. Try changing the App matching algorithm: Cheers
  7. It says that the '$w->set()' method is failing. Could you add var_dump($w); after $w = new Workflows(); That will output the contents of the Workflows Class. settings.plist will save to '~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Workflow Data/{bundle.id}/settings.plist' by default. Check there.
  8. return "Here's to the crazy ones" works perfectly in AppleScript Editor. echo "Here's to the crazy ones" is a shell script. If you type or paste that into Terminal, you'll get a result
  9. Sure is You could do the same thing with /bin/bash. Just use 'echo' instead of 'return'
  10. Have you tried typing '12345' directly into Alfred and pressing ⌘⌥L ? That works for me.
  11. Try this new Large Type workflow. It has a keyword input and a hotkey trigger. Cheers
  12. Maybe this will help you: Or here's a workflow that takes the selected text in OS X and Large Types it Cheers
  13. I made the Wolfram|Alpha Workflow; could you post your issue on the Wolfram|Alpha thread? I recently updated the workflow because I found a bunch of empty code messing up the programming. Anyway, I'd be happy to explain how I did it if you like Cheers
  14. It's fixed! I no longer live in fear of Alfred dividing by zero One more idea: maybe it should behave the same way as a Trigger → Input connection (only one connection allowed), instead of just taking the lowest connection. Thanks! Alfred 2.0.4 (198) on OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
  15. Try a Google Search for 'hosting images on dropbox'. Any of the first several links should help. Cheers
  16. There are a few ways to open files with Alfred. For your examples: Type '~' and select the file you want to open. Hit ↩ or ⌘O Type 'open ' and the name of [MY-FILE] into Alfred and select it. Hit ↩ or ⌘O Type a [space] or [apostrophe] into Alfred followed by the name of [MY-FILE]. Hit ↩ or ⌘O ⌘O will generally open any file, anytime, anywhere. Cheers
  17. It would be really cool if Alfred had an option for storing images in Clipboard History. Plain text is easy to search and light on resources, but limiting if you rely on images (e.g. graphic designer). When using snippets and/or workflow clipboard objects, {clipboard} should be able to inject images stored in the Clipboard. This would obviously increase Alfred's memory usage; if implemented, it should definitely be optional. Maybe even separate settings that set limits on how big a stored image can be (just like the current implementation for text clipping size). Cheers
  18. I use CloudApp for all my screenshots. Here's how my process goes: Upload image to CloudApp Paste link into web browser; click 'Direct Link' in the upper right Copy URL of direct link Hit 'Image' button in Alfred Forum post toolbar Paste the Direct Link URL into the popup I also made a quick workflow to automate uploading and direct link copying. Cheers
  19. I'm a little confused; are you requesting that Alfred store images in his local clipboard history (I thought that was what you meant when I suggested you make the request)? Or do you want images in forum posts, like this: The original thread: Why will a snippet not insert the picture
  20. Nothing's wrong with your snippet; Alfred just doesn't store/use images from the clipboard. If you used this snippet after copying text to the clipboard, it would work perfectly. Saving images in Alfred's database would increase memory usage. Perhaps you should submit a feature request; this idea has been pretty popular, but I don't see any formal requests. Cheers
  21. It is very difficult to get a user's current location via workflow. Alfred, though, can access OS X's Location Services API. A {location} token would make retrieving this data faster, more accurate, and easier. {location:latitude} and {location:longitude} would be cool too Cheers
  22. It looks like you're missing the '{query}' parameter in the 'Open URL' object. Instead of leaving that text box blank, put '{query}' inside of it. Cheers
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