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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. This sounds like a job for the Hotkey object To add this trigger to your Pocket workflow: Select the workflow in Alfred Preferences Hit the + button in the upper right; select Triggers > Hotkey If the pulldown sheet does not appear, double click the new hotkey object to edit it Enter the hotkey combo you want to use (e.g. ⌘⌥⇧P) Set the Argument to 'Selection in OS X' Connect your new hotkey to the workflow. Note: If you want it to activate the workflow without Alfred's popup, make sure you bypass the keyword (or other Input) and connect directly to the next Action object Cheers
  2. You're very welcome! Thank you for sending me the bug report; without it, I would never have been able to fix this issue Cheers
  3. It's definitely possible. It would probably require a password prompt on the first go with an option to save that password for future use; then it could use the OS X keychain to store the password securely... I like this idea . I may rework a lot of my code anyway; it's some of the first PHP I ever wrote, and it's pretty messy Cheers
  4. Update to v1.41: More robust color parsing Bug fix for color previews with 0 opacity Minor icon updates Download
  5. Thanks! Based on that output, I think I found the problem. Could you download this workflow and see what it does? Cheers
  6. Whatever you like best! If you want to paste into the forums, do that; Sharetext is a great service for this purpose, since there's nothing private in the output. However you like to share it is fine with me Cheers
  7. I can't replicate your bug on my system, no matter how hard I try Could you download and run this workflow? It will run every module of Colors and copy the results to your Clipboard. Hopefully that will let me know what error you're getting and, by extension, how I can fix it. Cheers
  8. Right now, the best you can do is add Alfred to the 'Ignore Apps' list in Alfred's Clipboard options This feature would allow each Copy to Clipboard object to opt out of Alfred's Clipboard history individually Cheers
  9. It should 'just work', no configuration needed When you say 'no results', do you mean that you get the 'No Results' item from Colors (it will have the rainbow circle icon) or do you mean Alfred shows Fallback results (like a Google Search)? Just to check, are you using the latest version (v1.4)? Cheers
  10. Update to v1.4: Pressing ⌥ will include the alpha channel when copyingNote: this release must be downloaded manually due to reorganizations in the Github repo. Sorry for the inconvenience Download
  11. The behavior is not the same as the file buffer, but it is no longer a 'glitch' The file buffer hides the popover as soon as the mouse drags; the action panel won't hide the popover until you a) move out of the icon display area or move on top of the popover itself Alfred 2.0.7 (204) on OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)
  12. I cannot reproduce this; I'm using Alfred 2.0.6 (203) on OS X 10.8.4 (12E55). As for sandboxing: while it would be very nice if Alfred were on the Mac App Store, this simply cannot be done with Alfred's current integration into OS X. The Alfred blog explains this quite nicely in Alfred Powerpack and the Mac App Store (Or Not) and Gatekeeper: Alfred and the Future of OS X. From what I'm reading, Alfred really wants to be friends with the Mac App Store; it just can't happen with the current restrictions of sandboxing Cheers
  13. I certainly will! I relaunched Alfred and all my problems were fixed
  14. Here's a video download of the behavior. It started around 10:00pm on August 1, 2013. I have not restarted Alfred since the behavior started. If you want any further information or system reports, please let me know quickly so I can restart Alfred and maybe get him working again! Alfred does not respond to: Delete (unless you press Cmd-A first, or if the text is selected already by ); in the video, I pressed delete every time a newline was typed. Return (simply types a newline) Arrow keys; they do not move the cursor or highlight results Clicking outside Alfred to hide his window; you must use your hotkey to toggle Switching spaces does not hide Alfred; he simply stays on the screen he started at. The bug also affects FS Navigation and Clipboard History. Hotkeys work; that's about it. Console.app logs and diagnostics: 7/31/13 9:44:28.296 PM Alfred 2[6334]: [TIMER] 27.478567 seconds to initialise Alfred 7/31/13 9:47:00.159 PM Alfred 2[6334]: Couldn't contact spell checker for U.S. English 8/1/13 10:07:39.319 PM Alfred 2[6334]: [IMKInputSession activate] exception caught. IMKInputSession: <IMKInputSession: 0x1021228e0> -- NSInvalidSendPortException : [NSMachPort sendBeforeDate:] destination port invalid 8/1/13 9:35:56.021 PM UserEventAgent[6258]: com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 2 com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 ||| 2.0.6 (203) com.apple.message.value: 65 com.apple.message.value2: 0 com.apple.message.value3: 0 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 0 com.apple.message.value6: 0 com.apple.message.value7: 0 com.apple.message.result: NO com.apple.message.summarize: YES 8/1/13 10:26:00.789 PM UserEventAgent[6258]: com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred Preferences com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences ||| 2.0 (1) com.apple.message.value: 1039 com.apple.message.value2: 8 com.apple.message.value3: 1 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 2 com.apple.message.value6: 1 com.apple.message.value7: 308 com.apple.message.result: YES com.apple.message.summarize: YES 8/1/13 10:26:00.791 PM UserEventAgent[6258]: com.apple.message.domain: com.apple.usage.app_activetime com.apple.message.signature: Alfred 2 com.apple.message.signature2: com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 ||| 2.0.6 (203) com.apple.message.value: 3007 com.apple.message.value2: 0 com.apple.message.value3: 0 com.apple.message.value4: 0 com.apple.message.value5: 0 com.apple.message.value6: 0 com.apple.message.value7: 0 com.apple.message.result: NO com.apple.message.summarize: YES There are more Diagnostics messages further back, if you need them; these are the ones closest to the time of glitch. Alfred 2.0.6 on OS X 10.8.4. Replicated: Yes within Alfred's current state, No when starting from a restart
  15. Update v1.21 (Jul 31, 2013): Fixed an error that prevented named color lookups Download Note: Some users may already have v1.3. That release was experimental and may not be stable; at the very least, it does not have the latest bug fix. Users of v1.3 will have to download this release manually.
  16. Is there any chance Alleyoop could support Semantic Versioning (the same system Alfred uses, e.g. '2.0.6')? It's a really small thing, but it would be a nice feature Cheers
  17. As I understand it: if you want your arg to contain multiple lines, you need to use the <arg></arg> format; XML attributes (e.g. arg="") cannot contain newlines Cheers
  18. I ran several tests with this workflow; here are my results: Cursor 'Left' with prefix [space]: [space] is prefixed to selection; on re-editing the hotkey, no [space] is found in 'Prefix' area Cursor 'Right' with prefix [space]: no [space] is prefixed to selection; raw selection returned; on re-editing hotkey, no [space] is found in 'Prefix' area Cursor 'Left' with prefix 'a': [space] and 'a' are prefixed to selection Cursor 'Right' with prefix 'a': 'a' is prefixed to selection; functions normally It seems that setting the Cursor to 'Left' automatically prefixes a space; this should be optional. Setting any 'Prefix' to [space] or [spaces] is ignored unless accompanied by other characters. This is probably by design, but no notice of this behavior is given; perhaps a syntax checker (similar to the one used by Alfred's URL textboxes) would be more intuitive? Alfred 2.0.6 (203) on OS X 10.8.4 (12E55). Replicated: yes
  19. It would be awesome if Alfred could keep an eye on system goings-on and launch workflows based on these events. Example triggers: Wake from sleep Wifi/Bluetooth state change Disk space changes CPU goes over set threshold (e.g. 90% for 10 sec or longer) Battery goes below set percentage Time & date triggers (e.g. 4:00pm, every 2 hours, or on the 3rd Saturday of the current month) These events are similar to the ones used by Launch Daemons. These kind of triggers would allow Alfred to automatically accomplish tasks based on my criteria; right now I have to call Alfred manually before he can help me. Cheers
  20. Oops! I updated my original response; see if that new code works for you Cheers
  21. It looks like you forgot to make q a file object; when you get the selection from Finder, it returns a file object automatically. Maybe try changing this: try duplicate q to "Macmini:Desktop:" with replacing to this: try duplicate ((POSIX file q) as alias) to ("Macmini:Desktop:" as alias) with replacing I got this answer from Stack Overflow Make sure you run this in the 'Run NSAppleScript' object; '/usr/bin/osascript' will not perform as expected. Cheers
  22. Have you tried changing the File Search options? Here's a screenshot of the settings I'm talking about: If you tell it to include (i.e. uncheck) 'Source files' and 'Plist files', it should give you what you want. Cheers
  23. It might be better to just add a few custom searches. Find them in Alfred Preferences > Features > Web Search > Search For this example you would add two custom searches (each bullet represents one custom search): Keyword: 'stg uk', URL: 'http://uk-stg.com' Title: 'STG (United Kingdom)' Keyword: 'stg us', URL: 'http://us-stg.com' Title: 'STG (United States)' With this approach, you could completely avoid scripting (which would involve setting up error handlers, output values, etc.) and let Alfred parse your queries for you . It would be faster, too If you want to send text from one workflow object to another, set your script to echo the desired text. Then use '{query}' in the next item to catch that text. Cheers
  24. +1 Even if Alfred just 'minimized', that would be great.
  25. +1 I would like to add that there should be a way to drag either a single item or all items. Yes, a single item can be 'pulled out' of the main results, but what if you want to use Alfred's buffer as a catchall for files you know you will soon need? Wider support for drag and drop would be lovely Cheers
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