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Everything posted by Florian

  1. A little like this? http://www.packal.org/workflow/versions
  2. Very cool concept. The outputs feel a little messy, to me units is still superior (even though i'd really like it to be faster). I really like the multiple ways to input (0 to 9, =, .) but then it lacks full blown calculator function (ln, tan, e, cos... then don't seem to work, and they can't be the first thing in because they don't start a query). Also the precision is weird 4^.5 outputs 2.0000000000000000000000000000
  3. Hey Cory, I really like your workflow — with the time i spend developing workflows! ;-) Though, the Workflows Directory section isn't very useful for me because it doesn't use any human readable name... The information is right in there though: the info.plist has the bundleid string almost right at the top. And also, there is a third category of directories for volatile data: ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow Data/<bundle id> Any chance you'd consider adding these?
  4. If you have alfred open while the frontmost app (behind alfred) is closing (movie ends and player quits, app is long to quit and you're already on something else...) then alfred will close its window too. I think this shouldn't be the desired behavior. Any chance Alfred could remain open when the app behind it closes?
  5. Hey Andrew and Vero and everyone else, There is this thing I don't really know anything about: foreground priority taking. I mean Alfred is always in front of regular apps, but also always behind anything that tries to "always float on top". So I don't know how that works exactly but what I do know it's that alfred is very quick to pop in and out, and performs punctual actions, and I believe it should take priority over a "always on top" itunes mini player, a "stay on top" mpv or "float on top" vlc. Could there be a way for alfred to take priority over itunes, vlc, mpv... and always be the frontmost app when popping in? Cheers, Florian.
  6. No there isn't. But that makes me think that it'd be cool if ⌘+L on an item of the integrated "define" workflow displayed the whole definition, and not just "define query".
  7. Is it is helpful in any way, applescript also has a "say" command
  8. It's actually not <copy></copy> but <text type="copy"></text>. I got confused. For more info: https://github.com/shawnrice/alfred-documentation/wiki/Alfred-XML As for the autocomplete, it was just an idea. I like how it behaves on sublime text. But the ability to paste the full syntax and not just the function's name would definitely be good. On the other hand, I do think it would be very doable to have the autocomplete feature in sublime text. Their snippet scheme is very straightforward (http://docs.sublimetext.info/en/latest/extensibility/snippets.html) and all language docs have easily identifiable syntax fields and they share some syntax themselves: return_type function_name ( required_var [, non_required_var = default_value] ). What do you think?
  9. Any update on the possibility to copy a result with cmd+C? I know it's a simple field in alfred's results <copy>text to be copied on cmd+C</copy> And what about pasting with syntax? Most, if not all, documentation pages have a very clear "syntax" section for each construct. And even beyond all that, what about pasting a "dynamic" syntax in sublime text? Like after pasting, pressing tab iterates through the fields to modify. This workflow is definitely the one i use the most and I'd love to see some evolution ;-)
  10. The most radical solution works. I haven't tested the other yet. So why is this, out of curiosity?
  11. Hello everyone, here's a new riddle for you: Why would a command like the one below work perfectly in a Run Script Action but not so well in a Script Filter Input? /usr/bin/terminal-notifier -title "Hello" -message "This is a message" -sender com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 & What happens exactly is that in the case of the script filter the notification only appears in the notification center but never shows up on the top right corner. It behaves normally in the case of the run script action. PS: my goal here is to notify the user that some data is loading and that they shouldn't worry (since it can take up to about 10 seconds sometimes). PPS: it does work when not sent as Alfred (remove `-sender com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2`) but that's not what I want...
  12. So I made a new theme for alfred to try and match the look of yosemite with the proper colors and opacity and blur and i stumbled upon a weird glitch: there is a horizontal line in the middle of the first result when selected (only if it's a result, not a "please wait" thing). I can only reproduce this with a precise theme: alfred://theme/searchForegroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,1.00)&resultSubtextFontSize=1&searchSelectionForegroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&separatorColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.00)&resultSelectedBackgroundColor=rgba(66,120,245,1.00)&shortcutColor=rgba(0,105,217,1.00)&scrollbarColor=rgba(170,170,170,1.00)&imageStyle=3&resultSubtextFont=Helvetica%20Neue&background=rgba(255,255,255,0.77)&shortcutFontSize=1&searchFontSize=3&resultSubtextColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.50)&searchBackgroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.00)&name=OS%20X%20Yosemite%20%28Light%20%26%20Blue%29&resultTextFontSize=2&resultSelectedSubtextColor=rgba(212,212,212,1.00)&shortcutSelectedColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&widthSize=4&border=rgba(194,77,89,0.00)&resultTextFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light&resultTextColor=rgba(53,53,53,1.00)&cornerRoundness=3&searchFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light&searchPaddingSize=4&credits=Florian%20Pellet&searchSelectionBackgroundColor=rgba(66,120,245,1.00)&resultSelectedTextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&resultPaddingSize=2&shortcutFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light
  13. Yay it does solve it! Thanks. Well found. Keep me posted when the root issue is fixed though
  14. Hey Andrew, hey everyone, I'm seeing this weird issue. I don't know if it was there before I switched to Yosemite (I only started to use hotkeys very recently): When I call up a workflow from a hotkey, I see the subtitle for mod key ⌘ first instead of the normal one. This reverts to normal as soon as I do anything (move the mouse, type a key, try to take a screenshot...). The hotkeys I have tried are Double ⌥, ctrl+T, ctrl+S, ⌘+T, so it's not even necessarily with ⌘ that the problem gets triggered, but it's always the ⌘ subtitle that I see. I replicate this effect on both my todo workflow (http://www.packal.org/workflow/todo) which doesn't have a ⌘ mod set, so I see the "Search for '(null)' with default fallback" subtitle and my TV show manager workflow (http://www.packal.org/workflow/tv-shows-manager) that does have a ⌘ mod set, so I see the ⌘ subtitle. This does not happen exactly 100% of the time. But almost. I use latest OSX and latest Alfred on a MacBook Pro 13-inch, Early 2011.
  15. Your colors are a bit off. If you want to get the real Yosemite colors, just go into the "Developer" tab, in the color tool. There you can get the correct blue and grey. Here's what my version of yosemite theme is like: alfred://theme/searchForegroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,1.00)&resultSubtextFontSize=1&searchSelectionForegroundColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&separatorColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.00)&resultSelectedBackgroundColor=rgba(66,120,245,1.00)&shortcutColor=rgba(0,105,217,1.00)&scrollbarColor=rgba(170,170,170,1.00)&imageStyle=3&resultSubtextFont=Helvetica%20Neue&background=rgba(255,255,255,0.77)&shortcutFontSize=1&searchFontSize=3&resultSubtextColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.50)&searchBackgroundColor=rgba(0,0,0,0.00)&name=OS%20X%20Yosemite%20%28Light%20%26%20Blue%29&resultTextFontSize=2&resultSelectedSubtextColor=rgba(212,212,212,1.00)&shortcutSelectedColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&widthSize=4&border=rgba(194,77,89,0.00)&resultTextFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light&resultTextColor=rgba(53,53,53,1.00)&cornerRoundness=3&searchFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light&searchPaddingSize=4&credits=Florian%20Pellet&searchSelectionBackgroundColor=rgba(66,120,245,1.00)&resultSelectedTextColor=rgba(255,255,255,1.00)&resultPaddingSize=2&shortcutFont=Helvetica%20Neue%20Light
  16. No this double period is just this forum compacting the url like it does for any somewhat long url : http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/5001-tv-shows-manager-beta-testers-needed/#entry31083
  17. All the logic of this workflow happens in a node server and is triggered through curl requests from small bash scripts in alfred. So theoretically yes it'd be doable to have it all on an external machine. The torrent is then streamed to a local URL, again this is networkable. But I will not do it. I've had the same request multiple times for my Transmission workflow. I just have no use for it and there are other things that could be improved on it first. But like I said, it is very doable, and I believe my code is commented enough and modular enough for anyone motivated to get into it. I'll happily accept any pull request.
  18. This issue usually arises when the connection is slow. Is this the case for you? It was also reported by another user so I'm trying to fix this. In the mean time, could you try and find the following file and send it to me please? ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2/Workflow\ Data/florian.shows/node-out.txt This file is re-created at each execution of the workflow, so it'll be very useful for me if you send me one just after having your bug occur. And thanks a lot for the help
  19. you can find more details on the wiki documentation: https://github.com/shawnrice/alfred-documentation/wiki/Best-Practices-for-Workflows
  20. wayneashleyberry, so that I can help you, I have a few questions: Does that happen all the time or is it just sometimes? When you say nothing happens, do you mean VLC keeps loading forever? VLC opens in the dock but no window ever appears? or nothing visible at all? Could you open the Activity Monitor (it's an app, you can open it with alfred), and look for "peerflix" with the search bar after having tried to start streaming and nothing happened and tell me if there is any process of that name?
  21. Thanks for all that info! I don't really have a problem to solve It just feels like it'd be cleaner than setting a timeout after which the script kills itself.
  22. I am using a server/client architecture. Usually nodejs or php. How would you go about having alfred send a signal to my process upon closing its window? And upon switching to another keyword (over which i might not have any control)?
  23. Hey beautiful people, Is there an easy way to get alfred's results without alfred popping up? I'm imagining some sort of osascript "tell application alfred to set xml_result to result of 'query'".
  24. Hey Andrew and everyone else :-) When workflows get complex, they often have some sort of post-processing involved to clean up, prepare for next launch, kill the last scripts... This gets very useful when you have multi threaded workflows. So of course, this isn't for everyone But here it is: I think it would be useful to have a "workflow lost focus" action, where it would be possible to run a script after the workflow has gone, either because the user closed alfred / alfred lost focus (for example with the escape key), because the current query doesn't match anything from this workflow anymore, because the user activated an item and alfred disappeared (well for this one, we can just actually run a script) There is currently no way of knowing when a workflow loses focus, and we end up having to rely on timeouts, which might end up starting a process heavy / network heavy task right when the user needs it for the workflow. Am I making myself clear? Has anyone found anything better than timeouts? Cheers 8-)
  25. Big update on here guys, no need for you to install anything but NodeJS and VLC (which you probably already have anyway). It just works out of the box now. It's more stable, I've eliminated tons of bugs. I still need your feedback to finish it up but it's looking great ;-) Thanks to all those who helped.
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