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Everything posted by Florian

  1. So it never runs 2 threads at once? Then it sounds impossible to accomplish this functionality (only run the "real" one when the user has stopped typing). But I remember debugging a script filter once and seeing multiple instances of it running at once... I don't really need to force one to run. But if there are several running at the same time, it's easy to determine which is the most recent and abort all the other ones, thus making the whole thing smoother and faster. I don't really think it makes sense to wait for a script to return if there is already another query typed in, no?
  2. Not really... All I can do is setup a minimum length for the query. Do you know what makes a new instance of a script fire? Waits for the last active one to finish? Triggers at every change in the query? Or what else?
  3. Hey guys, I just ran into this problem myself... I thought of writing down the microtime() into a plist or a text file at the beginning of the execution, wait for a bit, and check if the number written down has changed. If yes, then I don't do anything because there is a more recent instance of the program running, if not, then I actually do run it. But it's not working. Any new ideas in there?
  4. Hey Jefferson, I like this workflow and I'd love to see a few extra features in it so please allow me: - list only the "not offline" when not queried, but search through all contacts when there is a query (and maybe output the "not offline" on top or let alfred organize or maybe set a different keyword for "only not offline") because adium does offer the possibility to talk to offline contacts ! - quick reply to some people: sometimes I'm watching a movie and someone talk to me, and all it would take to satisfy that person would be a "ok" or "lol" or "thanks" or "just a minute"... and I'd really like being able to do that right from alfred without even pausing my movie (yes it is a lame enough movie to open alfred, but not to pause and switch space). The way I picture it would be keyword "reply" displays a list of all opened chats to chose from and all the query is sent as message to the person selected when you press enter. hope you feel like implementing cheers
  5. Hey guys, I've been trying to make a simple workflow that would automatically give the focus to another textfield so that the UX would look like that: I type my ⌘+space (alfred shortcut), then I type the keyword for my workflow, say "menu search", then space (or autocomplete to get the extra space after the keyword), and then when I start typing my query, I'm already in the appropriate textfield (shortcat, help search menu, spotlight...) and not in alfred anymore. I think that theoretically, the workflow would be pretty simple. Just this should work (I get my shortcat from space+ctrl): tell application "System Events" keystroke space using control down end tell If you had this osascript in a script filter with space required and argument optional, what I'm describing should work. But it doesn't. any idea? If it's blocked by andrew, why? here is a link to my "test" workflow: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/14050630/test.alfredworkflow
  6. My evernote workflow is really not good it was at the time I made it but now there is one so much better. Look for it in the forum. The author is Carlos Sz.
  7. Alfred does do that by itself. That's why I wanted the list to appear without arguments
  8. Hey team, I just noticed that if you type "email xxx@gmail.com" when set to using gmail instead of mail.app, it'll show the icon of mail.app. This is definitely the first time i entered this command though totally reproducible, on the last version of alfred, with latest OSX Mountain Lion.
  9. That's cool. But it'd be cooler to display them all when the query is empty so that 1.we can learn what exists, 2.the ones we use the most end up showing up up top without typing a query.
  10. And one more thing, it turns out that the display of "Nothing Found" is really annoying because in that case I want nothing to be returned to alfred so that I can run my google default search simply by pressing enter.
  11. This is beautiful. Both the app and the workflow. I find myself constantly working away from any internet and this is awesome. 1. It would be very useful to be able to restrict the search to a specific language. For example when I search "floor" that exists in pretty much every language, I'd like to have "dash php floor" restrict the search of "floor" to "php". 2. And in the same vein, but further again, it'd be really cool - and yes it's quite the bit of work - to have keywords for each API for restricted searches (example: "js" instead of "dash js", "php" instead of "dash php"). 3. Also, is it possible - and if not can you make it so? - to search dash for other things than the actual functions? For example, if I forgot "strlen" in php, I might type "dash php string length" and find "strlen". That would really be great. Keep up the good work. Already bought the app Edit: oh well, request 1 and 2 are already taken care of in the alternate workflow posted in this thread
  12. Hey guys, I'm back. First of all with a new update to the piratebay workflow. It'll now keep working even when they change their hosting, even if your country blocks piratebay, and still has the same functionalities as before. I'm now using an external API from APIfy. Because it's new to me, I still don't know what can go wrong with it. It works like a charm with me but tell me if you encounter anything I've also added a TasteKid workflow for those of you who might be interested. Cheers, F.
  13. Hey guys, TasteKid workflow, work in progress here is a workflow that allows you to use TasteKid, a cool recommandation engine that will let you discover new music, books, shows... I tried to replicate the website's experience but not everything is doable (yet - work in progress). As usual, please, feel free to make it more awesome, I might be lazy for some functionalities. But I'll take ideas and critics Please use your own API key It works with an API key that can be asked for on the website: http://www.tastekid.com/ask/page/api_request. You'll get them instantly. Then the key limits you to 150 uses a day (so yeah I should cache more stuff). The location of the key in the code is in the two first lines, so just get in the workflow and it'll be easy. New functionnalities Press tab on a recommandation to add it to the list in the search Press enter on a recommandation to get details (wikipedia page, youtube trailer, tastekid page) Restrain recommandations to a specific media by selecting one when the query is still empty Download: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/14050630/TasteKid.alfredworkflow
  14. Hey guys, quick question as I haven't done any alfred workflowing in a while: Is there any way to autocomplete something different if a modifier key is pressed in a more elegant manner than exiting on an applescript that will trigger a new alfred window with a different query?
  15. No one has fixed this workflow yet?
  16. I'm just coming back to a world with computers after months away. So I discover shortcat right away, and of course I google "alfred shortcat" Here's the question : is this the latest / best workflow so far for this ?
  17. Any chance you'd consider implementing an option for downloading only the audio ? I believe they have that option on the original project.
  18. i just meant a keyword to trigger a sync. But if you wanna go crazy, I won't stop you, i like the enthusiasm
  19. Your workflow is awesome Could you add a "sync" function?
  20. check out my rss workflow (florianpellet.com/alfred)
  21. Really cool. Any chance you could add a little subtitle or something to indicate the current one?
  22. Do you have a link for the source code? I know Objective-C. If I have time I might try and work on that.
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