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"Todo" - a todo list workflow, with Remember The Milk (beta) support

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Posted (edited)



Here is Todo. My version of a todo list management workflow using Alfred. This allows you to add quick entries to a list of todo items, view them, delete one or all of them, and highlights items that have been pending too long  :)


Detailed documentation is available at GitHub.


Getting Started


  • todo this is the main keyword, and lets you get started
    • todo <new task> will add a new task
    • todo will display the list of tasks
    • todo # will display the list of tags
  • add <new task> will add a new task
  • done will show you all items that have been marked as done
  • clear to remove items

Adding todo items

  • Typing add a new task will create a new task titled 'a new task'. This will be tagged #default
  • Typing todo #work sign off document will create a task titled 'sign off document' and tagged #work
  • Typing add !! this is sticky will create a pinned item titled 'this is sticky', tagged #default

When adding items, add and todo keywords are interchangeable, although the key difference is add allows you to add items with the title twice; todo provides a more informative feedback on screen




If you wish to load todo items in bulk, use the import keyword, described later below under Advanced Options


Hotkey Support:

  • If you set a hotkey (Alfred removes configured hotkeys when you install a workflow) by opening up the workflow, then you can use the hotkey to import the selected item in Mac OS. e.g. select some text, press the hotkey, and the selected text will be parsed and added as a todo item ---- Select this entire line of text and trigger the hotkey to create a pinned item, tagged !! #forum


Command modifiers:

  • Pressing fn key when selecting an item will enable edit mode for that item - this works for both todo items and tags
    • In edit mode, use the same syntax that you use to create a new todo - e.g. #newtag new todo text. Todo will identify which portion you need to change and update them accordingly
  • Pressing Shift will allow you to mark an item as done. You can view all done items with the done keyword
  • Pressing Cmd will help you delete either a todo item, and all items that match a specific tag
  • Pressing Alt will help you list out all items that match the currently selected items tag
  • Pressing Ctrl will help you pin/unpin a todo item. Pinned items will always be displayed first (they can be deleted as usual)
  • If you press the Tab key against a todo item, you will be shown all todo items with the matching tag
  • Pressing Enter will copy the text content of a todo item to the clipboard




Download the workflow from here and give it a try. This theme works well with the workflow.





Detailed documentation is available at GitHub.




Default todo setup with a few items:



What's new?


26 April 2013 - v2.2

Edited by Benzi

Nice idea, I think it would be useful to steal an idea from the "Thoughts" workflow which copies the text of an entry when selected, gives feedback notifications, etc... but nice, thanks for sharing.


This is great.


One feature which I'd love is to be able to specify the location of the todo list database file. That way I can put it in my Dropbox and sync it between work and home. (I've done this myself with a few of my workflows if you want to see how an implementation can work in practice. In particular, see DeskDrawer, TimeZones and Time & Date Strings)


Nice idea, I think it would be useful to steal an idea from the "Thoughts" workflow which copies the text of an entry when selected, gives feedback notifications, etc... but nice, thanks for sharing.



This is great.


One feature which I'd love is to be able to specify the location of the todo list database file. That way I can put it in my Dropbox and sync it between work and home. (I've done this myself with a few of my workflows if you want to see how an implementation can work in practice. In particular, see DeskDrawer, TimeZones and Time & Date Strings)



Great suggestions, I'll definitely look into these and see what I can do. Just updated to v0.2, and the support for adding tagged to do items.

Posted (edited)

And now we have v0.5  :)  With improved features, new configuration options, and better tested from the last version.


Download now and start creating awesome todo lists!


Read all about it in detail here.


PS: Feedback welcome, please let me know if you have any suggestions

Edited by Benzi

Some small improvements for v0.6


  • Added a utility keyword tags which will take you directly to the tags list view
  • Added the Alt modifier, that helps you search for items matching a specific tag (works either in tag list view, or todo item list view)

Download the latest version here. (All download links point to the latest version)


Awesome progress Benzi. So many new features so quickly.


Just one tiny thing: I set the storage location on my Home computer. No probs. Then I go to set the storage location on my Work computer and choose the same folder in my Dropbox, and I get a notification saying todo.yaml already exists. Okay, so not a big deal, I just need to move that file out while I select the folder and then put it back in, overwriting the new one and I've got sync. Might be a good idea to prompt the user to keep the exising file (or merge them?) in this scenario, just to avoid that slightly confusing extra step for non-power users. (Then again, only power users are probably going to be using something like this in the first place, so maybe it doesn't matter.)


Thanks again though, I'll find this very useful.


Awesome progress Benzi. So many new features so quickly.


Just one tiny thing: I set the storage location on my Home computer. No probs. Then I go to set the storage location on my Work computer and choose the same folder in my Dropbox, and I get a notification saying todo.yaml already exists. Okay, so not a big deal, I just need to move that file out while I select the folder and then put it back in, overwriting the new one and I've got sync. Might be a good idea to prompt the user to keep the exising file (or merge them?) in this scenario, just to avoid that slightly confusing extra step for non-power users. (Then again, only power users are probably going to be using something like this in the first place, so maybe it doesn't matter.)


Thanks again though, I'll find this very useful.



Thanks a lot  :) You do make a valid point there, I'll look into it and see if I can come up with something. (I was busy abusing Alfred's script filter to make it do what I want last couple of days)


Nice workflow.


However, when I type then run setup nothing happens.


Just start typing after entering setup, it will search for the folder you're typing. 

Posted (edited)

This is an awesome workflow! 


And I have a bunch of ideas ;)


In increasing complexity ^^:

- Allow multiple tags.

- Copy all tasks that are currently displayed to clipboard. This would make it easy e.g. to aggregate tasks throughout the day and print them or email them as batch to so. 

- Add deadlines to tasks (maybe add a cronjob to periodically check for due items, use ! as keyword (!tomorrow !23.12.2014, ...))

- Add importance to tasks (maybe with stars? from * to *****, the good thing is that entering 5 stars takes a while, so one is not tempted to over use it ;), on the other hand this can be done by tags... so maybe not so necessary)

- Allow people to share lists. (This could be done by creating tags whose content is saved to an extra file, which could be put on a dropbox share or mapped network drive.)

- Sync with some todo app (maybe reminders, or toodledo, etc.), because my todo list needs to be portable, e.g. run on my android phone (I'm using wunderlist right now, but since version 2.0 hacking the db file is not easy anymore and there's no api up until now, so I can't suggest that at the time being =( )

Edited by xtin

This is an awesome workflow! 


And I have a bunch of ideas ;)


In increasing complexity ^^:

- Allow multiple tags.

- Copy all tasks that are currently displayed to clipboard. This would make it easy e.g. to aggregate tasks throughout the day and print them or email them as batch to so. 

- Add deadlines to tasks (maybe add a cronjob to periodically check for due items, use ! as keyword (!tomorrow !23.12.2014, ...))

- Add importance to tasks (maybe with stars? from * to *****, the good thing is that entering 5 stars takes a while, so one is not tempted to over use it ;), on the other hand this can be done by tags... so maybe not so necessary)

- Allow people to share lists. (This could be done by creating tags whose content is saved to an extra file, which could be put on a dropbox share or mapped network drive.)

- Sync with some todo app (maybe reminders, or toodledo, etc.), because my todo list needs to be portable, e.g. run on my android phone (I'm using wunderlist right now, but since version 2.0 hacking the db file is not easy anymore and there's no api up until now, so I can't suggest that at the time being =( )


Great ideas!

Don't know how much of it can be achieved but I'll add them to my todo list  ;)

Posted (edited)

Hi All

Version 0.7 has the following features  :)

  • Add ability to pin / unpin items using the Ctrl key modifier
  • QuickCreate feature for items added without specifying a tag and using the Todo keyword - prevents Alfred from flashing on and off when adding an item
  • Export todo items to clipboard (plain text) using the export keyword

Download the latest version.


All download links point to the latest version.

Edited by Benzi
27 Mar 2013 - v0.8
  • [+] Import todo items from a plain text file
  • [+] Pinning support added to todo free-entry. If you include a !! (double exclamation) anywhere in your todo description, a pinned item will be created
  • [+] Pressing Tab on a todo item will quickly take you to tag view of the item's tag
  • [~] Somewhat better Unicode character support
  • [~] Sneaky bug fix (hack) for issue when saving items with just 2 letters

Download the latest version.


Note: All download links point to the latest version.


Hi all, a couple more updates  :)

28 Mar 2013 - v0.9

  • [+] Mark items as 'done' using the Shift key - and use the done keyword to see all such items
  • [+] Now you can clear your todo list, done items or everything separately
  • [+] Import items from your clipboard using import keyword
  • [+] Import selection as todo item via a hotkey
  • [~] Setup command now informs you if you are trying to set the same todo db folder twice 
  • [~] Minor performance improvements when adding and importing items
  • [~] Better handling of file contents when importing data

Changed the icons to be much simpler and clean. Helps focus on the todo list, and gets rid of the previous visual clutter.


Hope you all like the new look  :)


29 Mar 2013 - v0.9.1

  • UI icons refresh. Focus more on the todo list, make it look cleaner and simpler.
Posted (edited)

Another little feature added and finally we have version 1.0  :)



31 Mar 2013 - v1.0

  • [+] Editing items now possible - use the fn key modifier, select an item or tag to change its details. For items you can set a new tag and change the text, for tags you can update the tag name. Works in tag view, todo and done lists.


Download the latest version and give it a go.

Edited by Benzi

31 Mar 2013


Some features for power users:

  • [+] new features keyword which help switching on or off advanced features of Todo.
  • [+] new Smart Content filters allow Todo to identify certain todo items like web urls, file and folder names, or applications. Pressing enter on Smart Content enabled item will open that item instead of copying its text to the clipboard



Currently, there are three settings. Quick Create allows you to create new Todo items (when typing it in using the todo keyword) slightly faster. It prevents Alfred from disappearing and appearing when an item is added.


Smart Content - if you would like to add folders, URLs, to Todo, try adding them after Smart Content mode is switched on. It allows the following transformation:

Smart content mode disabled


Smart content mode enabled


Smart Content - Page Titles, when enabled, will pre-fetch the web page title so that you get a better idea what a link will take you to, as in the example above.


This allows you to do multiple things, you can now group your favourite links, folders or files by a tag name. Smart Content works best when you have a hot key enabled to add a new Todo item.


Remember, smart content items are just simple todo items, so you can pin, tag, delete, mark as done etc as normal. Smart content only kicks in for all new items added, so existing items will remain untouched.


Download the latest version here.


You wanna add in support for the Alleyoop auto-updater? (Makes sense since you seem to have a superfast release cycle! :) )


Ha ha... my superfast release cycle days are numbered  :)


Alleyoop support will be nice, I was thinking about it too. Will get it done shortly. Planning to get all this up in GitHub soon too.


You wanna add in support for the Alleyoop auto-updater? (Makes sense since you seem to have a superfast release cycle! :) )



Alleyoop it is!  :)
3 April 2013 - v1.2
  • [+] Added Alleyoop support
  • [+] Added File Action to add files/folders to Todo (works best with Smart Content enabled using the features keyword)
  • [+] Tag view mode now supports search and filtering, so you can search by tag names
  • [=] Slightly improved performance during file import
  • [=] Miscellaneous bug fixes

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