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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Could you please check your macOS Notification Centre to make sure you're allowing notifications from Alfred?
  2. @outofgamut If I understand correctly your objective, you want to type a snippet and have a random signature from a pre-defined selection pasted? Here's a workflow I created to help another user, which you might enjoy using. It doesn't require any scripting, and can all be done within Alfred's Workflow Editor. In the yellow object, set your snippet keyword, which will be typed along with any prefix/suffix you've globally set for snippet triggers. You can set this prefix to the same as your usual one. So long as the keywords don't conflict, you can use the same prefix. In the second object in blue, add your signatures. There are more details on configuration in the About This Workflow once you import it, but I think you'll work it out very quickly https://www.dropbox.com/s/kg8wqem8rgn5z54/Random Signature.alfredworkflow?dl=0 If I've missed any particular feature you're looking for, let me know and we'll help you further
  3. @timurray2000 Thanks for the video, as I can see that the behaviour issues you're seeing appear to be specific to Spotlight, correct? To see why Spotlight is using non-standard behaviour, follow these steps: Type just the & character, then wait a moment for Spotlight to show you a search result Press backspace once Can you see that you're not deleting the character you've just typed, but rather the additional subtext/result Spotlight has added to the field? When the typed text is manipulated like this, it's outside of Alfred's control. Could I suggest using an Alfred File Filter workflow to search for folders (and any other file types) instead of using Spotlight? Here's the Simple Folder Search workflow as a starting point.
  4. @rob213 To my knowledge, what you're seeing isn't a built-in macOS feature, so it's likely a third-party app you've installed that overrides normal Finder behaviour. If you must use that tool, uncheck everything except Alfred 4.
  5. @rob213 Make sure that Alfred 4 is quit, then drag the app from your Applications folder in Finder to Trash. Don't delete application support folders or use an app cleaner, as this data is still needed and used by Alfred 5.
  6. @MarkieSee By default, Alfred himself is excluded from the auto-expansion because you might want to type "snip" or the question mark followed by the shortcut of your snippet without it accidentally auto-expanding. Having said that, if you would prefer for snippets to expand in Alfred's search box, open the prefs to Features > Snippets > Auto-Expansion Options > Options and remove Alfred from the list of "Don't expand" apps.
  7. @timurray2000 Could you please provide a screen capture (you can use QuickTime to record it) so that I can see the behaviour more specifically?
  8. @rob213 Are you using Alfred 5.1? You'll find it here:
  9. @solak The download link is working fine as far as I can see, and has been since the 5.1 release. It's possible that your connection is restricting access to the Cachefly CDN or that you've hit a node that is temporarily not working properly. Here's an alternative download from Dropbox to get you up and running https://www.dropbox.com/s/um2o4dynkci7kds/Alfred_5.1_2134.dmg?dl=0 Cheers, Vero
  10. Good news, glad you're sorted. Sounds like macOS permissions had become corrupted on your Mac. That is normal; macOS will request Automation permissions as and when they are needed, so it's not one where you need to preemptively grant permission.
  11. @alfredder I'm not familiar with their pricing scheme, but you might want to ask in the official Chatfred thread here:
  12. @alfredder If you log in to the following URL and check your usage, you'll see how much credit you have: https://platform.openai.com/account/usage For example, mine shows:
  13. @timurray2000 Take a look at the Snippets Troubleshooting tip for this: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/snippets/#partial You may need to slow down key events a little, which should resolve the issue for you. Does it occur in all apps or one specifically? You may find that a particular app isn't a native one (e.g. written in Electron) and is a little slower at reacting.
  14. @dkardell @mr-peanut I would suggest first removing and re-granting Alfred Accessibility permissions. If you also updated macOS around the same time, it may be that the permissions are no longer properly granted to Alfred. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#regrant Next, try the auto-paste in TextEdit to narrow down whether there really is a pasting issue, or whether it's the destination that's causing an issue. Let us know how you get on
  15. @JasonRothchild It's possible that you did a search while macOS was reindexing, which means files wouldn't have all been available at the time. Alternatively, one thing to keep an eye on is whether you're using Optimised Storage, where iCloud can switch to storing some of your files online-only: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/mac-help/sysp4ee93ca4/mac It's possible that some of your iCloud files aren't available locally at times, which may affect the indexing.
  16. @JasonRothchild Have you used the Indexing Troubleshooting tool to find out more about your files? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/ Alfred doesn't create his own index, and uses the files returned by macOS, so if there's any inconsistency from one search to the next, that's the first place to look. Share your troubleshooter output and some more details of how and what you're searching for if you'd like further help.
  17. @halloleo Alfred's bowler hat appears by default in the menu bar. If you've previously hidden it, you can show it again by opening the preferences to Appearance > Options and uncheck "Hide menu bar icon". https://www.alfredapp.com/help/appearance/#options
  18. @halloleo In Alfred's Features > Clipboard, you can remove or change the Clipboard Viewer hotkey combo.
  19. @fredcallaway Restoring from Time Machine can result in macOS returning the wrong results (in particular when moving from a version of macOS where files were in one location to a newer version where Apple have moved files). Could you please open your preferences to Features > Default Results, and under the Search Scope > Reset... button, first choose "Reset to Applications & Home" and see if you can find your files then. If needed, switch to "Reset to Full Disk" instead. This will allow you to work around the issue in macOS Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  20. @gshults You can create a custom web search (available on the free version of Alfred, doesn't require the Powerpack) and create it without a {query} for a search term. Here's an example of a custom website without a search; I set a URL to open, a title and a keyword. I can now type "bbc" and press return to launch the page in question. For an app, you can either use the latching method mentioned by Stephen above, or create a workflow for a keyword to your app, like in this example: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/give-files-nicknames-to-find-them-faster/ Hope this helps
  21. @rogerlee In your Accessibility preferences, there are a lot of apps listed, which indicates you have a lot of apps on your Mac using permissions to perform actions, listening to keystrokes (e.g. for snippets) and performing actions for you. These may be causing interference. Could you please create a new user account on your Mac temporarily? Activate your Powerpack and grant Alfred accessibility permissions. Set up a single snippet and see whether it expands normally in TextEdit. This will then help establish whether the issue is specific to your primary user profile, or a broader issue on your Mac with configuration. Let us know how you get on.
  22. Could you please provide more details about what's not working with snippets? - If you launch TextEdit (a simple and native app, ideal for testing) and try to expand your snippet, what do you see? Does the keyword disappear, does the snippet content appear, do you hear an error beep? - If your snippet expands in TextEdit, in which apps do you see a different behaviour? - What is your snippet keyword? What is the content that should be pasted?
  23. @rogerlee Thanks for sending in your details. Based on what I can see, it's likely you'll need to re-grant Accessibility permissions as they may have become corrupted during an upgrade. Here's how you can re-grant permissions: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#regrant Let me know how you get on.
  24. @rogerlee Welcome to the forum! Could you please email your Diagnostics file to our info@ address so that I can take a look at your preferences? You can get the Diagnostics file by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred. This will allow me to help you further
  25. @Timmy I would suggest creating a File Filter workflow to search for very specific file types such as mp4 files: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/file-filter/ Set a keyword for it and decide what scope and file types you want to search. You'll get much more specific results without cluttering your default results
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