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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @dburr For some users (but not all), Dropbox's change has caused an issue in the underlying macOS index scoping. If you're one of those who encounter this issue, you can work around it; Select the Alfred Preferences > Default Results > Search Scope > Reset... then select Reset to Applications and Home. This removes the Folders in Home option, and adds your home folder directly.
  2. @bytesmiths Normally, when a user isn't able to expand snippets or paste from clipboard but the features appear enabled in Alfred's preferences, it's because of broken Accessibility permissions. You'll need to grant permissions here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#integration If they already appear to have been previously granted, follow the steps to clear and re-grant them, as these most likely became corrupted during your upgrade: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/getting-started/permissions/#regrant This comes with the caveat that you're updating / maintaining your Mac in non-standard ways, so it's possible that your issues with permissions are coming from this.
  3. For anyone looking for the workflow, it's available directly from Alfred Gallery: https://alfred.app/workflows/alfredapp/system-settings/
  4. No need to check the Applications folder as it's included in the / scope already.
  5. @Willian In a past beta version of iCloud, Apple had a "pin this folder" option so that only specific folders could be stored locally, but they removed this in the general release of the OS. As such, when using iCloud, all Apple offers is an all-or-nothing solution. Dropbox or any other sync service that allows you to keep files stored locally and is available immediately at startup would allow you to sync your preferences, but sounds like iCloud won't be the right solution in your specific scenario.
  6. @oatflan Could you add Alfred manually by going to the System Preferences > Users & Groups > Your current user > Login Items? What happens if you add Alfred this way then restart your Mac?
  7. @Willian Once again, it is possible to use iCloud. Ensure Optimised Storage is disabled, and setup a regular backup, and you'll likely have a totally smooth experience with iCloud. We recommend iCloud more tentatively because Apple can change things behind the scenes (as they have done many times over the years) which could change the behaviour of the sync mechanism at any point.
  8. @vic12es Welcome to the forum. The way Alfred uses preferences is very different to apps like Things (which is exclusively available via the Mac App Store and uses an entirely different synching mechanism) so these two don't compare. Having said that, you can use iCloud and many users do. The key is to ensure Optimised Storage is disabled on your Macs, so that your preferences are always available to Alfred. I would recommend also backing up your preferences to Time Machine, as iCloud still has hit-and-miss file conflict resolution. In other words, if you edit a setting on two Macs, iCloud sometimes struggles to work out how to handle these changes. If you have a backup, you can very quickly revert to a recent version of your preferences We're also investigating various other syncing solutions, as we want to ensure it's as straightforward for everyone as possible!
  9. @alpo Sounds like you're seeing the Recent Documents Universal Action for the Music app. When you say you're "clicking return", do you mean you're tapping the return key on your keyboard? Below are the possible keys that can trigger Universal Actions, so could you check your configuration here?
  10. @JH2023 Welcome to the forum The best thing to do when apps aren't being found is to use Alfred's built-in File Troubleshooting tool. Open Alfred's preferences to Help > Troubleshooting > File Troubleshooting, and drag in some apps or files you can't find in search. Alfred will then give you various pieces of information, such as the metadata macOS has on that file/app, whether it's included in your current Alfred search scope, and what you can do about it. The message is usually quite self-explanatory, but if you're not sure, please paste the results of the troubleshooting in your reply here and we'll take a look.
  11. @AuthorsAssembler Could you please let me know whether you’re currently syncing your preferences? And if you are, which service you’re using? This may provide more insight into why you’re seeing that behaviour.
  12. @sepulchra You can select the dividing line and either make it zero opacity or set it to the same colour as the background. Or drag it down to collapse it to 0px. If you need a hand, share your theme and we'll help you out!
  13. If you're referring to the latest version of Evernote, this is written in Electron, a cross-platform software framework that makes it easier for companies to write one app and distribute it to Mac, Windows, etc... all at once. Unfortunately, a side-effect of no longer having a Mac-specific app is that it's no longer possible to search Evernote in the same way as before. We've sent our feedback to Evernote, but you may want to do the same, letting them know you'd like them to support indexing/search on Mac.
  14. @dave Could you please type "reload" into Alfred and see whether this clears any of the results? Otherwise, please do take a look at the link provided by @Stephen_C as you may benefit from rebuilding your index. Let us know how you get on
  15. @TomBenz Be sure to also click on the Automation Task object and grab an update of the Automation Tasks in the bottom left as these appear to be missing
  16. @Sashwat Tanay Have you tried the steps recommended in the post above yours? Open Alfred to Features > Default Results and look for the "Reset..." button at the bottom right of the Search Scope box. Click it and choose "Applications and Home" as your search scope, then try searching for your Dropbox documents. Are they found? It's most likely that you're seeing the same scoping issue as the earlier post, rather than an indexing issue.
  17. @dave If you use the right arrow to show Universal Actions and copy the path, is the path the same for all results?
  18. @Alan He This has nothing to do with the upload rate. You need to ensure that the folder is set to Make available offline rather than online-only. This will ensure that your preferences remain available and Dropbox doesn't randomly decide to delete them from your Mac and store them online only.
  19. @renforter Could you confirm whether you see the "Define word..." result before you start typing a word to define? If you can't see it, check your Alfred prefs in case you've changed your keyword away from the default. If you can see it, but no definition is shown when you type a word, open the Dictionary app and take a look at which dictionaries are available in the preferences. It may be that there are no dictionaries from which to return results. For example, these are the dictionaries I've selected on my own Mac. Let me know how you get on
  20. @Tianhao Zhai Welcome to the forum Could you please visit the Gallery page and click the Download button, and let me know if you're able to download the workflow there? May I ask whether you're based in China? Could there be restrictions in accessing Github? The step that is failing is Alfred trying to contact Github to download the workflow.
  21. @Alan He Thanks for the additional details. First, could you please open your Dropbox preferences and ensure the folder you're using for Alfred's preferences is set to always be available locally? If it's possible for Dropbox to make the preferences online-only, Alfred will lose access to them, resulting in unexpected behaviour. Once you've done this and Dropbox shows that the files are stored locally, try changing your note again and seeing if the issue is resolved. If it isn't, you can temporarily change your sync location (e.g. create a new "Alfred" folder in your user directory) so that the sync service is taken out of the equation for now. Are you now able to save changes? If you are now able to save changes, I would suggest creating a new folder in Dropbox, set it to be always available offline first, then set this as your sync folder. Let me know how you get on
  22. Cmd + X is an intrinsic standard hotkey in macOS, so overriding this is likely to eventually cause weird behaviour on your Mac, so use at your own risk.
  23. @bigplume Cmd + X is reserved by macOS as the global Cut command, so can't be set as a hotkey in Alfred. The error sound you're hearing is macOS telling you that you don't have anything selected to cut, not Alfred. You can use a Cmd + [another modifier] + X if you want something close to the cut command. Cheers, Vero
  24. @Yegor You might want to set your language for Alfred to always be the same, which you can do here: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/keyboard-language/
  25. @tsolignani List Filters are great for importing from CSV The file will need to consist of title, subtitle, argument with comma separation, and you'll be able to drag and drop your file in to the List Filter object: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/list-filter/
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