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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. @ebonical If you update to the latest pre-release, this is now fixed Cheers, Andrew
  2. I'm going to look at fixing this for 4.1, and also bringing across the options from the Script Filter when you select "Alfred Filters Results" for consistency. Cheers, Andrew
  3. @phyllisstein this is a really tricky thing to address as Apple don't follow their own guidelines on window levels for window popups, and over the years, I've had to tweak and re-tweak Alfred's window level to make sure he's positioned in front of most things, but behind others. This is working on the whole now, but a few things like this catch him out. As a workaround, you can actually drag the Alfred window out the way in a situation like this. I've added a note to see if I can smooth out this experience. Cheers, Andrew
  4. @tbrown would you mind temporarily trying a new user account and seeing what Alfred's behaviour is? I actually did a fresh install of Catalina yesterday, installed Alfred 4, and even with Alfred not listed in the macOS Accessibility or Automation preferences, Alfred is able to quit any app using the quit command just fine. (Alfred uses a macOS Public API call to quit apps). Cheers, Andrew
  5. Andrew


    This is in 10.14.6:
  6. @premankur if you type 'reload' into Alfred, the caches will be flushed and you'll only see one instance of each app. Alternatively, Alfred 4.0.5 has some workarounds for Catalina which avoids this issue in the first place
  7. If you've upgraded to Catalina, then installed Applications are now stored in /System/Volumes/Data/Applications/ (unlikely to be your backup volume too) and uses a firmlink to /Applications/ to make the applications appear in the same location as they used to before Catalina. macOS doesn't index the firmlinks, only the source files, so the locations returned to Alfred have a path prefixed with /System/Volumes/Data/. Alfred 4.0.5 works around this issue by recognising firmlink locations and updates the subtext shown to be /Applications/, even though the underlying path used by Alfred is the "real" location. If you update to 4.0.5 and reset Alfred's default search scope, you should see the correct locations. Also, it's worth noting that Alfred caches some results, so if you make any dramatic changes to the search scope, it's worth typing 'reload' into Alfred to flush his caches such as Applications. Cheers, Andrew
  8. Take a look at the few other bug threads and workarounds: Moving to closed.
  9. @AndyC if you're using Catalina, take a look at Vero's reply here: If you're using Mojave, the workflow in this thread should work fine. Cheers, Andrew
  10. Andrew


    @nom This suggests that the shortcut is being reserved by macOS or another app. (The only time Alfred doesn't register selected combos is when the combo itself isn't even passed to Alfred's preferences when you press it, i.e. consumed or reserved by macOS)
  11. The default folders Alfred uses are listed in this guide to reset Alfred: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/reset-alfred/ Cheers, Andrew
  12. @juanra Alfred already has this in Alfred 4. Simply select a different Alfred theme when macOS is in Light / Dark modes and Alfred will remember.
  13. @Andy Matthews OS X 10.12 doesn't need full disk access permissions, this was only added by Apple in Mojave. The issues you are seeing are almost certainly down to incorrect permissions within your home folder, or symlinks for folders which aren't expected to be symlinks. One workaround could be to temporarily create a new user account on your Mac, get Alfred working there to do the migration, and then copy back the migrated preferences into your main user account. Then repair permissions on Alfred's preferences using the following guide to ensure they match your main user and what's expected: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/preferences/ Finally, if you have snippets in Alfred 2, these aren't migrated to Alfred 4, but I have a separate conduit app which will do this migration. Send an email to our info@ address if you need this and I'll send it over. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Andrew

    Graphics bug

    @okw take a look at this thread and the workaround:
  15. @thebruge I can't reproduce this behaviour in Alfred 4 (latest version), on a clean install of macOS Catalina. What version of Alfred and Catalina are you using, and what do you have listed in Alfred's Features > System > Blacklist preferences? Cheers, Andrew
  16. @dansmans The output from Acorn.app shows that it's not being indexed by macOS. Cheers, Andrew
  17. @JAAE it's likely that the passed in query has a newline on the end which Alfred is respecting. Try adding a "Transform" utility before the large type workflow object, set to "Trim Whitespace". Cheers, Andrew
  18. This isn't enabled by default as it adds confusion between whether comma or dot is being used as the decimal separator under certain circumstances.
  19. @luckman212 use ⌘L which will show the calculator result as you see it (instead of ⌘⌥L which shows the typed text).
  20. Also don't forget to type "reload" into Alfred after moving the folder to Spotlight ignore. Note that if you select "Folders in Home" in Alfred's default search scope, the actual ~/Applications folder will always be shown for relevant search results in Alfred, but if you always select the /Applications folder, Alfred will learn to prioritise this one.
  21. @woowoo Alfred shouldn't have any changes with regard to snippets between 4.0.4 and 4.0.5. Could you please email our info@ address with a couple of things: 1. A "Sample Process" for Alfred while things are hanging. You can get this from Activity Monitor, select Alfred and then "Sample Process" from the View menu. 2. A Diagnostics from Alfred's Preferences > Help tab so I can see a bit more info on Alfred's configuration. Also, try restarting your Mac. If you're still experiencing the issue, I'll reply to your email with a bit of info on how to downgrade to 4.0.4. Cheers, Andrew
  22. While it's not a recommended way to delete workflows, you could right click on it and show it in Finder, then delete the folder containing the workflow. It may take a few moments for Alfred to notice that the workflow has gone. If you're still getting this error, it could be a botched upgrade to Catalina, as this should now operate as expected. Cheers, Andrew
  23. This isn't coming to Alfred 3, which will continue to show the "real" path in macOS Catalina instead of the virtual /Applications/ location.
  24. I've just double checked, and Alfred is being given these generic icons from macOS for display. I'll look into if there is a way to get the icons an alternative way.
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