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    Andrew got a reaction from ranza in Pipe dictionary word check to another action   
    This isn't currently possible, but likely to be possible in the future with the addition of a dictionary filter input workflow object
  2. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from jmjeong in XML parse error in Alfred 2.2 [Fixed 2.3]   
    I'm going to move this to the workflow help section to see if somebody can help you. Alfred doesn't impose size limits on the scripts / xml, and from that debug log, it looks like the XML being passed back to Alfred is missing some data, so possibly an error in the script.   I'll keep an eye on this, if anybody can shed some light on the issue.   Cheers, Andrew
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from sunnyluyuan in Clipboard History is permanently blank since 2.2 update.   
    There may be an issue with the clipboard database (possibly corruption or a permissions issue). Try quitting Alfred and pasting this into Terminal.app:
    rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Databases/clipboard.alfdb
    Then restart Alfred.
    [moving to help sub-forum]
  4. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Doom in Default values for workflow information, workflow objects   
    I actually already have a ticket for the concept of something a bit like template objects where you can save your fave objects as templates for easy access. Now that you can copy and paste, remember that you could always just have a "templates" workflow with pre-configured objects you could copy and paste out of with your fave settings.
    I already have a ticket for pre-set names and bundle IDs too, so you'll see this in the future
  5. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Default values for workflow information, workflow objects   
    I actually already have a ticket for the concept of something a bit like template objects where you can save your fave objects as templates for easy access. Now that you can copy and paste, remember that you could always just have a "templates" workflow with pre-configured objects you could copy and paste out of with your fave settings.
    I already have a ticket for pre-set names and bundle IDs too, so you'll see this in the future
  6. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from kevinSuttle in Alfred not listing my apps after upgrade to v2.2 (243)   
    Could you try manually adding in the path to the preference panes to the search scope...
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Ginfuru in Alfred:ignore for applications   
    Try typing 'reload' into Alfred to clear his caches
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from rdg in Editing Category name moves workflows to "Uncategorised" / Adding workflow to a category resets search [Fixed 2.3 b262]   
    The renaming categories issue is definitely a bug, I'll get that fixed in the next release.
    As for changing the category in the workflow edit sheet, this is by design as it makes sure the workflow you are editing remains selected when you hit save. The only guaranteed way of doing this is by resetting the search if the category has been changed - so I'm going to leave this behaviour as is. As you have spotted, you can use the popup menu for categorising en-masse.
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from CarlosNZ in Notification center word wrapping   
    Alfred actually has very little control over this, so it may just be a quirk of Notification Centre with the image to the right hand side.
    I'll move this to "noted" and if I get a moment, see if there is anything I can do to avoid this situation!
  10. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from hgylfason in Multiple actions on one file   
    Alfred doesn't have a mechanism for chaining actions like this... but if you turn off the 'Clear after actioning items in the buffer' in Alfred's Features > File Search > Buffer, you could perform multiple actions on the same file in the buffer. You can even create custom actions in workflows which will appear in this buffer.
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from hoefi1976 in Disable "Search Google for"   
    No need to disable the web searches which are keyword based. You can setup the default fallback searches in Alfred's Features > Default Results > Setup fallback results. Pick web searches or workflows as fallbacks, and set the order of them
  12. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from CarlosNZ in Cheeky little transparency blur hack for themes   
    Just to let you know, this will be making an appearance back in 2.2.1 in Mavericks... woohooo
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from horncologne in keyboard shortcut conflicts - How do I change them?   
    Alfred uses this combo for the clipboard history viewer. You can change this hotkey (or remove it) in Alfred's Features > Clipboard preferences.
    Let me know if you can't find it and I'll pop you a screenshot
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from gwardlaw334 in Keywords   
    This is a great little workflow which outputs information about all your installed workflows:
  15. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Debugger should show (live) workflow stderr output even when workflow exits cleanly   
    If you update to 2.2 pre-release b241, Alfred now shows debugger output when there is stderr even if there is no exit code from the script.
    Also, when there is an XML parse error, the XML output is displayed.
    Thanks for the feedback!
  16. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from sr105 in iTunes Mini Player Cmd-R does not work [Fixed 2.2 b240]   
    If you update to the Alfred 2.2 pre-release b240, this should now be fixed. Alfred clears his cache of the iTunes XML path on reload
  17. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from sr105 in iTunes Mini Player Cmd-R does not work [Fixed 2.2 b240]   
    I can understand why this is happening as Alfred caches the iTunes library XML path at startup for performance reasons. Reviewing the code, this may not be strictly necessary, so I've added a ticket to look into removing the caching which should fix this issue.
  18. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Jono in File filter workflow for folders doesn't 'learn' using a hotkey [Fixed 2.2 b239]   
    This should now be sorted in the 2.2 b239 pre-release
  19. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from umiyosh in workflow can't work when use proxy network   
    Alfred's workflows don't use the local environment, so a network based workflow needs to be aware of the proxy specifically. I had a bit of a look but can't see them at the moment, there are a few workarounds discussed on this forum though.
    I have a ticket to investigate making this easier in workflows in the future
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from sirdharma in Better contact search   
    All of these things have already been addressed in Alfred 2.2 which will be in pre-release by the end of next week
    For now, try this workflow filter which can do diacritic (accented) insensitive and word based searching:
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Better contact search   
    All of these things have already been addressed in Alfred 2.2 which will be in pre-release by the end of next week
    For now, try this workflow filter which can do diacritic (accented) insensitive and word based searching:
  22. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from chendeshen in Cheeky little transparency blur hack for themes   
    NOTE!! From Alfred 2.4, the blur setting is in Alfred's Appearance > Options. You won't need to use the defaults writes, but it's still marked as experimental. I plan on implementing the native Yosemite blur at some point and make this an official feature.
    This is and always will be a hack, but I'm adding a defaults write preferences item to set the background blur of a window. This will allow you to have nice transparent themes but still readable over busy backgrounds.
    There are a few important caveats with this:
    It uses a private OS X API which means it may stop working at any point outside of my control I may take this feature out if it causes general instability and will ignore any moans of "put it back" It disables the 'Fade in Alfred Window' option because these don't play nice together It slows things down lots on slower Macs This will work in OS X 10.9 Mavericks from Alfred 2.3 onwards! To use this hack, quit Alfred and his preferences then type this into Terminal:
    OS X 10.9 Mavericks:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -int 5
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1 to 15 for different blur radius levels, set to 0 to disable.
    OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion and below:
    defaults write com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2 experimentalBlur -float 3.0
    ... the value can be anywhere from 1.0 to 5.0 for different blur intensity levels, set to 0.0 to disable.
    Here is what you should see:

  23. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Jono in File filter workflow for folders doesn't 'learn' using a hotkey [Fixed 2.2 b239]   
    It also looks like there is an issue where Alfred's knowledge isn't being used on these hotkey based filters, so I'll get that fixed in 2.2 too
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Would love a big new release :-)   
    Here you go:

  25. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Tyler Eich in Would love a big new release :-)   
    Here you go:

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