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Everything posted by Tsunami

  1. Alfred 1 is very old, get Alfred 4 from https://www.alfredapp.com.
  2. You can uncheck "fn" under Preferences > Features > Actions.
  3. v4.0.4 [1111] - macOS 10.14.6 In 4.0.3, typing =0xFF would return 255. In 4.0.4, x is recognized as multiplication, so the result is always 0.
  4. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/default-results/#fallback-searches
  5. You need to drag at the top or bottom of the window, as shown in vitor's GIF.
  6. You can already use Cmd+C to copy a bookmark's URL in Alfred. It even closes Alfred, so you can paste it immediately.
  7. https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/script-environment-variables/ Your workflow does not have a bundle ID, so they're not populated.
  8. Amazing! I've been looking for such a workflow for a while. Edit: For Sublime Text 3, the Auto Save Session.sublime_session file doesn't always exist. It would be nice if it could fall back to Session.sublime_session.
  9. Can't you use the same protocol at home and when you're away? When you access your external IP at home, your router should just route it internally.
  10. There's an "Include folders in Home" checkbox directly below the Search Scope list.
  11. ⌃F2 works just fine for me to reveal the menu bar while in a fullscreen app. What version of macOS do you have?
  12. On https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/clipboard/dynamic-placeholders/, below the first image is a list. The "Workflow variables" item links to #variables, but the corresponding <h2>Including Workflow Variables</h2> is missing id="variables".
  13. Have you followed these troubleshooting steps?
  14. You can right-click on the .alfredpreferences file and click Show Package Contents to see what's taking up the space.
  15. It contains all your preferences, snippets, themes and workflows.
  16. The window in the top right is Spotlight, not Alfred. You need to invoke Alfred and type "logout" there.
  17. Which theme is that? It looks great.
  18. For 1, go to Alfred Preferences > Features > File Search and uncheck "Enable Quick File Search mode". This has been a feature for years.
  19. Yes, you can use a Script Filter or Run Script object and choose from several scripting languages to write a switch block. Just return the corresponding URL and connect it to an Open URL object.
  20. I'm Dutch, and the Up and Down arrows don't scroll through the input options for me. The Left and Right arrows do, but that doesn't conflict with Alfred. But why not press the number next to the word? It seems faster than using the arrow keys and pressing Enter.
  21. Variables aren't evaluated inside single quotes. Try double quotes: curl -H "Authorization: Fooapp-authtoken $API_KEY" https://fooapp.com/api/contacts
  22. @pauljacobson did you see my previous post? I believe the workflow I uploaded does what you want, without a snippet or even a shell command. I agree that depending on what you're copying to the clipboard (is it just a few words or entire walls of text?), it may be better to use something else to store the variables that are in the text.
  23. @nikivi click on the green Command symbol with the up arrow above it, on the far right of the Hotkey field. Go to "Trigger behaviour" and select "Pass through modifier keys (Fastest)". That's what Andrew meant.
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