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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Alfred Preferences → Advanced → Rebuild macOS Metadata.
  2. Maestral is specifically not recommended:
  3. Quick tip: because these are simple from a Workflow construction point (two connected objects), you might want to instead bundle them all in the same Workflow. That way it’s one download for people who use multiple tools, and because they are tiny in filesize, it won’t be a huge download. Also, makes it easier to maintain. Otherwise, if you wish to keep them separate, you can remove the icons from the Script Filters. When you don't add an icon in those boxes, Alfred auto-uses the Workflow’s icon.
  4. Welcome @Artemy, That is not necessary. You are just calling python3, so if the user doesn’t have it macOS will try to run /usr/bin/python3 which will show a GUI prompt to install the Developer Tools (which is done anyway when installing Homebrew) and it will then just work on consecutive runs. The version macOS adds is 3.8.9.
  5. @Missionary From your screenshots, you’re not searching for icons but navigating to them. When using Alfred’s File Navigation, all files show up regardless of hidden status or other settings, same as if you’d list them in a terminal. But I do see how that Icon resource fork can be annoying and listing it isn’t particularly useful. I’ll open a ticket internally for discussion.
  6. Use @andy4222’s first suggestion above: a File Filter Input with the Scope set to the same directory as the one you save to with NoteTaker, plus add kMDItemTextContent in the Fields tab.
  7. You are not using the Workflow from the table. You have to download them from the table I’ve linked.
  8. Make a Run Script Action with Language set to /usr/bin/osascript (JavaScript) and code: ObjC.import("AppKit") function run() { const clipboardTypes = $.NSPasteboard.generalPasteboard.pasteboardItems.js[0].types.js.map(c => c.js) if (clipboardTypes.includes("public.utf8-plain-text") && !clipboardTypes.includes("public.file-url")) return "text" return "not text" } That will output text or not text, depending. Can’t be more precise without knowing your Workflow. Use a Conditional Utility to filter the output.
  9. That is on the list. You have to download it from the table. The one was not on the list (it is now) because no one has requested it before. If you want it, you have to ask for it. Everything is explained on the page. Bundle IDs are not meant for searching. For future requests, please provide a download page, such as on GitHub or this forum.
  10. The Workflow should be working now, then.
  11. Alfred uses Spotlight’s indexing. In general, these macOS APIs only allow inclusionary search, not exclusionary.
  12. Don’t worry about it. Since we’re in the Workflow’s thread, you stating it is enough. Glad it’s working.
  13. @luckman212 Thank you for the reminder. Writing it up and it should be available soon.
  14. One more: use a List Filter Input to list your code snippets and paste them with a Copy to Clipboard Output. I also have a couple of Workflows which could fit this use-case well: NoteTakerTemplatesManager
  15. Apologies, I mentioned that from memory, indeed it doesn’t look to be implemented. While testing now it became immediately apparent why: it wouldn’t work with modifiers like ⌘ (⌘⇥ is used by macOS) and is quite awkward to use. Can you expand on how you’d leverage it? [background=#eee][font=courier,monospace]CODE HERE[/font][/background] I don’t write that every time, it’s just the style I decided for MarkdownTransform.
  16. Removing node_modules files from Alfred’s results explains the trouble (and alternatives) with excluding directories. Long story short (but check the page, it’s short too): the macOS metadata search API is the blocker. As for files, adding a alfred:ignore Spotlight comment to the file will make it not show.
  17. Welcome @Sören, If I understand your question, use the List Filter connected to a Copy to Clipboard Output to paste the content you want. If that’s not what you mean, please clarify your question. The more details you give, the better we can help.
  18. Welcome @a.leleux, When asking about an existing Workflow, it’s best to use its own forum thread. While it may seem that starting a new thread could give your problem visibility, it fragments the discussion and makes it less likely the author and users of the workflow (the people who can help) will see it. I’ve moved it to the (presumed) correct thread. But it’s not possible yet to tell what may be wrong. What’s your version of Alfred, what’s the Workflow’s version, and what does the debugger say?
  19. Is your macOS version lower than 12.0 (Monterey)? If so, install Homebrew (run that command in a terminal) followed by brew install tag. If you provide the output, I can confirm if everything went as expected.
  20. You were clear in writing, but thank you for the confirmation video. That’s what I can’t reproduce. Have you changed the snippet options, as linked before? In the Workflow Editor, on the top right, click the third icon from the left. The one directly to the left of the bug.
  21. Open the debugger, set the log output to “All Information”, perform the failing action, and post the output.
  22. Still unable to reproduce. I think I’ve made my Workflow exactly the same as yours, but could you share it just to make sure? transfer.sh provides quick temporary storage. In the meantime, you can probably fix it locally by tweaking the Snippet options.
  23. Environment variables can only be strings, so the Run Script is seeing that command as a contiguous blob of text (as if it were between quotes). To have it run your string as if it were a command you can eval $appCommand but you should avoid eval. The proper way is to have the command itself in the Run Script. Also, escaping your spaces with \ quickly makes your code hard to read. Quote the text: open -a "Google Chrome" --args --incognito (you don’t need the full path with open -a). For more advanced use, you can also pass your separate arguments as JSON configuration, but for for now I recommend you use the method of having the command itself in the Run Script.
  24. Welcome @Luc, There is an Automation Task specifically for this. Extra Automation Tasks → Web Browsers → Chromium Browsers → Close Chromium Browser Tags With Matching URL. Use {query} in Match For to use the input from your Script Filter. The selection the Automation Task uses may not be the same as your Script Filter, because your Script Filter is custom. In which case, you’d have to make the close script be custom too (via Run Script Action). Note you can pass an array to arg in your Script Filter and the next object will see it as multiple arguments.
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