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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Specifically, the blog post explains the issue and solution (install PHP via Homebrew), but not every Workflow will work without further modification.
  2. Update. Auto-update device connection status. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  3. @thanasut I need from you the exact same thing. No one can debug without information. Please make sure to read the instructions until the end, the clue is bound to be there. Instructions exist to be read, doing so saves time.
  4. Great! Glad to read that. Hopefully by using a Shortcut it means imApple won’t break the functionality in a future macOS version. Yes. Baby bottle to calm down, battery to energise.
  5. Usage Compress PNG, JPEG, and WebP images with TinyPNG via the Universal Action. Alternatively, find images with the tinypng keyword. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  6. @Lucagfc The top post links to this one. I need every information requested there to be able to help. The most probable cause is that you haven’t installed yt-dlp. Please refer to the top post as it explains everything.
  7. Update. Better handling of images when given as HTML tags rather than Markdown. To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  8. There you go. That simulates pressing the play/pause keyboard button. Code in the script is credited to Fredrik Wallner and others. Other keys are supported, if you add more Remote Triggers and change the Argument’s Text: volup, prev, voldown, playpause, next.
  9. Make the action in your Workflow connect to an Argument and Variables Utility and save your input as a variable. Then connect that to a Keyword Input where you’ll write your argument. Finally, connect that to the rest of your Workflow.
  10. Check if you haven’t disabled them in Outlook by going to Alfred Preferences → Features → Snippets → Auto Expansion Options → Options. While you’re there, switch to the Tweaking tab and lower the Simulated key event speed.
  11. Do you mean the menubar or the Touch Bar? If the latter I doubt it will happen: Apple is removing it from Macs, so investing in it now wouldn’t make sense.
  12. Another option is NoteTaker. I made the Workflow specifically for this use case, because I and a few other users wanted it.
  13. @troycurtisjr I just updated CalmNotifications for Monterey, in case you want to get ideas. We can still get the Do Not Disturb status programatically, but turning it on and off is more difficult. I ended up building a macOS Shortcut to do it, which is installed with the Workflow. Worth noting that I have also added the option to activate it for a length of time, measured in either minutes or hours.
  14. Updated for Monterey and removed support for older macOS versions. Also, added support choosing a length of time for Do Not Disturb to be active! It now uses a macOS Shortcut to do its task. Hopefully that means Apple won’t keep forcing us to come up with new solutions. The Shortcut is included, and you’re propped to install it on first activation: To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater. If you’re on Big Sur and version 21.7 of this Workflow, the update won’t trigger until you update. The version you have should keep working.
  15. This still works for me. Think back to whatever you have changed or installed around that time. The way Alfred does this is to simply tell macOS to activate the app in question. How that manifests is dependent on macOS and the app itself. Something on your machine is conflicting with that call. Try this: open a terminal and run: open -a "APP_NAME_HERE" (example: open -a "Safari"). You should see the same behaviour as with doing it with Alfred.
  16. Welcome @0V1D1Y, Have you checked the troubleshooting steps (start at 5)?
  17. Your OneUpdater configuration is perfect, nothing needs to change. Though you should increase frequency_check to at least 1 (I use 4). 0 means it will check on every run.
  18. Do the steps posted November 5th. That’s what has been working for most people. I understand you want your problem solved, but you also have to put in a bit of effort to search for the resolution and read the thread. We help those who help themselves. This was a problem caused by Apple that doesn’t affect everyone, so different solutions may work for different people.
  19. This is the third time I’m asking you to provide the information requested in the second post. You keep posting the debugger output when I also need all the rest, like version information. I can’t help you if you won’t follow that simple request. I will also need access to you cache. It’s the file in ~/Library/Caches/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred/Workflow Data/com.alfredapp.googledrive/cache.db. To avoid sharing it with the world, you can send me a link to it via private message.
  20. @greedist Please provide all requested information. You only did one of the points. Also, do you have English results that the Workflow correctly returns, or are you just assuming it doesn’t return Korean? It looks more like your cache may be empty and not returning anything. Do all steps in this earlier post. If you skip any, you’ll have an incomplete setup.
  21. You may find TrialSounds useful. It exists precisely to ease choosing a sound.
  22. @deanishe has a Workflow specifically for triggering Services.
  23. Yes. You can use yt-dlp to search Youtube from the command-line and turn those into Alfred results. Though note that is probably not “allowed” or at the very least may be frowned up by Google. They have a search API you can use, but it requires more setup. That’s dependent on your apps, not the Workflow. If you have yt-dlp and mpv or VLC, you tell the Workflow to open whatever Youtube link in that app and they handle the rest.
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