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Everything posted by vitor

  1. Note for whoever lands here: Maestral doesn’t get file attributes, so downloading with it may (non-permanently) break your Workflows by making scripts non-executable. Make a backup before you sync with it.
  2. That makes it less strange, because we now know Excel is the culprit. Have you tried your steps without ⌘C? That is to say, select the rows and press ⌘W then check the clipboard. This is a wild guess, but I remember someone getting unintended clipboard merges in iTerm because it has a feature where just selecting the text copies it. So by selecting then pressing ⌘C, a merge would trigger. Perhaps Excel is trying to be helpful and copy what’s selected when you exit.
  3. A lack of reply doesn’t mean no one saw your request. Not everything is possible or doable with reasonable effort; we’re working within the constraints given by Safari and macOS. It’s not a simple task, and Apple keeps pulling the rug. I can’t say how many person-years have been spent on figuring out solutions to bypass Apple’s imposed limitations, only for those to break in the following macOS release. But I can tell you my time is very much in that pool, and that predictably it is frustrating. You waste a lot of effort chasing a “maybe”. Because a lot of those were hacky solutions. Is there a way to get them to work again? Maybe, but it will take a while for the first person to figure it out and publish it and the next person to come along and improve it and so it goes. Maybe this time it’s easier (unlikely), but the point is we don’t know. This is why (well, one of the reasons) one should hold off on upgrading to the newest macOS version if you depend on hacks. Apple will take them away without half a thought. You should consider directing your feedback at them. Use Feedback Assistant and ask for better tools to manage Safari, in this case ways to create bookmark directories programmatically via AppleScript or Shortcuts. Alternatively, if you find a command-line solution which works we can help you integrate it into Alfred.
  4. If the process was correctly followed, you should not be getting that error. What’s the output of these two commands, in a terminal? echo "${PATH}" which php Also, if you export your modified Workflow I can take a look.
  5. @alvinnguyen Use the download link on the top post, or wait a few days and the auto-update will kick in (you’ll know, it doesn’t install without consent).
  6. This is a duplicate. It’s already on the roadmap. Locking to not split the discussion.
  7. Two Workflows that allow listing and running your Shortcuts: https://github.com/lukdiekm/alfred-shortcuts https://www.alfredforum.com/topic/17521-shortcuts-runner
  8. This is a duplicate of Please see that post for the official answer and a Workflow to fulfil the need. Further comments should be added there to prevent splitting the conversation even further.
  9. Probably not. A quick search to confirm didn’t turn up anything useful. But if you can find a way to do it via some command-line tool, we can help you intertwine that with Alfred.
  10. That’s not what the original poster is saying. In @David H’s case, running sleep in Alfred doesn’t work when pressing ↵, only when clicking the result, not the menubar. That’s very weird (by the way, I also can’t reproduce on M1 MBA on Big Sur). It’s unclear to me what your issue is, since you’re saying “you didn’t even think to connect it to Alfred”. What are your exact steps?
  11. This workflow requires MacUpdater Pro or Business. Usage List your outdated software via the mupdater keyword. Press ↩ on an app to update it. ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  12. New release is out with gdf, more notes, and messaging tweaks.
  13. You can’t have Workflow A be completely independent from Workflow B if you need information to flow in that direction. In other words, just like you’re using an External Trigger from B to A, the solution is to add another from A to B, with the argument or some variable filled out. Or, since the result of A is saving to the clipboard, you can just add a delay in B then check the clipboard. Slightly hacky, but unlikely to fail and you should notice if it ever does.
  14. I suggest opening Feedback Assistant and making a feature request to Apple.
  15. Welcome! If possible, please consider making the change in that post, since it’s relatively simple. Because your tutorial is geared to absolute beginners, it’s important to instil good habits instead of something which may bite them later. NSAppleScript is the kind of tool which should be used only “when you know what you’re doing” and novices (by definition) don’t. Plus, you have two lines of boilerplate (for a one-like script) which wouldn’t be there in a Run Script. That aside, thumbs up for contributing to the demystification of code through Alfred, and showing to people who are afraid of programming that it’s possible to do something with little.
  16. Oh, hey, this an official Workflow? You’re the app’s developer? You should consider mentioning it in the post—it may be an incentive to check it and increases trust on the result, especially since you’re a new user to the forum. Speaking of which, welcome!
  17. That doesn’t exist. Instead, what you’re doing is defining a PATH in your shell’s startup files (like .bashrc or .zshrc) which is evaluated every time you open a terminal session. That’s an important distinction. What you’re thinking of as a configuration of the user is in fact of the shell and doesn’t exist outside of it. If you change your shell, your PATH doesn’t transfer without you doing something because the new one isn’t reading the old files. In theory, Alfred could try to find the startup files of every shell and read them to load the PATH. In practice, that could go very wrong. It would be confusing if you have multiple of those, and setting the PATH doesn’t happen only when you explicitly set it in the shell, it can be (and is) modified by version managers such as chruby and pyenv. So now Alfred would need to parse all of your (possibly slow—ever tried oh-my-zsh?) shell startup files on every call of every script, of which there can be multiple on any single Workflow run. And in the end, what we’d get from it would be a flux of broken unsharable Workflows which “works on [the dev’s] machine” but not on anyone else’s because they have a particular shell setup you don’t. So Alfred could do it, but it’s good design that it doesn’t.
  18. Yep. This should work: Install Homebrew.Install PHP (brew install php).Add to the top of the Run Script: export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}".
  19. Check the latest version, released a few hours ago. The Workflow was rewritten to use Python instead of PHP. You’ll probably still need to install it, since the author is using Python 3 which does not ship with macOS. Making a new issue on GitHub might be more effective in this case since the author hasn’t visited the forum in a while.
  20. Key word there being most, because not all cases can be covered. Mainly: Alfred doesn’t (and shouldn’t) edit the script’s contents, so if php is literally written on it the issue still manifests. But you (or the author) can edit the script. Add to it, at the top, the line export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:${PATH}" and it should work.
  21. Thank you both for the kind words! I previously rejected this on account of being niche and requiring a tradeoff. Three things changed: Another person asked and I now think more may want this.Thought of a way which might make the tradeoff negligible.Your example clicked with me. Here‘s a new version. Would you and @giovanni mind giving it a quick test before I publish? I followed @giovanni’s gdf suggestion rather than gdd because it’s faster to type, looks nicer, and pairs with the example “Simple Folder Search”. gd works as before, but to use gdf you’ll need to rebuild the cache—either wait for the launchd agent do it or force it with :gdrebuildcache.
  22. It does give you a float as the output but the input is converted to an integer before the calculation. Focused too close on your example, which is funny because I based this on another Workflow I made which did use the input as a float. Easy fix: where you see ARGV[0].to_i, change to ARGV[0].to_f.
  23. It’s in /System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app. It should show If you search for Finder in Alfred.
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