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Mr Pennyworth

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Posts posted by Mr Pennyworth

  1. The clarification helps, @vitor!

    The sizing feature request is mostly for width though 😇

    In Alfred's Results View, increasing width beyond a point actually decreases usability for me (as the titles are subtitles are left-aligned, and the ⌘-<number> selectors are right aligned, leaving a large, unused space between them). Maybe usability isn't the right word, let's just say "looks" 😅


    However, for both the text view, and the grid view, an argument can be made in favor of them being much wider than the normal results-view.

  2. OMG I'm in love with Alfred all over again! 😍 (not that it ever faded)

    The grid view is amazing!! Thanks a ton!


    Misc feedback/feature requests:

    1. "Alfred Filters Results" option in the grid view. My emoji workflow uses a static JSON file and relies on Alfred to filter and prioritize the results. That means even without typing out any search query, the most frequently used emojis rise to the top. The grid view seems like a perfect fit for an emoji workflow. However, at present, lack of integration of Alfred's knowledge makes it not as good a choice as the script filter.
    2. Dragging files out of the grid view: In the normal view, for file results, I can drag them out. This was especially useful when uploading files to webpages.
      1. Webpage opens a finder window to upload a file.
      2. I search for the file I want in Alfred.
      3. I drag that file from Alfred results and drop it onto that finder window. (this step works for traditional results, but not for results in the grid view)
      4. The finder window now has that file selected.
      5. I click "open" on finder window, and the file is uploaded to the webpage.
    3. GIF support in the grid view: The grid view shows only the first frame of the GIF instead of showing an animated version of it. Wouldn't it make a lovely "GIF Search" workflow if it did!? 😇
    4. Size of the grid and text views: Since these two are brand-new paradigms, and unlock complete new ways of interacting with Alfred, would it make sense to theme them independently? Specifically, the dimensions. For example, it may not make sense for me to have super-wide Alfred in normal mode, yet could be desirable to have a grid view that almost fills the entire width of the screen.
    5. Syntax highlighting for code-blocks in markdown for text view: one thing I find myself frequently doing is:
      1. Copy JSON/XML returned by some API.
        1. This usually is a large single line, making it difficult to read.
      2. Pretty-print it, produce HTML with syntax highlight.
      3. Look at the HTML using quicklook (from Alfred)
        1. The syntax highlighting helps a lot with XML, which, the text-view doesn't support.
    6. Web View? Being able to render arbitrary HTML would be super cool and so powerful! (Agree this could open a can of worms not worth tackling)
  3. @sepulchra were you able to import your Legendary license into Alfred?


    @Andrew Great idea to nudge for the Legendary+ status on upgrade! ❤️

    I had no idea it existed!!


    I got an email that says


    Copy and paste your license details above to the Alfred Powerpack preferences. If you are missing the Powerpack tab in the preferences, you are using the Mac App Store version; Click the Download link above for the latest version.


    However, I don't see any option to do so in the UI. I'm afraid of clicking on the "Deactivate Powerpack" button 🙈.


    (I know this doesn't change any functionality, but would be nice to see the new license in the UI. Also, just for kicks, I'm curious whether it looks any different (like green battery instead of blue 🤷🏻‍♂️))


  4. If you could upload the logs somewhere / paste here, I can take a look :)


    8 hours ago, Steven Hsieh said:

    And also I'm not sure which key words to use to simply find a word in all dictionaries.

    The way the workflow is structured, it's not possible to do this :(

  5. This is how the workflow and the connections inside should look:



    This is how the one you exported looks like:



    The original workflow doesn't support arbitrary modifications.
    The only supported modification is:

    1. copy a pair of yellow nodes

    2. edit the keyword in the copied big yellow node and the "searchdir" variable in small yellow node

    3. just like the other yellow nodes are connected, (big yellow -> small yellow -> (white and orange)) establish exactly the same connections in your copied nodes too


    Right now it looks like you have customized/modified the workflow beyond the intended way of modification.

    Do tell me if you have any questions or need further clarification or explanation :)

  6. 2 hours ago, 40-02 said:

    It seems like what I was looking for many times! 

    Glad you find it useful! :)


    2 hours ago, 40-02 said:

    I'm not sure if it is worth point here, but help with installation notes looks like this now. Probably that was expected, as everything is readable there. But still. 

    That's a good point! I should change it when I get around to it :)


    2 hours ago, 40-02 said:

    Is it possible to search in several folders in one search?

    Nope, that's not possible right now, and unlikely to be implemented. That's because I haven't yet found the need where I frequently search inside multiple folders. Especially given that it is fuzzy search, most of the time, just searching the parent folder should do.

  7. 12 minutes ago, deanishe said:

    Fuzzy Folders is also really slow.

    Oh interesting!
    Is it because of python or mdfind?

    I couldn't really use Fuzzy Folders because most of the files I keep searching for reside in symlinked folders which spotlight does not index.


    14 minutes ago, deanishe said:

    I'd imagine your workflow is much faster.

    Haven't done a comparison, but it does give a satisfying "instantly update search results as you type each letter" (instantly meaning less than 90 milliseconds on my 2013 mbp to search through 15k files)

  8. Instant Fuzzy File Search: Download


    List all the files inside a folder using fd, and instantly fuzzy-search through all of them using fzf, all from inside Alfred with a single keyword: fzf.


    Invoke with fzf

    Search through tens of thousands of files

    Fuzzy search shows most relevant results

    There's a folder action too!

    Search even inside apps

    Manually create folder-specific keywords


    Alternative and comparison
    Fuzzy Folders is another fuzzy search workflow that is more configurable and customizable. Instant Fuzzy File Search doesn’t have any plans to match all the features supported by Fuzzy Folders. Neither does it aim to be as easy to customize. Take a look at the table below for a quick comparison between the two.




  9. 4 hours ago, luckman212 said:

    inside my Python script

    Oh you are already using a python script!!

    That changes things!

    The biggest performance problem I have with python scripts for workflow is the interpreter startup time.

    For a script that has already started, the additional cost of calling the AppKit API seems to be negligible.


    Take a look at this ipython session:

    In under 70 milliseconds, the code has queried bundle ID 10,000 times.

    Not that's consistent with the next one where it took 8 milliseconds to query the bundle ID 1000 times.

    In [1]: import timeit
    In [2]: imports = 'from AppKit import NSWorkspace'
    In [3]: code = 'NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace().frontmostApplication().bundleIdentifier()'
    In [4]: timeit.timeit(setup=imports, stmt=code, number=10000)
    Out[4]: 0.068
    In [5]: timeit.timeit(setup=imports, stmt=code, number=1000)
    Out[5]: 0.008


  10. 2 hours ago, deanishe said:

    If using a hotkey is out (Alfred can give you the bundle ID), you should use AppleScript or JXA instead: it's a lot faster than importing PyObjC libraries.

    Or even faster, you could use swift.
    The applescript one takes ~800 milliseconds on my machine

    Swift one takes ~80 milliseconds


    import AppKit
    print(NSWorkspace.shared.frontmostApplication?.bundleIdentifier ?? "Unknown")


    Disclaimer: hardly any rigorous testing / benchmarking:


  11. 2 hours ago, Chris Messina said:

    I have a Workflow that will extract Asset Catalogs with a hotkey. I use it constantly! Let me know if I should release it.

    Yes, please! 😊


    2 hours ago, Chris Messina said:

    BTW, I'm in touch w/ the Cleanshot developer. If there are features or improvements you'd like to suggest, let me know! 

    Could you ask them where they store the shortcuts?

    It would be nice to list those shortcuts as subtitles for the workflow! 😇

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