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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. v2.8.1 (425) / El Cap I was just tinkering with a web search URL on the forum, trying to get it to be clickable and/or visible. The problem is that the forum software mangles alfred:// URLs if pasted and strips them from BBCode links. The only way to show them on the forum is in code blocks. And what do you do after copying the URL from the webpage? If you paste the URL in a web browser, it works correctly: However, if you pass the URL to open or paste it into Alfred's query box, the URL isn't unescaped:
  2. Why don't you just add it in a workflow as a File Action? There doesn't seem to be any part of your suggestion that requires being in Alfred itself, as opposed to in a workflow.
  3. I don't think you can do anything about it. When developers decide not to use the system file/print dialogs, there's generally nothing you can do about it. There is an awesome app called Default Folder X that adds some very cool features to almost all open/save dialogs, including Word's.
  4. In a workflow, choose + > Actions > Run Script Set Language to /usr/bin/osascript (AS), then paste the above code in the Script box.
  5. I'll be perfectly honest: I won't release the workflow as-is because the state of it is unacceptable to me. I've learnt a lot about writing workflows in the 2.5 years since I wrote it, and I'm simply not going to release this code when I can see so much wrong with it. I'm going to put together a new version now, then I'll upload it to GitHub where you and anyone else can help improve it. Any suggestions for a name? The one I currently have is beyond lame…
  6. FWIW, Apple removed "Secure Erase" because it doesn't actually work. Well, it does work on spinning disks, but not on SSDs.
  7. It stores your Apple ID and password in a plain text file, which is not good security-wise, but also far from malicious. Apart from that, it doesn't appear to do anything sinister.
  8. That's the underlying library, right? It's good that the issue has been reported, but I don't see that as being super relevant. What matters (to me) is that this workflow claims to provide strong passwords, but doesn't. Having a crappy wordlist is one thing. Having a crappy wordlist and telling people it's great is quite another. I used the same command, but it got installed in the location noted above, which means the workflow doesn't work. IMO, any libraries should be installed in the workflow (i.e. distributed with it), so users don't have to dick around with sudo and risk breaking other software that requires a different version of some library or another.
  9. There's no need to directly involve Alfred: you can generate an entire workflow programatically. As long as it's in Alfred's workflow directory, Alfred will notice the new workflow in seconds. This method is way less error prone than trying to emulate mouse clicks and key presses. See my Fuzzy Folders workflow for an example (it adds keywords and actions to itself by rewriting its own info.plist).
  10. Thanks for finding that. It was indeed something very minor, and it's fixed in v1.4, which is up on GitHub and Packal now. You can also update by entering duden workflow:update into Alfred. If you're still getting bum results, use duden workflow:delcache to remove any cached results from the previous, broken version.
  11. That's one solution, and strictly for the tech savvy.I have serious reservations about a workflow that promises "strong, memorable" passwords, but in fact provides insecure (but memorable) passwords by default. I've been debating editing the OP to make clear that it isn't secure, but held off in the hope that zkarj fixes the workflow. OTOH, that kind of turns its other major issue (it doesn't actually work at all until you install some Perl libraries in weird locations) into a valuable feature!
  12. I don't really know. In practice, if you have GraphicsMagick, instead of using convert, you use gm convert and so on.
  13. Yeah, it's not exactly super user friendly. If you can be more precise regarding what problem(s) you're having installing the script, perhaps I can offer some actionable help. Perhaps with your feedback, I could write an installer script that would make it (relatively) painless to install and use.
  14. You need to open up the Run Script action in the workflow and configure the settings. The comments in the script explain what stuff does. In particular: # Perform conversion with ImageMagick convert = ['/usr/local/bin/convert'] # Perform conversion with GraphicsMagick # convert = ['/usr/local/bin/gm', 'convert'] # Options to pass to `convert` command convert_options = ['-strip', '-quality', '75', '-interlace', 'line'] For ImageMagick, you need to change the corresponding setting to point to the right place: convert = ['/usr/local/bin/convert'] to: convert = ['/the/place/you/installed/convert'] If you want to use GraphicsMagick, you need to uncomment the corresponding line: # convert = ['/usr/local/bin/gm', 'convert'] to: convert = ['/usr/local/bin/gm', 'convert'] If you uncomment the GraphicsMagick setting, that will override the ImageMagick one.
  15. Reading from the Excel file shouldn't be difficult. The tricky bit is pasting into a website and extracting the results. Which website is it?
  16. Give this a try. Note: I don't actually have ImageMagick, so it's only been tested with GraphicsMagick. There's an option at the top of the script, RENAME_ORIGINAL, which if set to True will rename the original file and save the optimised version under the original name.
  17. Yeah, it's a bug. Thanks for finding it! Pint knows about cups, but the abbreviation for the Cuban peso is "CUP", and that's overriding the definition of cup as a measure of volume. The error you're getting is because the workflow can't convert pesos to cubic centimetres… I'll figure out a permanent solution for the next release within the next day or two. As a temporary workaround, and assuming you don't need to work with Cuban pesos right now, you could try this: Right-click on the workflow in Alfred Preferences and choose "Show in Finder" Open the currencies.json file (but NOT with TextEdit!) Delete the line that says "CUP": "Cuba Peso", (should be line 35) Open Alfred and enter conv workflow:delcache to clear the currency cache (which may still contain Cuban Pesos) Now "cup" should resolve to half a pint, and not Cuban pesos, so your conversion should work.
  18. Did you decide how you want this to work yet?
  19. Unfortunately, the answer to your question is that it's currently impossible to do because the AppleScript support in Messages.app is broken. Your code should work, but Messages.app isn't giving you the text chat objects it says it does: tell application "Messages" to return properties of every chat produces: {{class:item}, {class:item}, {class:item}, {class:item}, ...} which is just a bunch of empty records. Compare it with Safari: tell application "Safari" to return properties of every window which returns: {{document:document "Reply to Message - Workflow Help & Questions - Alfred App Community Forum" of application "Safari", closeable:true, zoomed:true, class:window, index:1, visible:true, name:"Reply to Message - Workflow Help & Questions - Alfred App Community Forum", modal:false, miniaturizable:true, titled:true, id:23277, miniaturized:false, floating:false, resizable:true, bounds:{1263, 761, 2543, 1547}, current tab:tab 4 of window id 23277 of application "Safari", zoomable:true}, ...}
  20. Seeing as you're using Python, have you looked at Alfred-Workflow? Your workflow has several actions, and the tutorial may give you a better idea how to structure the workflow (e.g. having a separate Python script instead of writing code in Alfred's Script box). This workflow is a bit more complex than yours, but I think it's a reasonable example of how you can combine multiple workflow actions into one script. There are much simpler ways to do the HTTP/SOAP, too. Unfortunately, it's hard to give really concrete input on the workflow because I don't have a Sony receiver.
  21. Updated today to work properly with just one VPN and with smarter sorting (i.e. Alfred's knowledge applied) when not connected to a VPN.
  22. One tip: if you're copying and pasting a lot of code, you're doing it wrong. Ideally, you'd write one script (or one library) that contains all the networking code in a generalised manner, and you'd call that script from the workflow. Currently, if you want to change, say the IP address, you have to do it in 8–10 different places. Ideally, it should only need changing in one place.
  23. Not likely. It's a mess. And bad. I was hoping you would make an offline version of this one, to be honest.
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