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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. Fundamentally, Alfred doesn’t work that way. If a command/search/workflow returns no results, Alfred always shows its fallback searches instead. A lot of workflows deliberately show a "nothing found" result, but built-in Alfred features do not, so for better or worse, I don't see Eject being changed to work differently to everything else.
  2. I don't think there's an official term. All the docs talk about Inputs, Utilities, Actions etc. I usually say "workflow element". As a rule, if the workflow you're talking about exists, don't describe it, upload it somewhere and post a link. Can't be done. You can disable an entire workflow, but not individual elements within it. To disable an element, you either need to delete its keyword/hotkey or its incoming connections.
  3. This, probably. It's not just fetching your browser history, but combining the results with those from the search engine, and then figuring out how to make that work well with Alfred's own sorting. It's absolutely doable (depending on your browser), but so far nobody has cared enough to build it (well, release it). Every single time. I quit Alfred, then try to open Alfred in order to run Alfred. Then I panic for a bit while I try to remember how else to launch apps. Eventually, I remember I can double-click in Finder or run them from a shell, then I immediately try to open Alfred in order to launch Finder or iTerm, so I can launch Alfred…
  4. That's already how it works. The clipboard history is an SQLite database. The problem remains the same. Andrew isn't going to add a button that enables the storage of unlimited amounts of data. It's a footgun. That effectively disqualifies it as a potential official feature. Perhaps a feature that exports expiring history items instead of deleting them, making it easier to build a workflow to search them. But it must be a workflow. We aren't going to get an official feature that might fill up your disk or murder search performance, regardless of how awesome it might be.
  5. This is precisely the issue. An option to keep the clipboard history indefinitely is a ticking time bomb. It’s inevitable that some proportion of users will run into issues as a result. Given enough time, every user will run into issues with it. Andrew just doesn't add features like that to Alfred. If it's obviously going to cause issues and support requests, it's effectively off the table. Clipboard images are uncompressed bitmap data, which is frequently 20+ times the size of PNG/JPEG data. As a point of reference, a 1400x1400px bitmap is 8MB. A JPEG or PNG version might only be 50kB.
  6. Huh. By my reckoning, YYYY should still be 2021. First week of 2022 is next week (first Thursday of the year).
  7. Use External Script, so you can edit the script without opening Alfred Preferences.
  8. It's a bash replacement for the main Script Filter in the workflow. I wouldn't bother, though, tbh: You'll probably need to install PHP to fix other workflows, anyway. https://brew.sh/
  9. We can't debug a workflow based on a vague text description. If you won't upload the entire workflow, copy the part that isn't working into a new one and upload that somewhere, then post a link to it.
  10. Yeah, it's super annoying when this happens, but understand that there is absolutely nothing that Alfred can do about this. Some other application is turning on a core macOS security feature. The latter is specifically designed to make it impossible for anything but the former to turn back off. Logging out/rebooting is the only “manual” way to disable Secure Text Entry by design. You need to take it up with the developers of the program that's leaving Secure Text Entry turned on. They are literally the only people who can do anything. Asking the Alfred team to provide a workaround is literally asking them to circumvent a macOS security API. That's as reasonable as it is possible.
  11. Hi @MevetS, welcome to the forum. It isn't spelled out explicitly because the answer depends on the application you want to insert a link into. Rich text (which Alfred can insert) supports clickable links, but that will only work if the application you’re using supports it (it doesn't work in Firefox, for example). You can create the link in TextEdit then paste it into Alfred's Snippet box (make sure the snippet is of type Rich Text Snippet). Type "here" in a TextEdit document, select the word, then press ⌘K to add the hyperlink. Then copy-and-paste the link into Alfred. If that doesn't work, you'll need to tell us which specific applications you're talking about.
  12. Like Vítor says, "expanding" is the territory of snippets. Just be sure to remove Alfred from the excluded apps list (Alfred doesn't expand snippets in Alfred by default). Your other option is to create a duplicate Script Filter and edit it so that the script receives your extra text in addition to your input, e.g. you change the script from some-script "$1" (which receives just your input) to some-script "#media/youtube $1" (which appends your input to #media/youtube).
  13. They use the same mechanism, AFAIK. My (not particularly relevant) point was just that hotkeys do not require Alfred to monitor keystrokes. It isn't not working just because Secure Text Entry is turned on.
  14. Please be a bit more thorough than a quick search. You're not the first person to realise that having a tabs workflow for Finder like you can get for some browsers would be awesome, and there are several explanations of why it isn't really possible to do. No, it doesn't. That's what I'm saying. Finder's scripting API does not support tabs. External programs, like workflows, can only "see" Finder windows, not the tabs within them. AFAIK, the only option you have would be reading and "clicking" Finder's Window menu.
  15. Please search the forum before creating a new thread. This topic has been discussed at great length already. Finder's scripting API doesn't support tabs.
  16. Sounds like a window manager issue. Could you try setting Focusing to Compatibility Mode in Appearance > Options? (Enter ?options into Alfred to go straight to “Appearance Options”.) There have been several similar reports about Alfred not appearing properly when Spotlight's window is visible on Monterey. I can imagine that Quicklook uses the same type of window. I believe using Compatibility Mode fixes that issue.
  17. It's 100% a 1Password thing. All Alfred does it read the data exported by 1Password and pass commands back to it. What happens after you choose a login in entirely up to 1Password. It (and its browser extensions) are responsible for all the opening of URLs and filling of form fields.
  18. No reason shortcuts should be affected: AFAIK, setting a shortcut is telling the OS "call me if this shortcut is pressed". The app doesn't need to watch your keystrokes itself. Snippets are a different matter: Alfred needs to be able to monitor your keypresses to recognise snippet keywords.
  19. Alfred's Open Files action allows you to specify an application.
  20. So, you expect the COPY event to go to the Finder windows, not the Quicklook window? This sounds like it might be related to some of the issues with Spotlight not disappearing when Alfred is activated on Monterey. Apple appear to have changed the way focus works in Monterey, and quite a few events aren't reaching the same windows they would under previous versions of macOS.
  21. If you want to open a playlist URL use open location, i.e. tell application "Music" to open location (item 1 of argv)
  22. You don’t need the JSON Config: all it does is emit a JSON-encoded alfredworkflow object. You can emit the same JSON directly from your Run Script. import json import sys scopes = ['~', '/some/file/path'] config = { 'alfredworkflow' : { 'config' : { 'argumenttrimmode' : 0, 'keyword' : 'keyword', 'daterange' : 0, 'scopes' : scopes, # ... # ... } } } json.dump(config, sys.stdout, indent=2)
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