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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. Can you be more precise? Like, is it always the same parent directory, or do you mean the parent directory of the files you're moving? Describe the task as if you were explaining how to move the files to someone who's got to do it for you while you're on holiday.
  2. I don’t think so. I’ve never used doing, so I’m not sure, but there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot you could do to make it simpler/faster to use. A shorter keyword, perhaps? .d would be a good choice if you use it a lot (starting keywords with . is generally guaranteed to result in zero regular search results, so it will take you straight to your workflow). If you wanted to push the boat out, I guess a history feature would be a sweet touch. So the workflow remembers all the previous tasks you entered and suggests them when you run it. If you have any questions, fire away.
  3. The workflow link is dead, too Can you be more specific about exactly what you want to do?
  4. That's exactly what's happening. Properly-implemented password fields turn on what's called Secure Input, which stops any other application – like Alfred – from monitoring your keystrokes while you're entering a password. Absolutely not. If you figure out a way, you should ask Apple if you're eligible for a bug bounty. Keeping passwords in snippets is also not a great idea security-wise. You should consider a real password manager, or at least keeping the passwords in Keychain (/usr/bin/security is a command-line interface workflows can use).
  5. No. If the service doesn't show up in the search, the workflow probably isn't finding. I don't have TextBuddy or an OS it supports, so I can't say much more than that unless you want to dig out its service definitions for me. Note: The workflow only supports services that define their input as pasteboard types. Services that define input as filetypes are ignored.
  6. Look at the "Dynamic File Search" example workflow built into Alfred Preferences. That's the native way to narrow your search. The other approach is to write a workflow that understands it’s looking for directories with a subdirectory named src. As an example, here's my workflow for working with git repos. It finds directories that contain a .git subdirectory.
  7. Have you tried reading the documentation and actually looking at the workflow?
  8. The workflow is poorly written (sourcing dotfiles like that is almost always the wrong thing to do). Replace the contents of the central Run Script element with the code below. Then it should work. I've commented out the two lines I changed. # source ~/.bash_profile export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH if [ "{query}" == ? ]; then osascript -e ' set _doing to do shell script "doing recent" -- tell application "Alfred 2" to search _doing tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search _doing tell application "System Events" keystroke "l" using {command down, option down} end tell ' else doing now "{query}" echo "Added new task" fi
  9. Then perhaps the URLs are different. What are the final URLs of the search results from the workflow and when you search in-browser?
  10. It depends how you launch the application. Some people prefer to launch a new browser instance with a new profile.
  11. A workflow could do it. A workflow can open URLs any way it wants. It can't change the way Alfred or other workflows handle them, though. Similarly, Alfred can't alter the way workflows open URLs if they don't use its Open URL action (which many don't). I very much doubt that the Alfred team would consider implementing a feature like this. Fundamentally, it makes more sense living in a separate application (like Choosy), so you can have your custom URL handling system-wide, not just in Alfred.
  12. That's not much of a problem. Just don't use any Python 3.9-specific features.
  13. Hi @TommyBeagle, welcome to the forum. It sounds like you want Choosy (or similar).
  14. You don't have many other options, tbh. Your media keys will probably work for one application playing audio/video, but that’s it. There is no universal method for discovering which apps are playing something, nor for telling them to stop. Some apps might support the requisite events, others might have an AppleScript (or other API). Realistically, you're going to need a lot of application-specific code for each of the apps you want to support (if it's possible at all). The menubar app BackgroundMusic can pause some of the players you're talking about. As far as your browser goes, if you're talking about Firefox or something Chromium-based, you'd probably have more luck searching for browser extensions.
  15. Hi @OllyD, welcome to the forum. It's not possible to add a workflow's results to Alfred's default search results. I'm not sure which Firefox workflow you're talking about, but if it doesn't already have a Hotkey you can configure to go straight to bookmark search, it should be possible to add one.
  16. If you have malicious software running on your system that can sniff your clipboard, it can almost certainly steal or subvert other things, too, and your goose is already cooked. Putting passwords on the pasteboard is perfectly common. The important thing is to mark the data as transient (which Alfred's Copy to Clipboard can do), so clipboard history managers like Alfred don't remember it. If you're planning to immediately paste the password, it might be a good idea to clear the clipboard after a few seconds.
  17. From your screenshot, your TM volumes are all called .timemachine. Did you try adding that name to the Exclude list? Adding *.backup would probably also do the trick.
  18. Editing the workflow in a later version of Alfred breaks backwards compatibility, anyway.
  19. Why did you post this in "Alfred Feature Suggestions"? I'm moving it to Workflow Help & Questions. Please take care to post in the correct forum in the future.
  20. What, specifically, are you asking for? There are generally-applicable ways to open an application or a document/URL (in a specific application). Anything more complicated depends on the application you're talking about.
  21. I think this is a poor fit for a workflow, tbh. It’s a hell of a job trying to decipher all the info.plists in your prefs bundle (work out all the Hotkey modifiers etc.) and impossible to navigate Alfred Preferences from a workflow the way ? does. Depends how you look at it, I suppose. As a tool for navigating rapidly to a workflow in Alfred Preferences, ? would benefit from the kind of fuzzy matching Alfred supports for applications in its main search. If it's supposed to be a source of information for help purposes, it would be better served with more and better metadata than looser matching, imo. For example, I tried to find the Hotkey I’d set up to open the current selection in Dropover yesterday. I ended up grepping my prefs bundle because Open URL/File are completely opaque to ? and the only element-specific search terms Alfred recognises for a Hotkey Trigger are “hotkey” and “trigger”. Why can't I find Hotkeys (or Open URL/File) elements based on the applications they're assigned to? Or their notes, seeing as they can't have any other unique text? My personal preference would be to put snippets behind a separate keyword (e.g. ?snip), so they don’t overwhelm other results, and to use much richer metadata for searching. SQLite fulltext search seems a natural fit. Then you can bung absolutely everything in there (notes, workflow descriptions etc.) as long as you assign appropriately low priority.
  22. If you're trying to find cookies, you need to look in the Network or Storage tabs:
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