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    cands reacted to xilopaint in Alfred PDF Tools – Optimize, encrypt and manipulate PDF files   
    Update (v2.16)
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the Crop file action to work properly on PDF files with mutiple pages.
    • PyPDF2 replaced with PyPDF4.
  2. Like
    cands reacted to troycurtisjr in Do Not Disturb, Limited   
    My first (exported) workflow:
    Do Not Disturb, Limited - Toggle the macOS Do Not Disturb feature, optionally for a specified length of time.



    I was really inspired by CalmNotifications but I always forgot to toggle it back. Plus, I really wanted the indicator to reflect the current status, which didn't happen when the "set a plist value and kill NotificationCenter" method is used.
    Releases | Source
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    cands reacted to Acidham in Alfred Markdown Notes   
    Markdown Notes help to manage Markdown files in a directory with powerful full text search (supports & and |), tag search or search for todos ( - [ ] or * [ ]) . It also allows to quickly create new notes based on custom templates.
    I started to write this to replace the ton of Note taking apps that I used a while ago. I spent a lot of time to get this to work and the setup is a bit complex but once you went thru the steps it can indeed replace your note taking app. 
    The best MD Editor for this purpose is Typora but any other MD editor works as well. 
    Download at Git as usual: https://github.com/Acidham/alfred-markdown-notes/releases/latest
  4. Thanks
    cands reacted to vitor in Send to Dropshelf   
    I’m not the original author of this thread, but here’s a version of this, based on the one I built for myself.
  5. Thanks
    cands reacted to vitor in Pin Plus — Interact with your Pinboard bookmarks   

    Added support for Vivaldi and Brave. I’ve skipped Opera since while we can get the URL and Title from a tab, we can’t execute JavaScript (to run the bookmarklet to add bookmarks). The capability seems to be there (being Chromium-based) but not a way of turning it on.

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  6. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Div — simple windows manager   
    Run the function 100x in a loop and time it?
    In my experience, it's sending Apple Events to other applications that's really, really slow. From the testing I've done on my machine, it takes about 0.2s to call out to another application. The calculations the workflow performs will take a very trivial amount of time relative to that.
    As such, you should focus on minimising tell application ... calls. As best as I can tell from looking at the code, there are at least three tell application ... calls per run, which accounts for the majority (>0.5s) of the workflow's runtime, imo.
    Can you not combine the two scripts (div.scpt and divObjC.scptd) and save the tell application "Finder" ... call? It might also be possible to do only one tell application "System Events" to set activeApp ... call.

    If you could do that, it would halve the workflow's run time.
  7. Like
    cands reacted to Russell Davis in EggTimer v2 [updated to 2.0 final]   
    @Luciano Santana (and anyone else following along), there are a few commands (Create New Timer, Create New Alarm, and View Recent) that are still broken in Alfred 3. I have a branch that fixes them. (I also submitted a PR to Luciano's repo.)
  8. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in EggTimer v2 [updated to 2.0 final]   
    Download the zip file from the repo (Clone or download > Download ZIP) and extract it. Go into the new directory, select all the files, right-click and choose "Compress 11 Items". That will create Archive.zip. change the name to Archive.alfredworkflow and double-click it.
  9. Thanks
    cands reacted to vitor in Pin Plus — Interact with your Pinboard bookmarks   

    I’ve made slight modifications to the method to read/write api token. You will be asked to add your token again.

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  10. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Google Calendar View   
    Fairly substantial update to v0.2.0.

    Add support for multiple accounts Show event location in events list Clear tokens on authentication error Add a sweet animated spinner
  11. Thanks
    cands reacted to raguay.customct in TextSoap cleaners on the Clipboard   
    Hi @fncll,
    Just updated the workflow on GitHub:  https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/Alfred 3/TextSoapCleaners.alfredworkflow
    It's now future proofed for Alfred and TextSoap. Just set the TextSoap application name in the environment variables and the scripts will call the right application. I changed all the AppleScripts to JXA (JavaScript for Automation). Seems to be working for me. Let me know.
  12. Thanks
    cands reacted to otherguy in Airports   
    It's been a while but I just released version 0.1.6, hopefully fixing most bugs.
    Thanks for the hint with unidecode @deanishe, I removed that dependency!
    Unfortunately, since the GitHub username changed, this is a manual update: https://github.com/otherguy/alfred-airports-workflow/releases/tag/0.1.6
  13. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Recent files in a folder   
    Should be: they’re filepaths, AFAIK. Just add:
    ”type”: “file”
    to each feedback item, then all that should work. 
  14. Like
    cands reacted to Acidham in Recent files in a folder   
    Thx for the feedback @cands and thank you @deanishe for your help!
  15. Like
    cands reacted to Acidham in Recent files in a folder   
    Done....date string can now be formatted in WF settings
  16. Like
    cands reacted to raguay.customct in TextSoap cleaners on the Clipboard   
    I've had it updated since Alfred 3.0 came out. Sorry, I haven't updated the link. It is now updated and you can get the latest version from the GitHub account:  https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred/blob/master/Alfred 3/TextSoapCleaners.alfredworkflow
    All of my workflows in this branch work great and I use them a lot.
  17. Like
    cands reacted to Acidham in Recent files in a folder   
    Updated to v 2.0.
    Complete rewritten in Python for getting faster results.
  18. Thanks
    cands reacted to jason0x43 in Weather workflow   
    Ok, version 1.5.0 is out. I replaced uses of Google's Location API with OpenStreetMaps Nominatim, which seems to work OK, although it's a bit less intelligent than Google's. At least it works, though.
  19. Like
    cands reacted to AlexMartinFR in Mojave Accented Dark & Light Themes Collection + Theme Switcher Workflow   
    August 2020 edit:
    I'm now working on a Big Sur edition of this theme collection!
    To get a native look and feel, we will need one more option from Alfred's theming engine:
    Round corners for the highlighted search result 🙂
    I'm making this case in this tweet, please RT/Like if you'd like to see this happen:
    Thanks 🙏
    Hello everyone,
    Here is a full collection of themes to embrace macOS Mojave's new Dark and Light themes and their respective accent colors!
    Each one hase been carefully designed with a pinch of the accent color's hue in each element.
    I've chosen to respect the low contrast Yellow Accent color shipped by Apple in macOS, despite not being fond of it.
    It comes in Blue, Purple, Pink, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green & Gray, each with a Dark and Light variant.
    You can have the color you want, as long as it's not black! 
    There is now a workflow made for this themes collection, which allows you to switch easily between Dark & Light mode, and select your Alfred theme's accent color.
    Here is a quick demo:

    TL;DR: How to Install ?
    You can find all the previews in High Res and link to each theme on Alfred's website on my repo:

  20. Like
    cands reacted to AlexMartinFR in Automatical theme change for Mojave   
    I use this Workflow with my collection of Mojave Dark & Light themes :
    That way I can switch between macOS Dark & Light modes AND alternate between a Dark & Light Alfred theme at the same time, with the command "theme toggle" ?
    You just have to configure the name of the themes you want to use in the "Toggle Alfred" script in the workflow configuration.

  21. Like
    cands reacted to phantasm in Text / Filename Tools   
    first of all, I want to say I am truly grateful to this community. i have not been active in this forum throughout the years, but i am truly appreciative of all the great creators and contributors around here. what an amazing app, helps with my workflow each and every day. thinking of the Mac as a bicycle for the mind, it's interesting to note that one app inside the Mac can seem equally helpful at the same time. thank you.
    anyways, i want to share a couple of workflows i've created over the years. i'm not a programmer by any means, but do enjoy navigating the code that you guys create.
    i will share one workflow in another post, but for this one, this has been a very useful tool to me for repetitive tasks of file renaming. i've collected a number of bash functions to assist in switching file names with special characters such as hyphens, underscores, and periods, to spaces and vice versa. the functions are by no means polished, but they work well as-is.
    wondering if a programmer would like to use this as inspiration for a workflow that works better than the one i've created. if not, i think this will still help many of us.

    to use, copy the file name or text you want to transform, action the workflow through the keywords, and paste back to the file.
    keywords are first letter on the character with '2' in between for transformation.
    one caveat, the functions i've used add a new line after each transformation. you'll have to backspace once after each paste. i was thinking this was one thing someone could fix.

    other than that, works really well! Feel free to build upon this or alter as you see fit.
    Download here:   https://drive.google.com/filename_tools.alfredworkflow

  22. Like
    cands reacted to MuppetGate in Yet another date calculator   
    Okay, I’ve scored a bit of time to revisit the date app and fix a few bugs. Not everything has been looked at because I’ve got to head off again for a while, but what I have done is:

    –    Upgraded the workflow library
    –    Fixed a few of the scripts that referred to Alfred 2 instead of Alfred 3 (I guess this means Alfred 2 is no longer supported).
    –    A bit of a general code tidy up

    The big piece of work though, is the restoration of the exclude functionality, which should work properly, but with limitations. To prevent it blowing things up if the search combination doesn’t produce a valid match, I’ve limited the workflow to about 300 attempts to look for a match. After that, I’ll throw an error.

    So how does it work? Here’s a quick example.

    Say you’re a busy project bod and you have a piece of work that’s going to take three weeks. So you enter the data expression:

    dcalc today + 3w

    And that gives you a date three weeks into the future. But hang on a sec: no one works weekends, so how long will it take if there are no weekends included:

    dcalc today + 3w exclude weekends

    So now the date will be further into the future because weekends are not counted as part of the project. (Another way to look at it is if people worked weekends then the project could be brought in at an earlier date).

    You can exclude individual days:

    dcalc today + 3w x weekends 28.10.2018 

    This will exclude all weekends and also the 28th of October. Note that you can just use x or ex instead of exclude.
    We can exclude other days:

    dcalc today + 3w x Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays

    We can also do ranges:

    dcalc today + 3w exclude Tuesdays 30.10.2018 to 05.11.2018 02.12.2018

    This beast will exclude Tuesdays, all days between the 30.10.2018 and 05.11.2018, and it will also exclude 02.12.2018
    We can also do:

    dcalc today + 3w exclude all except tuesdays

    Error checking is minimal, but this kind of stuff won’t work:

    dcalc today + 3w ex all except wednesdays wednesdays
    dcalc today + 3w x weekends weekdays
    Because every day has been excluded.
    The update can be found in the usual place:
    The usual disclaimers apply, so don't use this to schedule brain surgery.  Use a calendar.
  23. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Workflow to start and quit app at intervals   
    Keyboard Maestro is a paid app, and is definitely overkill for such a simple task. Especially since there are free apps that can do it just as well or better.
    @andreasl For your specific case, the commands you’d have to tell Lingon to run would be something like osascript -e 'tell application "Outlook" to activate' and osascript -e 'tell application "Outlook" to quit'. Outlook may not be the exact name of the application (that you’ll have to check yourself, as I don’t use it), but the rest of the code should work.
  24. Like
    cands reacted to katie in Reference Importer   
    Thank you; I will try that! Just spent a good chunk of time doing this manually. 
    Edit: And it works! I must have missed an update. This is literally the best day ever. 
  25. Like
    cands reacted to Mpco in Recent Documents / Apps ?   
    This workflow can list documents and apps opened recently.
    Especially, it can list files opened recently by the foremost app.
    System: macOS 10.11+
    Github: https://github.com/mpco/Alfred3-workflow-recent-documents
    You can press Enter to open the file in result, or press ⌘CMD-Enter to reveal it in Finder.
    Tap rr to list files opened recently by the foremost app.
    For example:
    Recent folders will be listed when Finder is foremost. Recent rtf, text files will be listed when TextEdit app is foremost. Recent *.sketch files will be listed when Sketch app is foremost. Recent *.xcodeproj project files will be listed when Xcode app is foremost. The subtitle of each result consists of ⏱modified time and ?path of the file.

    Tap rf to list recent folders.
    Opening recent folders is very common in use. Tapping rf is a more efficient way, even though you can activate Finder and then tap rr.

    Tap rd to list recent files.
    These files were recently opened by user, not like rr which is just for the foremost app.

    Tap ra to list apps opened recently.

    Exclude folders from the results.
    You can add private folder pathes separated by colon : to the Workflow Environment Variable ExcludedFolders. The results will not show private folders and any files inside them.
    For example: ~/privateFolder1/:/Users/G/privateFolder2/
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