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Posts posted by Vero

  1. 23 hours ago, Buffer said:

    I was actually wondering if there was rough data on what average consumer usage was for sending API requests via the workflow.


    @Buffer Just to clarify, we don't track your data so Alfred doesn't hold any knowledge of your API usage. Your privacy has always been a priority for us, so we don't keep aggregate data of users' Alfred usage, don't track your searches and don't host your preferences. 


    You could create a quick keyword-based shortcut to launch the API usage page of the OpenAI site so you can easily pop it up to see how much data you've used. It won't take long for you to get a feel for your own usage level, I'm sure! :) 

  2. @nano5 That may be copied from a spreadsheet and formatted by the inputting app. Remember that apps can copy things to your clipboard without your direct knowledge or action.


    When you see the Alfred icon like that, it can also indicate that Alfred doesn't know the source, or have been copied by Universal Clipboard :) 

  3. @ZG13 Welcome to the forum!


    Alfred has a built-in File Search Troubleshooting tool; Open your Alfred preferences to Help > Troubleshooting > Run Troubleshooting... then drag in some folders/files you can't find in Alfred. You'll find out whether they're indexed, whether they're in the search scope etc...


    You'll find more details here on the indexing page, including how to rebuild your Mac's index:



    If you're still having issues finding files, please provide all the information outlined on the page above so that we can help you further. :)



  4. @sepulchra No license will have been issued in your case, as you upgraded from Legendary to Legendary+, and therefore already have a Legendary license at hand.


    Users going from Mega Supporter to Legendary, as is the scenario for @Mr Pennyworth, will receive a new license as it allows them to activate with the Legendary license, reflecting their shiny new status in the preferences!


    We're humbled that the community asked us to create this additional way to support Alfred; This really is the nicest corner of the internet :) 

  5. @Jaydeez Taking a look at your metadata more closely, the files are listed as System Files


    On 2/26/2024 at 5:24 PM, Jaydeez said:

    kMDItemSupportFileType             = (


    As such, you'll need to use a File Filter workflow to find these, as the flexibility of File Filters allows you to include System Files in your results.


    I've created one you can download here. It has the keyword "sys" and searches everything within / so you may want to modify these to suit how you want to use it.


    File Search Including System Files Workflow


    Let me know how you get on :) 

  6. @Rene Could you please email our info@ email address with your Diagnostics? You can get this by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred, and can then attach it to your email. I'll then take a look at your information first thing tomorrow morning (as it's currently 10:30pm here in the UK).


    Please also specify which sync service you have been using, if any, so that I can be more accurate in my response.


    In any case, if you have a backup of your preferences, there's nothing to worry about. I'll be able to walk you through the steps needed to recover all of your snippets. :)



  7. @Rene The snippets.alfdb is only a transient database, so please look out for folders with the name of your collections in Trash. If you can see these, back them up somewhere safe and we'll help you reset your preferences. Each folder will contain .json files for each snippet, and is the key data you need to recover.


    If you have Time Machine or any other kind of backup, we can also help you locate your collections there. 


    As well as confirming which versions of Alfred and macOS you're using, it would be helpful to know whether you're syncing your preferences, and if so, what service you're using.

  8. @mpusch Thanks for sending the Diagnostics and iTunes.alfdb through.


    We've had a look at everything you've provided, and I can't work out why random albums wouldn't be working for you. I have the same configuration and everything seems to be working normally on our various test Macs. 


    Could you try quitting Alfred, deleting the iTunes.alfdb file manually then relaunching and rebuilding? This will help ensure the database is definitely being rebuilt, just on the off-chance that there are permissions issues on your Mac.


    Is there anything else in iTunes or the Mini Player exhibiting unusual behaviour? I can't think of anything else to check at this point. 

  9. @Mogul Welcome to the forum :) 


    Alfred doesn't use them randomly; He learns from your usage and associates the keyword you type to the result you choose.


    For example, if you typed "m" and chose Apple Maps a few times, Alfred will show Apple Maps when you type "m". If you then typed "maps" and chose Google Maps, Alfred will associate Google Maps to you typing "maps" in full. 


    In other words, it's not just the full keyword you have set, but also how much of it you type before selecting it as the right result.


    You can find out more about how Alfred sets knowledge here:



  10. @mpusch Could you please paste this path into Alfred and take a look at the iTunes.alfdb? Is the last modified date current?




    Next, please open Alfred's preferences to Features > Music > Advanced and click "Reset Music Library". Pop up the Mini Player and try using Random once again.


    If the issue persists, could you please send your iTunes.alfdb and your Diagnostics to our info@ address, including a reference link back to this thread for context? You can get your Diagnostics file by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred and choosing "Export Diagnostics...". 



  11. @mpusch Welcome to the forum :)


    Could you please let us know:

    • Version of Alfred
    • Version of macOS
    • Whether you have locally-stored music, an Apple Music subscription, etc?
    • If you open the Music app in the background, do you see the new track appear at the top of the player, but it just doesn't start to play?

    If you can provide as much details as possible (e.g. did this work previously? Has it changed recently, perhaps after a macOS upgrade?), we'll help you get to the bottom of this. 



  12. @vijendra To clarify, Alfred does not handle the syncing, Dropbox does. If you've configured Dropbox / your Mac in an unusual way, or Dropbox is offloading the files in any way, this will cause the issue you're seeing.


    We're all here to help you resolve your issue, so I'd ask that you please follow the suggestion I made in my earlier post, which involves setting up a non-Dropbox sync location:


    19 hours ago, Vero said:

    please set your sync location to a local folder on your Mac (~/Alfred/  in your home folder, for example, not in an iCloud synced location like Documents or Desktop) and try again. This will help establish whether the issue you're seeing is the result of syncing.


    Once you've done this, please get back to us. Share as much information as possible about your configuration if it's in any way non-standard so that we can help you get to the bottom of this quickly.

  13. @vijendra You specifically need to right-click the folder in which you store your preferences, and choose "Make available offline" from the Dropbox menu in Finder, in order for this to always be reflected in the way files are handled.


    Once you've done this, see whether you're still encountering the issue. If you are, please set your sync location to a local folder on your Mac (~/Alfred/  in your home folder, for example, not in an iCloud synced location like Documents or Desktop) and try again. This will help establish whether the issue you're seeing is the result of syncing.


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