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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @riaamp From where you are in that screenshot, you can see that the hotkey field is in focus. You now simply need to press all keys for your hotkey combo... for example, Cmd + Alt + T all at once. If you're unable to set it, it'll be because the hotkey combo you're trying to use is already reserved by another app or somewhere else in Alfred. Try setting an alternative hotkey combo, or disable it wherever it's been previously set. Cheers, Vero
  2. @Whiskey T.Could you provide more details as to what kind of file you're searching for, whether the file itself can be found when you search using "open" and the name of your file? Not all file types have their content fully indexed by macOS. If you use Spotlight (the bar that appears in the centre of your screen, not Finder's search box), do you find your results when searching for the contents? If you can provide more details on the type of file, its location, exactly what you're typing into Alfred, it'll be easier for us to guide you... Cheers, Vero
  3. @Whiskey T. Welcome to the forum Take a look at the beginner's guide to searching using Alfred, for the different ways of searching on your Mac and on the web: https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/beginners-guide-to-alfred-searching-your-mac-and-the-web/ If you're still having trouble finding certain files, make sure you'reusing Alfred 4.1, then go to Alfred's preferences > Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Search Troubleshooting, dragging in some of the files you can't locate. This will give you more information on whether the metadata for these files is complete, and if they're correctly included in Alfred's index. Let us know how you get on! Cheers, Vero
  4. @Andi If you open Alfred's preferences to the Help tab > Troubleshooting > Run Troubleshooting and drag in files from your external drive, you'll see an analysis of whether the files are indexed, etc... Paste your results in your response and we can also take a look. Cheers, Vero
  5. @choc Andrew answered that question last month here: Cheers, Vero
  6. @rob213 This is not a default action, and is part of the Evernote workflow: Cheers, Vero
  7. @jerik I can't replicate the issue in Alfred 3 or Alfred 4 either. Could you please try to do this in TextEdit in plain text, and let me know whether a space is added there too? This is the best place to test things out, as it's the most native/basic app around Do you have any other clipboard managers or text manipulation tools that might be running at the same time? Sometimes another app interfering can result in extra/missing characters as two apps try to do text expansion at the same time. Cheers, Vero
  8. @rob213 As a further tip to @deanishe suggesting taking a look at the Workflow objects available, I wanted to point out that each object, and each Alfred feature has a question mark icon next to it in the preferences. Click this icon to be taken to the relevant documentation for that object. You'll then be able to learn what each object does, how it interacts with others, etc, which should answer many of your questions Cheers, Vero
  9. @jerik Welcome to the forum Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-specific questions? Once you've confirmed your details, we'll be happy to help! Cheers, Vero
  10. @ChocolateMilk Welcome to the forum Provided these Macs are for your own use and not shared workstations, that's absolutely fine! Cheers, Vero
  11. @rob213 That's still a browser though, not an app that could allow AppleScript support, etc... Might want to take a look at the existing translation workflows, including one for dict.cc - they're not that recent, so might need to some adjustments, but would be a better starting point. And for DeepL, which I'm not familiar with personally but many people seem to really like: https://github.com/m9dfukc/deepl-alfred-workflow Cheers, Vero
  12. @rob213 If you share what translation app you're referring to, fellow users who know the app might be able to tell you whether there's a way to do it Cheers, Vero
  13. @rob213 This should work, so it would be useful to look at how you've set up the workflow. I've created quite a few dynamic file search workflows over the years, so could you share the specific one you're using? Cheers, Vero
  14. @ficus_89 If you pop open Alfred's preferences to Features > Snippets, do you see a red notice telling you that secure entry is locked during that time? It would look something like this (but with 1PW as the app preventing text expansion): Note that it can take a few seconds for this message to appear in Alfred once you go into a secure field. This is an intentional action from 1Password, as it aims to keep your data secure by not allowing third-party apps to read your keystrokes while in 1Password. This is sensible as you could be copying or creating passwords that you don't want seen by apps that save things as plain text. Cheers, Vero
  15. @dncrews Did your IT people take a backup on BoxSync before migrating everyone's data? That would be your best starting point...
  16. @Avery Welcome to the forum Please go to Alfred's preferences > Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Search Troubleshooting, and drag in some of the files you can't locate. This will give you more information on whether the metadata for these files is complete, and if they're correctly included in Alfred's index. Please provide some of the outputs so that we can help you further. Cheers, Vero
  17. @John Studdard Welcome to the forum For fear of stating the obvious, please ensure you're using the latest Alfred 4 update (4.1 as of right now), and try what's been described above. You'll then be able to establish whether the issue you're getting is the same, where Catalina miscalculates the screen dimensions and shows Alfred off-screen, or something else. Let us know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  18. @rascalroots Thanks for filling in your Powerpack details. Could you please provide more information? - Which version of Alfred are you using? - Which version of macOS? - Have you tried re-downloading the workflow in case your download was corrupted the first time? I've imported this workflow into Alfred 4 with no error message, so please provide more details as to your specific scenario Cheers, Vero
  19. @pubay Welcome to the forum When you say the integration "isn't working at all", could you please provide more details? - Have you followed the setup steps here? https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/1password/ - Are you seeing any bookmarks in Alfred's Features > 1Password preferences? - If so, are you seeing any results when typing your keyword set in the preferences above? (Or no keyword, just the name of the bookmark, if you've set that option in the preferences) - Which version of Alfred, macOS and 1PW are you using? The more information you can provide, the more easily we'll be able to help you work out what might be missing in your setup Cheers, Vero
  20. @Chris Alvin Welcome to the forum. If you're using Alfred 4.1, go to Alfred's preferences > Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Search Troubleshooting, dragging in some of the files you can't locate. This will give you more information on whether the metadata for these files is complete, and if they're correctly included in Alfred's index. Share some of the results from the apps that aren't found and we'll take a look. Cheers, Vero
  21. @rascalroots Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking for help with Powerpack-specific features? Also, could you please let us know which version of Alfred and macOS you're using? Cheers, Vero
  22. @JackH This has been part of Alfred since the beginning of times You can enable it in Advanced > History > check both "Store Typed Query" and "Show latest query if within 5 minutes" https://www.alfredapp.com/blog/tips-and-tricks/quick-tip-view-your-recent-query-history/ Cheers, Vero
  23. If you'd rather use a single keyword to pop up a list, create a List Filter workflow instead: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/workflows/inputs/list-filter/ Connect it to an Open URL action and you'll be sorted
  24. @rob213 Sounds like you just want a custom search to open the site's URL? Here's how you can create your own custom searches: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/features/web-search/custom-searches/ Cheers, Vero
  25. @sound_planet Welcome to the forum. This is usually due to issues with the underlying metadata Alfred relies on to return results. If you're using Alfred 4.1, go to Alfred's preferences > Help > Troubleshooting and run the File Search Troubleshooting, dragging in some of the files you can't locate. This will give you more information on whether the metadata for these files is complete, and if they're correctly included in Alfred's index. If the Metadata doesn't show a green tick, you may need to rebuild your Mac's index, which you can do from Alfred's Advanced preferences > Rebuild macOS Metadata. Please provide more details about what the File Search Troubleshooter is showing if you're unable to resolve your issue. Cheers, Vero
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