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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Do you have Spotlight set to index any external drives or other areas aside from the primary boot drive?
  2. OHHH gotcha. When you said IMG tags I didn't catch that you meant markup. The only portion of this that I'm wondering about it getting the links for the files uploaded to dropbox. I THINK it can be done. Generating the markup would be super easy. I just need to look into generating the links. I'm going to reach out to someone and report back later.
  3. To copy them to the current folder in Finder, you would need an AppleScript to copy the files to the new location for you. Or, if you wanted, you could setup a hotkey to pass the selected folder into a workflow and copy them using another language. Another option would be to find the destination folder in Alfred and have a result action that would copy the files over.
  4. That is correct if you are going to the actions panel from a selected item in Finder. If you had navigated or searched for it in Alfred and then visited the actions list and selected Open With, you could press Esc to go back to the result list (or file list if you were in navigation mode).
  5. So you're just looking to be able to apply tags (OSX tags) to the images?
  6. Is there some reason that you have to have a single keyword? It seems like a lot of work to accomplish something that could more than likely be done much easier
  7. I believe a File Filter workflow is what you are looking for. I've created one that should fill most of your needs. Try it out and if it needs a little tweaking, we'll work that out. Download The keyword is currently set to "op". Let me know how this works for you.
  8. Ok, so, as a Powerpack member, you have the ability to create workflows to handle things like this. So, depending on your exact needs, there are multiples ways this can be done. If you are looking to search for a folder to find and open, and your are always going to be looking for a folder, then a good solution may be a Filter Filter workflow. This would allow you to search within specified areas, only for certain object types (folders). This would be actioned by a keyword or a hotkey, then you would provide the search term. The filter could also not specify a type and it would then search all types. If you are wanting to always open a specified folder (or set of folders or files), you could use a hotkey or keyword to open those specifically. Another alternative would be to find the root folder, then browse it in Alfred and search and navigate through it. This would allow you to see all the files easily and navigate through the file structure, or.. select one and open it directly. All this being said, could you provide a little more detail about what you are trying to do and we'll narrow this down and find the best solution for your needs.
  9. Victoria, there are several ways of doing this. Are you a Powerpack member? If you are, I can suggest several ways of doing this and then help you set it up based on the method you prefer.
  10. I'm not extremely clear on what you're trying to do here but... going with the idea of having a single keyword to start things off and then recalling a script filter repeatedly... are you using external triggers? This would be a nice way of doing it. I've used this in a few workflows where I have an initial script filter to get me going and then then results will have a value that it passes to an external trigger, that has a script filter following it. So it passes the value of the selected result right back into the script filter. Does that make sense? This may take two script filters though. Mine does.
  11. I'm not sure if it would work for your needs but did you see the link to the Open Thesaurus workflow at the bottom of the post that you linked? I'm not familiar with the workflow that you are asking about
  12. This is more than likely just an indexing issue. Have you tried any of the steps listed here in the Support Site for resolving these issues?
  13. I'm not aware of a workflow right off for doing doing this but I threw something together really quick. Download You will have to open Alfred's preferences, go to Default Results, then in the right side, click the button at the bottom to Setup Fallback results. In there, click the + and select the Workflow Trigger, and select Search in Chrome. Then drag it around to set its order in the fallback list. If you want it to be the default, put it at the top. NOTICE: This workflow, because of the way this has to be done, launches Chrome from the command line. It was done that way so I could use the --start-fullscreen command line switch. It wouldn't work after the first query so I also had to add the --new-window switch to it as well which means every new query opens a new window rather than a new tab. I looked for a sec but didn't notice a switch to make it open in a new tab. I think thats because of the fact that I'm supposedly opening a new instance of chrome with this so it isn't expecting there to be something already there to add a tab to. ​There may be something else better at doing this, I'm just not aware of it and a quick google search didn't turn anything up.
  14. The trickiest part of this will be switching users because of the prompt for password. Would it be possible to edit the sudoers file and give the current user the ability to launch Postgres? That would make that part easier.
  15. I think it's just triggering the next step before it's done writing the config. Try adding a delay to your script. Doesn't have to be long. In my testing, after the perl command and before the osascript.. I added another line that was osascript -e 'delay .5' Adding the half second delay made it work for me.
  16. That seems strange. As mentioned, this is handled by OS X though and isn't under Alfred's control. If you do find a way to reproduce it though, please let me know. I'd be interested in taking a look at it.
  17. This is actually something that isn't controlled by Alfred. Alfred hands the url off to OS X to open it. This would be the equivalent of you typing 'open http://google.com' from the terminal. I would think that, OS X should only create a new window if one doesn't exist. Otherwise, it should normally just create a new tab. In my testing, I opened a URL about 15 times and every time, a new tab was created. This was tested in Yosemite DP 5.
  18. You potentially COULD just use the kMDItemContentTypeTree metadata item and look for "public.movie". The problem is though, at least with some of that mkv's of mine that I checked.. they don't have that attribute set and I think it's because MKV is considered to be a "container". I checked probably 5-6 mkv files I had and they either had no metadata or they had nothing that would identify them as a movie except for their extension. Other video formats (m4v, avi, mov, etc) seemed to have the correct metadata associated with them to make this happen. Also, those would be the major ones (mov, mkv, avi, mp4, m4v) so.. actually wouldn't take long to populate the list with just the drag and drop method.
  19. Have you tried Going to Alfred's advanced prefs and setting the sync location to the location of your preferences again?
  20. Another way to do this would be to use External Triggers and a Script Filter. Do whatever you need then use an Output->Run Script, to call an External Trigger. The External Trigger is connected to a Script Filter with 2 options, a Yes and a No, or a Description (with valid=false) and a Yes and No. Then just proceed based on what they select. Personally, I would prefer this over the AppleScript dialogs
  21. One thing I forgot that may be causing it is spaces in the file path. In the Run Script, untick the Spaces option. The path is enclosed in quotes anyway so it's not needed
  22. Sorry it took a bit to get back with you on this. I completely missed this. I'd be happy to help you get this working. There are two ways you could do this. With a file action, where you would select the files in Alfred, using the buffer, then use a result action to copy them all to the location.. or, using a hotkey as you had mentioned and just selecting the files in Finder and pressing the hotkey to copy them to the destination. Or, you could set up the workflow to do both. Here's what to do. Create a new workflow, set all your details for it then add a new Action->Run Script and drop in this code. list="{query}" IFS=" " for x in $list; do cp "$x" "/Users/david/Desktop" done Then change the /Users/david/Desktop path to whatever you want the destination to be. After you have that set.. lets go back and select the activation method. For the hotkey.. add a Trigger->Hotkey item, set your hotkey sequence, then for the Argument, set the value to "Selection in OS X". Save the hotkey and connect it to the Run Script item. For the result action.. add a Trigger->File Action, give it a name and select that it can accept multiple files, Save, and attach to the Run Script. For both.. just do both of the methods above. Then you can just pick how you want to do it.
  23. Weird.. I tried Cmd+Opt+F earlier but thought it didn't work for search because it gave no visual indicator that the search box was focused so I thought it didn't work. Nice work
  24. Follow up.. talked to a buddy and the hotkey is coming so at least it can be faked until Mailbox team adds AppleScript support. I emailed them and suggested it already
  25. Carlos is right. Mailbox doesn't currently have AppleScript support. I thought you may be able to fake a way into it by sending key presses but Cmd+F doesn't seem to activate Find. Even though it SAYS Cmd+Shift+F does forward.. pressing Cmd+F forwards the currently selected message. Perhaps the Mailbox team will get this resolved. I'll get in touch with someone to make sure they are aware of it
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