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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. For the truly lazy (and I don't mean it in a bad way because I may set this up haha) you could just use AppleScript to open the tel:// url and then wait.. half a second or 1 second then simulate pressing enter.
  2. Items using the default search use the file type icons. You can show the images using workflows but, that requires a workflow. If you aren't aware though, you can preview the files in a list of results using QuickLook by pressing the Shift key, or Cmd+Y
  3. Here ya go. You'll need to go set the hotkey for it. Download
  4. I'm unclear what the issue is? Is it that you can't add the iCloud Drive to the search scope or are you unable to search it? iCloud Drive is actually stored within Mobile Documents and therefore, unless you modified the original, default search scope, you should be able to search iCloud Drive. If the items that you are searching for are in one of the auto created folders, then the documents, when searched, will actually show as another location, still within Mobile Documents. That is the actual location.
  5. If your machine is set to require a password to return from the screensaver could essentially perform the same task. You would just use the keyword you set to activate the screensaver. You may want to adjust the timeout for when the password is required in the Security and Privacy settings in OS X.
  6. Is this similar to what you are looking for? Download
  7. Pop up Alfred and press the Up arrow. That should get you the last query. You can also set Alfred to auto fill the text box with the latest input, pre-selected so it can be overwritten when you type.
  8. We've n ever heard of anything malicious being spread via extensions or workflows. Hopefully we never will. So far, the community of workflow developers and creators have been a great asset and continue to help Alfred grow.
  9. In Alfred's preferences, if you go to Features->Terminal, you have the ability to select the terminal application that you wish to use. You also have the ability to select Custom to use a custom Applescript for sending terminal commands. Using that, you could create a custom Applescript for creating a new iTerm window and sending the command
  10. Wondering if this is an OS issue and not Alfred. Alfred seems to be handling it normally for other applications and I cannot seem to replicate it with either of the mentioned applications on a fresh install of Yosemite and Alfred 2.5 (299).
  11. To directly change permissions within Alfred, no. Typically, to perform things like this, you wouldn't right click on files, you would use Result Actions (part of the Alfred PowerPack). This would enable you to find a file and then press the right arrow (the default hotkey, can be changed) and be given a list of actions to perform on the file. This will give you some info about the file but doesn't support changing file permissions. They may be able to be done with an Alfred Workflow though.
  12. Stuff like this is a lot easier done with External Triggers now days. For instance... you have a keyword that goes to an external trigger. That triggers ties to a script filter that shows the list of all boards. Selecting that passes data to run script that, based on what you select, hits another external trigger to another script filter. This time to show the lists for that board or.. if you hit a previous link at some point, go to the previous external trigger. That would be my recommendation
  13. Within the script box, a require would typically work normally for files located within the workflow directory. I'm not sure with the require_relative. Have you tried a regular "require"? I would think require_relative would work as well but can't say for sure
  14. This could be simplified a little.. Your script is using applescript to run a shell script that runs and applescript. Why not just copy the code from the .scpt file into Alfred for use in a Run Script or Run NSAppleScript? This would also make it so that you don't have to rely on file paths to the script being correct as well.
  15. Certainly. In that workflow, you can add a Trigger->Hotkey item to the front of the Keyword (or Script Filter) item (don't forget to connect them). In the Hotkey properties, set your hotkey of choice then for the "Argument", select "Text" and then in the text field, add whatever text you want passed there by default
  16. I wasn't able to replicate this either. I did notice one thing though. The code you provided above called "setup" in "j.setup.display" and looking at the workflow you provided in the link above, that wouldn't work. The bundleid you have set on the workflow is alfred.setup.display. The only error I ran into was it attempting to run cscreen, which I don't have. The link to the other broken workflow doesn't appear to work.
  17. Easily replicated this and it does look like that it's the subtitle mod tags.. I'll make sure that this catches Andrews attention. Thanks
  18. I haven't tested this but I found this with a Google search.. # Example call my switchToInputSource("Spanish") # Switches to the specified input source (keyboard layout) using GUI scripting. # Prerequisites: # - The application running this script must be granted assisistive access. # - Showing the Input menu in the menu bar must be turned on # (System Preferences > Keyboard > Input Sources > Show Input menu in menu bar). # Parameters: # name ... input source name, as displayed when you open the Input menu from # the menu bar; e.g.: "U.S." # Example: # my switchToInputSource("Spanish") on switchToInputSource(name) tell application "System Events" to tell process "SystemUIServer" tell (menu bar item 1 of menu bar 1 whose description is "text input") # !! Sadly, we must *visibly* select (open) the text-input menu-bar extra in order to # !! populate its menu with the available input sources. select tell menu 1 # !! Curiously, using just `name` instead of `(get name)` didn't work: 'Access not allowed'. click (first menu item whose title = (get name)) end tell end tell end tell end switchToInputSource With this, I think you should be able to create a workflow to accomplish what you are looking for.
  19. This would be more of a feature request. Alfred doesn't currently have the ability to cycle through the results in the manner that you have described.
  20. The easiest way to do that is to add the folders to the Spotlight privacy section in System Preferences. That will block the folders from being found in Spotlight/Alfred results at all.
  21. This is kind of weird. I don't use PHPStorm but, rather than using pbcopy, have you tried just echoing the output and the connecting that to a Copy To Clipboard output item?
  22. What kind of action are you using for this? A keyword attached to what?
  23. This COULD be done with Alfred but Airmail actually has this built in as well. If you go to Airmail's preferences, go to the Interaction settings, and then there should be an area toward the bottom that will allow you to set a global "New Message" hotkey If you still want to do it in Alfred though, you could create a workflow that would run an applescript that executed the code below tell application "Airmail" set theMessage to (make new outgoing message) tell theMessage to compose activate end tell
  24. Alfred uses Spotlights metadata to search your files. To enable something like this, you would need to enable Spotlight indexing on these drives and then add those volumes to Alfred's search scope. Initial index of remote and external volumes could take a good bit of time.
  25. The option isn't normally available. I made a workflow for it that, I haven't tried in quite some time so I'm not sure if it still works correctly or not. You can try it here
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