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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. First, try typing 'reload' into Alfred to clear his app cache. If this doesn't work, could you take a look in Finder to see if the icons are missing for Office? Cheers, Andrew
  2. Alfred simply asks OS X to launch the specified app, so if Outlook is crashing, this won't be caused by Alfred. There are also no known issues in this area. Have you tried reinstalling Outlook? Cheers, Andrew [moving to the help sub-forum]
  3. I'm going to move this to the workflow help section to see if somebody can help you. Alfred doesn't impose size limits on the scripts / xml, and from that debug log, it looks like the XML being passed back to Alfred is missing some data, so possibly an error in the script. I'll keep an eye on this, if anybody can shed some light on the issue. Cheers, Andrew
  4. There may be corruption somewhere, could you please quit Alfred and reset a few preference files (this will reset some core things such as your main hotkey). Delete the following files: ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-2.plist ~/Library/Preferences/com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred-Preferences.plist Then restart Alfred and see how it goes. If this doesn't work, it might be worth deleting Alfred's cache databases. Quit Alfred again and delete the following folder: ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Databases/ Let me know how you get on! Cheers, Andrew
  5. That's looking fine - could you pop an email to info@alfredapp com so I can help you out at a lower level... there may be some corruption in one of your config files. Cheers, Andrew
  6. I actually already have a ticket for the concept of something a bit like template objects where you can save your fave objects as templates for easy access. Now that you can copy and paste, remember that you could always just have a "templates" workflow with pre-configured objects you could copy and paste out of with your fave settings. I already have a ticket for pre-set names and bundle IDs too, so you'll see this in the future
  7. Great, glad you are sorted... it sounds like there may have been come corruption hidden somewhere in Alfred's preference files. Let me know if you have any more issues Cheers, Andrew
  8. Could you drop one of the applications which Alfred isn't finding into this tool and let me see the output: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip Cheers, Andrew
  9. First thing, click 'reset' on the search scope in Features > Default Results > Search Scope just in case there is an issue here. Secondly, is Spotlight finding Apps? If not, you likely need to do a reindex of your OS X metadata, shortcut in Alfred's Advanced prefs [moving to help sub-forum]
  10. If you want to launch Alfred's preferences from Alfred's search results, you simply need to type 'preferences' (or 'alfred') into Alfred and select 'Show Alfred Preferences'. The Alfred Preferences result item isn't indexed, it's hard wired into Alfred's results... so if you don't see that result, there may very well be something corrupt in Alfred's binary. It's also worth noting that Alfred deliberately doesn't find himself in Alfred 2 by design, as he doesn't need to. He also upgraded his cache db during the 2.2 update which would have cleared the cache. If there are any indexing issues on your Mac, these would have become apparent at this point which is why a few users had to reindex their Macs. If you aren't finding preference panes, try resetting your search scope in Alfred's Features > Default result preferences as this can sometimes explain why things aren't being found. Alfred 2's indexing is faster and more accurate than Alfred v1 - You definitely shouldn't be getting frustrated with him! If you have any issues or concerns, pop me an email on info@alfredapp com and I'll help you get Alfred 2 working on your Mac without issues Cheers, Andrew
  11. This only relates to when you are using Alfred's file system navigation. Folders in the default results will always open in Finder (unless you are using a Workflow file filter, where you can define the action). If you want to enter Alfred's file system navigation on a folder in the default results, you can use cmd+down on that folder. Cheers, Andrew [moving to help sub-forum]
  12. There may be an issue with the clipboard database (possibly corruption or a permissions issue). Try quitting Alfred and pasting this into Terminal.app: rm ~/Library/Application\ Support/Alfred\ 2/Databases/clipboard.alfdb Then restart Alfred. [moving to help sub-forum]
  13. It looks like Apple are no longer storing the English name as the alternative name in the metadata, I've taken a look and Spotlight isn't finding them either. I'll add a ticket to take a look into what I can do. For now, you might be better off creating a workflow with links to the preference panes and an english keyword.
  14. I haven't been able to reproduce this, and even if I did, Alfred doesn't have any influence over the the now playing area in iTunes. Out of interest, have you disabled Alfred's playlist in Alfred's Features > iTunes > Advanced prefs? [moving to the help sub-forum]
  15. Could you pop one of the preference panes into this Metadata tool: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip Alfred also searches by alternative names (in your case, this should include the English name). If not, you could try temporarily renaming Network.prefPane to Network2.prefPane, then rename it back to Network.prefPane... this may kick OS X to property reindex it again. You could also try switching to English locale, reboot, then switch back to Korean. Cheers, Andrew
  16. It looks like this may be possible because there is a workflow for SecureCRT: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/2941-securecrt-workflow/ It might be worth asking in that thread if it's possible to adapt that for the Terminal emulation in Alfred
  17. Do you have anything else in your Login Items (System Preferences > Users & Groups > [user] > Login Items) as whenever users have seen issues like this in the past, it's been another login item before Alfred preventing him from launching.
  18. Yep, as I said, you'd just need to add /opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/launchrocket/ to the default search scope (or even just .../Caskroom/) for things to be found. Alfred shows the icon provided by Finder which may not be the one it uses internally for the System Preferences. You could always just create a simple keyword workflow linked to launching that prefPane with the icon you like
  19. Where are these preference panes installed in OS X's file system? Could you drop one of them into this tool so we can see the metadata: http://cachefly.alfredapp.com/tools/AlfredMetadataTool_v1.0.zip
  20. That's certainly odd behaviour - As Alfred is just launching the 1Password one click bookmark URL, it may be worth asking 1Password about this behaviour in case they have a workaround or any ideas!
  21. This isn't currently possible, but likely to be possible in the future with the addition of a dictionary filter input workflow object
  22. Are you sure? If Firefox is fully quit and you type a URL into Alfred, you only get one tab? From what I understand, if Firefox is running with no windows open, it works as expected... if Firefox is fully quit, then you get the odd behaviour, regardless of the type of link. Either way, Alfred launches the URLs (1Password / typed URL) in exactly the same way.
  23. This is a little know focus issue in OS X as Alfred 2 doesn't fully deactivate to make the whole UI experience smoother. You can actually work around this issue using a workflow, try this one which searches for disk images with keyword di and opens them. The focus should be returned back to Finder: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6749767/Alfred/Workflows/Find%20and%20open%20disk%20images.alfredworkflow Let me know if it helps
  24. Did you also check the search scope in Alfred as Vero suggested? There is a chance that it has been installed in a location which isn't included in Alfred's search scope by default.
  25. As Alfred doesn't have any influence over this behaviour (he simply asks OS X to launch a URL in the same way as e.g. clicking a URL in an email), you'll need to report this to Firefox. Cheers, Andrew
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