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    Andrew got a reaction from jyoshimi in Searching using path   
    If you update to the b655 pre-release from Alfred's update prefs and install the "Dynamic File Search" workflow example from the workflow prefs + button, this is a pretty simple example of how you could build a dynamic search.
    This example is only one level deep, but with keyword "ff" you'll be able to first search for "Medieval", then press enter on the folder, then search for the file by typing "Ninny"
    Hope this helps
  2. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Alfred v3 Snippets - keyword ending in spaces   
    If you update to the pre-release b655, you can now use spaces in snippet keywords
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Aliases Not Prioritized   
    If you update to the 3.0 b633 pre-release, I've now added an option to touch aliases after opening them (on by default). This should allow you to add aliases to Alfred's default search file types, and then when using them, they will immediately prioritise in Alfred.
    Let me know how you get on
  4. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in How did Alfred 3 get smaller than Alfred 2 ?   
    There are a number of ways Alfred's distributable has become smaller (2.9MB zipped download at the point of 3.0 release).
    - Tidying and consolidating framework code, removing defunct code and resources
    - Replacing many png resources with SVG or PaintCode resources
    - Switching from using some frameworks to Apple internal frameworks (e.g. OpenSSL / Growl), aided by the switch to OS X 10.9+
    My general ethos when it comes to developing Alfred is making sure that Alfred carries no defunct or legacy code, and that all code is written by me and internally. Without reliance on 3rd party code, it makes it much easier to tune Alfred and make him bug / crash free. This is particularly important for an app that runs the entire time your Mac is running - i.e. if a normal app crashes, you don't think too much about it. If Alfred suddenly doesn't appear when you use one of your hotkeys, it's extremely obvious.
    And yes, Alfred is developed with Xcode 7.
  5. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Modi34 in How did Alfred 3 get smaller than Alfred 2 ?   
    There are a number of ways Alfred's distributable has become smaller (2.9MB zipped download at the point of 3.0 release).
    - Tidying and consolidating framework code, removing defunct code and resources
    - Replacing many png resources with SVG or PaintCode resources
    - Switching from using some frameworks to Apple internal frameworks (e.g. OpenSSL / Growl), aided by the switch to OS X 10.9+
    My general ethos when it comes to developing Alfred is making sure that Alfred carries no defunct or legacy code, and that all code is written by me and internally. Without reliance on 3rd party code, it makes it much easier to tune Alfred and make him bug / crash free. This is particularly important for an app that runs the entire time your Mac is running - i.e. if a normal app crashes, you don't think too much about it. If Alfred suddenly doesn't appear when you use one of your hotkeys, it's extremely obvious.
    And yes, Alfred is developed with Xcode 7.
  6. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from davekonopka in Alfred 3 Snippets not expanding in Atom text editor   
    I've moved this to investigating, I aim to improve the overall reliability of text expansion as Alfred 3 progresses
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Modi34 in JXA adds line feed in the end of output   
    This is a quirk of osascript which adds a newline to any output.
    Alfred actually runs all scripts in the same way, so a simple way to see what is being output from a script is to wire a keyword -> run script -> debug utility. Set the keyword to require arguments and show Alfred's debug panel. You can then change the script type (and get Alfred's default template) to see each output from the scripts. All of the script types don't add a new line except osascript.
    You'll also notice that in bash / zsh, the default script adds -n to the output to prevent the newline being added.
    One option would be for me to always trim outputs from the script output, but this would inevitably cause regression issues as some workflows may expect a newline being output.
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Weaselboy in Alfred 2.x will be 'discontinued and unsupported' ?   
    Alfred 2 will continue to get maintenance releases if necessary, but won't get any new features like Alfred 3 will be getting
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Alfred input panel disappears due to background Quit event.   
    I don't think there is an available fix without a fudge, and seeing as a fix to this would have an intrinsic roll on effect to Alfred's core behaviour (every single time you use him) makes me extremely reluctant to change anything in Alfred with regards to this.
    Take for example checking running apps, Alfred would have to actually hide to know which app is active as Alfred is the active app when visible (even as a Panel, when OS X shows a different app name in the titlebar). Then Alfred would have to re-show and steal focus by force. This may be unintended behaviour as there are legitimate times when apps launch in the background without stealing focus.
    Either way, I've raised a developer ticket with Apple, so I'm going to wait and see what they say with this. As Vitor notes, you see the same behaviour with Spotlight so I suspect the real fix to this is in OS X / Finder not stealing focus when an app finishes quitting.
  10. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Easy way to make suggestion list?   
    That's correct, and in real terms, you should see a performance increase as Alfred only runs the script once and then has the data in memory for filtering with subsequent keypresses.
    For simple static result lists, the new List Filter will be perfect. Requires no scripting and is easy to configure. For more complex static result lists which may need to be dynamically created based on upstream variables / configuration, using the updated v3 Script Filter and passing back JSON representing the results, then Alfred filters is the way to go. For full control over results and filtering, with the script being run as the user types, using the Script Filter as per v2 is best. Cheers,
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Easy way to make suggestion list?   
    That's correct, and in real terms, you should see a performance increase as Alfred only runs the script once and then has the data in memory for filtering with subsequent keypresses.
    For simple static result lists, the new List Filter will be perfect. Requires no scripting and is easy to configure. For more complex static result lists which may need to be dynamically created based on upstream variables / configuration, using the updated v3 Script Filter and passing back JSON representing the results, then Alfred filters is the way to go. For full control over results and filtering, with the script being run as the user types, using the Script Filter as per v2 is best. Cheers,
  12. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from BramEsposito in find files in specific directory   
    Absolutely - this is going to be super easy in Alfred 3, this is what the workflow would look like:

    The first filter is configured to search for folders. The { } utility uses the folder which was found, and sets the search scope on the second file filter.
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from krokofant in Changing encoding of autocompleted ä   
    I suspect this is the issue you are seeing:
    You'll need to re-normalise the UTF-8, which you may be able to do in osascript / JavaScript:
    If not, look at the 4th post down, I've shared a little shell utility which can renormalise UTF-8 on the command line after NSTask has been run.
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Cliff in Easily share snippets (possible to export/import snippets only)?   
    This isn't currently possible, but something I have a note for and will be considering in the future
  15. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from evanfuchs in Search contents within file name search results   
    You have hit a limitation of the file filter in its present form - this is something which I am going to look at improving in the future!
    I'm sure I've seen a workflow by one of Alfred's longer term enthusiasts which does advanced file filtering with scripting, but I can't seem to find it right now... hopefully somebody else can chime in here.
  16. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from jackbrannen in Fuzzy matching doesn’t work (?) as expected   
    Fuzzy matching only applies to applications and preferences, files do word based matching but not fuzzy otherwise the results become overwhelming and therefore inaccurate.
    If you are launching Production Calendar quite a bit and would like 'pc' to match, you could add a Spotlight Comment, which Alfred also matches against
  17. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in How to find files not showing up in the default 20 results?   
    If you open this file in Finder, then it should theoretically show up in Alfred next time as when Alfred doesn't have internal knowledge, he falls back on OS X's metadata's last used information. Alternatively, navigate to it in Alfred's file system navigation and open it directly. This will give usage knowledge to Alfred.
    If it's still not showing up, you may need to reindex your Mac's metadata as it may be not functioning correctly. There is a shortcut for this in Alfred's Advanced prefs.
  18. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Search for ... in Spotlight stopped working... [Fixed 2.8.3 b433]   
    If you grab this build, the issue should be fixed! thanks:
  19. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from trenchers1 in Symlinked Apps Not Showing Up   
    Simply add the cellar folder to Alfred's scope and Alfred will [recursively] find the original apps.
    [i'm moving this to the help/discussion forum to help others]
    Nice bug report btw, I wish all of them were this clear!
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Disabling App Transport Security entirely is a bad idea   
    I'm moving this to noted, but it's not a bug.
    Alfred's preferences app doesn't allow arbitrary loads, uses ATS, and this is the part of Alfred which does the auto updating. It's also worth noting that CacheFly was using TLS 1.0 at the point that ATS become relevant. I've worked with CacheFly and they have been very efficient in updating their CDN to use TLS 1.2 which allows me to remove the min requirement of TLS 1.0 for the CacheFly domain from Alfred's preferences making connections to any alfredapp.com domain / subdomain (for updating) use ATS.
    The reason Alfred allows arbitrary connections for domains other than auto updating with alfredapp.com is listed in one of the links you've provided:

    Essentially, there is no way for Alfred to know what domains Alfred's workflows need to connect to... much like a web browser, therefore HAS to allow arbitrary loads for network based workflows to work.
    This is currently a temporary exception and ATS will be fully enabled in Alfred in the future once the workflows catch up.
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from mahasvin in Can I connect Alfred Remote over VPN?   
    You can actually setup with a direct ip connection, so you should be able to configure remote to work over a VPN
  22. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Latency in Recent Documents in El Capitan? [Fixed 2.8.1 b417]   
    I have a ticket to update Alfred's support for recent documents in El Capitan. Alfred should still show recent documents for files opened through Alfred, but the recent documents from the apps themselves have now moved.
    Stay tuned
  23. Thanks
    Andrew got a reaction from gonnafly in Alfred Hotkey reset   
    Once the blue rectangle is showing, have you tried simply double tapping the shift key? The hotkey should update to this.
    It's also worth noting that, if you can get used to it, having a multi key combo such as holding alt and pressing space will result in less false triggers of Alfred (i.e. accidentally double tapping space and showing Alfred when you don't want to).
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Filterning apps that appear in Alfred   
    It should work with applications, you just need to reload the cache with the 'reload' keyword after setting the ignore tag/comment on the apps as for performance, the cache doesn't always re-check metadata unless necessary.
  25. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from bdc in Pasting from Clipboad History Viewer doesn't work consistently with IntelliJ   
    If you update to the latest Alfred 2.7.3 pre-release (build 411) from Alfred's update prefs, I've now added a "compatibility" mode into Alfred's Appearance > Options.
    I appreciate that there may be some situations as described above where it's more desirable for Alfred to act more like an OS X app when taking key window!
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