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Everything posted by palobo

  1. Managed to upload a quick workflow I'm using (ported from Alfred v1). Another workflow I tried to import was met with: There is an 80000b filesize limit. Your file is 593728
  2. Yeah, makes sense. Workflow should/could be bundled with the initial install so as to facilitate things for new users. 'ws top' - Top ten rated workflows; 'ws new' - the x newest entries 'ws update' - shows a list of installed workflows that have updates available, some way to display in Alfred, Growl etc what's new would also be cool, then hit enter to update selected workflow 'ws update all' - updates all available Similar to what I said above, would be cool to have some sort of short indication about what each workflow does, user ratings etc, without having to go to the website. Yeah, I like this idea. Not the best web dev out there but good for grunt work so I'm volunteering as of now to help out (beta testing what have you) Cheers, PL
  3. Yet another nice one mate. I've got no time to look into this right now, but a great addition that I'm sure you could pull off rather quick is an alternate action to copy to clipboard the Direct Link to an uploaded file. This is great for images, rather than navigating to the page, the right click and copy Direct link, just alt+enter and you're done Cheers, PL
  4. Hey guys, I'll be away from the Mac for a few days so I can't look into this myself, but here's a quick thought/question. Currently, when importing a workflow, Alfred generates some random numbered folder, if however it would generate a folder base on the workflow name, this could be done which great ease using git. Just include and action in the workflow to issue a git update and pull anything that had change, no need to download the whole workflow again. Feasible? Totally absurd? Let me know.
  5. Well, I've got to prepare for a Citrix exam later this week so I'll be AWOL for a while, but after that I'll have more time to dedicate to Alfred and other projects. So having said that, and taking into account that my php is rusty, no to say it sucks, I'd be happy to help where possible.
  6. Yeah, I can totally agree that this would be a killer addition. To reduce visual clutter a simple "i" button near the top could open a new sheet with this information. Also great for changelog etc. Ignore the crappy example of course
  7. Sure, I'll look into that too. Any other ideas for improvement?
  8. Workflow Description With this little workflow, you can select a bunch of files, trigger the workflow (hotkey or keyword) and type in the comments you’d like to add. The extension allows for a default action when encountering existing spotlight comments, as well as interactive mode and parameter options (more on that later). Installation and Setup Download and import. As for setup, there isn’t much to it. Simply define what your desired default action should be when encountering existing comments. Change property defaultOverwrite : "append" accordingly. Possible options are append, replace and interactive. Extension Usage Triggering the extension and entering text without any of the following parameters will default the the behaviour discussed above, with the exception of delete of course. -d — Will remove any spotlight comment from the selected files; -a — Will append to existing comments; -r — Will replace existing comments; -i — Will function interactively allowing you to decide on a file by file basis. It will display the existing comment to facilitate your decision too There is no need to leave any space after the parameter but you can do so if you prefer (it will be stripped from the begging)
  9. Hey Guys, Two small but useful updates to the workflow. 1. The workflow now uses requests and requests_cache so install those dependencies first (easy_intall or pip, your choice). This has improved the speed a little but still a work in progress; 2. Now you can see an apps price in the subtitle. Perfect for quickly checking since it's rather cumbersome to do so via App Store. Get the update here: http://bit.ly/13v9tRE Open to further suggestions too
  10. Alfredo has put together a nice little python module that generates the appropriate feedback. Download here: http://d.pr/f/GMO8 Original source: http://www.alfredforum.com/index.php?/topic/63-wikipedia-auto-complete-workflow-python/
  11. You could take a look at how I've done it on my repo. May not be the best way but I find it works for me. https://github.com/pslobo/Scripts Hope that helps.
  12. I've got one or two ideas in mind, but it's not high on the list for now though. I'll let you know when it's done though.
  13. Thanks mate. For somebody starting to dabble in python, these workflows are awesome. Great learning resource. Cheers, PL
  14. The man is on fire!! Yet another great workflow mate!
  15. Works fine for me: Although I'm using Growl.
  16. OK, This is woefully slow. I've been looking into caching methods but still results are slow. Since I'm rather new to python, progress will also be slower than I'd like, but I'm making some headway PS. Any pythonistas out there wanna lend a hand and look at my code? PPS. Health Advisory Warning: The code is amateur, possibly filled with bugs and not very optimised. It could potentially harm your eyes so view at your own peril
  17. Nice workflow GamerChase. I've altered it slightly with the following things: Hotkey grabs selected text and passes it to the script, that way you can select a URL and hit the hotkey; Notification is posted once the script runs. Get it here: http://cl.ly/2k09260o2N15
  18. Nice workflow mate. I'm looking for all python ones to dissect and improve mine
  19. Looks good mate! As for the cursor, don't think you can change it's colour. Might be wrong though.
  20. Yeah, that would be cool. For my App Store Linker I'm currently downloading the images to a temp destination. This puts a little more overhead making it run a little slower than I'd like. Alternatively, pass the image as Base64 string (this would have the added benefit of storing the image in a DB for cache.)
  21. OK guys, here it is http://bit.ly/ZLIb4H Still very much in draft stages and need a ton of improvement. It's speed is limited to that of app store search so at times it's a little slow. In the coming days I'll look into improving that (some sort of cache) Let me know what you think and what can be improved. Much thanks to Dan Palmer for his extension, it paved the way (my previous code was way more inelegant)
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