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Alan He

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  1. Like
    Alan He reacted to Andrew in Can't add Safari.app in Hotkeys (in Workflows) [Fixed in 5.1 b2130 pre-release]   
    If you update to Alfred 5.1 b2130, this should now work as expected
    Thanks for your help and patience with this.
  2. Like
    Alan He reacted to erusev in Is it possible to use emoji as icon in a script filter?   
    Being able to use SF Symbols as item icons would also be great.
  3. Like
    Alan He reacted to erusev in Is it possible to use emoji as icon in a script filter?   
    Being in able to set a character as icon would make it possible to use both emoji as icons and SF Symbols.
  4. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in Is There an Alfred Manual in PDF Format?   
    @zeissdistagon As Alfred is always evolving, a PDF document frozen in time would be outdated very quickly. As suggested by @xilopaint, your best bet is to either use the question mark followed by a topic you need help with in Alfred's search box itself, or to click the question mark in any preferences section or workflow object, which will take you to the relevant help for the object/feature
    And as ever, don't hesitate to ask here if you can't find the answer you need.
  5. Like
    Alan He reacted to everyonesdesign in Show lines count in clipboard history   
    Currently clipboard history shows number of words and characters; could you also output there number of lines, please?
    Thank you!

  6. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in brightness workflow   
    They’re not signed and notarised so it doesn’t address the problem. Those won’t even run on user’s machines so your code will continue to fail, just with a different reason.
    The point of the requirement is to ensure a degree of security and trust. All of this is covered in the pinned post and we talked about it before too.
  7. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in brightness workflow   
    No idea. At first glance it’s weird because they seem to still be quite active on GitHub and technically they don’t even need to make a new binary, just tag a new release (because Homebrew then takes care of the compilation). So theoretically this could be solved from a phone in under a minute.

    Maybe they missed that thread or no longer want to work on the project. It would be nice to have the update but ultimately it’s an open-source project released for free in (presumably) the author’s spare time, so it’s their choice.

    Someone could fork it and then submit the fork to Homebrew, though it would require people using that and there are still other open issues.
  8. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in 2fa-Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard   
    @Alan He Your latest update to this workflow cannot go in the Gallery. The pinned post specifies that workflows cannot download extra software on their own, including with brew install.

    If you have an extra dependency, ask. The workflow already depends on node so it’s no trouble to add an extra on the Gallery.

    But the change won’t work either way. Homebrew’s SQLite is keg-only, meaning it’s not symlinked and won’t take precedence.

    If there is a version of macOS with a SQLite that is too old, let me know what that is and I can add that as a dependency.
  9. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in Sorting workflows   
    Alfred's Knowledge is based on a rolling 4-weeks window, so results you selected six months ago won't have an impact on prioritisation. You can read a bit more detail about Alfred's results ordering here:
    @vitor then described the latching behaviour which is point 2 in the link above.
    If, out of those programs, there are some you don't want to see in results as they're unwanted installed apps (e.g. when Adobe installs so much nonsense extra stuff), you can drag those to Spotlight's Privacy tab, then type "reload" into Alfred, and those apps will be excluded altogether from results.
  10. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Getting Bundle ID, Release Version Number, App icon of apps   
    The av Script Filter is still using /usr/local/bin/node. Once that’s fixed, it should be good to add.
  11. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in 2fa-Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard   
    Working now. Will be live soon at http://alfred.app/workflows/alanhe/2fa-read-code/.
  12. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Getting Bundle ID, Release Version Number, App icon of apps   
    There is an auto-updater in the workflow. Please remove it. There is a stray Replace Utility in there.
    Using /usr/local/bin/node will not work with a Homebrew-installed node on Apple Silicon. Use just node so it works for everyone. This is explained in detail in another post.
    In the JSON, adding a "type": "file" to results will make it possible to use your Universal Actions directly from the results.
    The Universal Actions are a tad inconsistent. one has all caps (ICON), one is all lowercase (version), and the others are a mix. Please normalise those.

    There is also an extraneous space in the subtitle, where it says ( from App Store). This one is minor, but since other changes are necessary, it felt worth mentioning.
  13. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Access clipboard history from scripts or other Apps   
    Yes, by reading the SQLite database:
    To get the second item, in bash/zsh:
    /usr/bin/sqlite3 "${HOME}/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Databases/clipboard.alfdb" 'select item from clipboard where dataType = 0 order by ts desc limit 1 offset 1;'  
  14. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in 2fa-Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard   
    The node_modules are stopping this from being added. Specifically, there’s a node_modules/sqlite3/lib/binding/napi-v3-darwin-x64/node_sqlite3.node unsigned binary which is only compiled for Intel. That means it won’t run on users machines as is.
  15. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in 2fa-Read authentication code in your recent messages or current clipboard   
    Thank you for the patience here. I have already started looking at it but decided to tackle your most recent one first (review is in there). The sensitive nature of this one and the amount of node modules make it require a careful approach.
    Either way, rest assured feedback is coming soon to this one!
  16. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Use ChatGPT in Alfred   
    Welcome @Demian, and thank you for the submission.
    In its current state, there are a number of factors which make the workflow unsuitable for inclusion in the Gallery. Namely:
    There is no icon. The name is in lowercase (this is minor, but in general a name should be like a title). You’re asking people to open the workflow, navigate to a specific code file, open it for editing, and change their credentials. This in itself is problematic in two ways: Most users won’t be comfortable with that process or understand how to go about it. If user input is needed, it should be proper Configuration. You’re asking for a username and password, meaning the password will be in plaintext. That is a security risk because other apps on the user’s machine would be able to read that information. Opening the Sticky Notes and pasting there is quite atypical and less than ideal because you’re relying on GUI automation (the keypresses) to do the heavy lifting. There are more appropriate methods, such as Large Type. Note I haven’t explored the workflow’s functionality in full. You’re shipping a lot of libraries and those could be problematic too, but the above are the immediate blockers. If you have specific questions with the above, ask away.
  17. Like
    Alan He got a reaction from Marc in Lists of phrases into snippet   
    snippet can be a workflow, so you can. just like this.

  18. Thanks
    Alan He reacted to vitor in About Mac   
    Thank you for the fast update. This will be live soon at https://alfred.app/workflows/alanhe/about-mac/.
    Heads up for your other workflows that the main icon needs to be 256x256 px or larger.
  19. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in python on ventura ?   
    Right click the workflow in Alfred Preferences → Workflows, then “Open in Finder”. It will be at the root of that directory.
  20. Like
    Alan He reacted to Sridhar Katakam in Passing files/folders from Alfred to Shortcuts for making an archive   
    You are right.
    I updated the Shortcut like this and now it works when invoked via a Quick Action in Finder:

    It does not still work via the Alfred workflow though.
  21. Like
    Alan He reacted to Babylon in Passing files/folders from Alfred to Shortcuts for making an archive   
    I use the Keka app too and am satisfied with it. So for all people who have a similar problem and need a fast and easy solution I recommend the app.
  22. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in workflow object note save not work   
    @Alan He Thanks for the additional details. 
    First, could you please open your Dropbox preferences and ensure the folder you're using for Alfred's preferences is set to always be available locally? If it's possible for Dropbox to make the preferences online-only, Alfred will lose access to them, resulting in unexpected behaviour.
    Once you've done this and Dropbox shows that the files are stored locally, try changing your note again and seeing if the issue is resolved.
    If it isn't, you can temporarily change your sync location (e.g. create a new "Alfred" folder in your user directory) so that the sync service is taken out of the equation for now. Are you now able to save changes?
    If you are now able to save changes, I would suggest creating a new folder in Dropbox, set it to be always available offline first, then set this as your sync folder. 
    Let me know how you get on
  23. Like
    Alan He reacted to Vero in How can I set hotkey cmd + x?   
    Cmd + X is an intrinsic standard hotkey in macOS, so overriding this is likely to eventually cause weird behaviour on your Mac, so use at your own risk. 
  24. Like
    Alan He reacted to luckman212 in Multiple keywords to trigger the same script filter?   
    Alright. I'm going to work on it a bit, I have some ideas on how to make it more modular and user-friendly. Once it's ready I'll post it up.
  25. Like
    Alan He reacted to vitor in Alfred as a quick memory / note tool   
    Note Taker exists exactly for the use case of storing and managing bits of text.
    To quickly add a snippet, use the Save as Snippet Universal Action.

    To search inside files—which Note Taker already does—use the in keyword or make a Workflow with a File Filter.
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