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Everything posted by vdesabou

  1. Thanks, great workflow, I use it a lot! I've just added on my side a Notification at the end and a Copy to clipboard with the new file name in order to quickly browse it in Alfred if I need to
  2. Thanks. I've updated the initial post to include this
  3. For follow-up on this, I found a way to do it (using terminal-share command line), see workflow here
  4. alfred-mountain-lion-builtin-sharing ========================== Use built-in sharing introduced in Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion directly from Alfred! Description This workflow is using the amazing command line terminal-share You can call directly share command (or use a hotkey) if you just want to share a message. If you want to share a file (image, video or any other kind), you can select it using a File Action, or set a hotkey. It currently supports all services except sinaweibo,youku and tudou (I can add them in a future release). Based on the type of the selected file, services proposed will change. Here are some examples: Screenshots Download the workflow Download the workflow below and open in Alfred. Download Workflow History 1.11: Move to GitHub 1.10:fix AllayOop version1.9:Added hotkeys to call built-in facebook, twitter, imessage and email 1.8: Fix problem introduced in version 1.7 with files names with spaces1.7:Fixed a bug where image was not displayed in the sharing window1.6:Start Droplr if needed before trying to upload1.5:Added support of droplr (using cmd modifier). It will upload selected file to Droplr, and then paste at the end of the message the url. It only works with facebook, twitter, imessage and email (other services don't use message).1.4:Improve handling of special characters1.3:The terminal-share is now included is the workflow Twitter issue is fixed Minor fixes 1.2:Added abilitity to cancel file sharing by selecting the Selected file entry1.1:Support of Alleyoop1.0:Initial VersionCreditsterminal-share
  5. Indeed, that's tricky! But it seems Shawn Rice, the author of the help workflow was able to decrypt it, see http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1653-workflows-help-workflow/ That's just in case you wanted to add this, I personally don't use much hotkeys :-) Thanks again for this great workflow
  6. I tried to debug a bit more and I get: python vinc.py Traceback (most recent call last): File "vinc.py", line 2, in <module> s.sendMessage("skype update",show=True) File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/skypingalfred.py", line 144, in sendMessage _getAvatars() File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/skypingalfred.py", line 215, in _getAvatars bg = Image.open("avatars/"+av[0]+".jpeg").resize((96,96),Image.ANTIALIAS) File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/PIL/Image.py", line 1290, in resize self.load() File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/PIL/ImageFile.py", line 164, in load self.load_prepare() File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/PIL/ImageFile.py", line 231, in load_prepare self.im = Image.core.new(self.mode, self.size) File "/Users/vincent/Dropbox/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.08332C67-55FC-49BB-B546-E02AC9181AF7/PIL/Image.py", line 37, in __getattr__ raise ImportError("The _imaging C module is not installed") ImportError: The _imaging C module is not installed Not sure yet how to fix this since I don't know python, I'll google it. But if someone knows the issue, that would be great :-)
  7. Hi, the link is for a "Connect to VPN" workflow, not the Airplane Mode one. Am I missing something?
  8. I am using 10.8.3. When I do "s update" the notification only shows "Skype" (no subtext) and it is very quick (compared to previous version where it takes some time to build the cache)
  9. No there is only one jpeg image skypepseudo.jpeg
  10. Hi, With latest update (BTW there is no more icon for the extension) and after doing a "s update", I only have one avatar in the avatar directory. (with prior version, I had all avatars) I don't really know what I can do to debug the issue, any suggestion? Note: the only avatar that gets loaded is from a contact that has been removed from my contact list since a long time, not sure why it is still present in Skype DB. PS: your workflow is awesome!
  11. Thanks it is working fine now! This workflow is awesome ! It would be great to have also the hotkey, but I don't know if this is easy to get from the plist. Cheers!
  12. That's awesome, I will use it very often! However, it is not working on my side. Trying to execute the python script on command line, I get: python main.py "test" Traceback (most recent call last): File "main.py", line 31, in <module> keyword = ",".join([o['config']['keyword'] for o in plist['objects'] if 'alfred.workflow.input' in o['type'] ]) KeyError: 'keyword' Any idea how to fix this? Cheers
  13. Great workflow! I personally added a "Large Type" at the end of the runcommand, otherwise I had no idea how the command ended
  14. Hi David, I believe this is because LANG was not set when invoking the script with Alfred. In terminal, If I do: $ echo $LANG fr_FR.UTF-8 $ ksh repro.ksh tete $ unset LANG $ ksh repro.ksh sed: 1: "y/ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉ� ...": transform strings are not the same length So I added in the "repro2" repro.ksh script, export LANG='fr_FR.UTF-8' and now it works! Problem solved. Thanks
  15. Yes, it seems related to sed indeed, but that's strange that it is only happening when using Alfred. I've simplified the code: Looks like using combination of y/"accented character" is causing the issue: mystring="Têté" mystring=$(echo "$mystring" | sed y/ê/e/) echo "$mystring" is not working If i do: mystring="Têté" mystring=$(echo "$mystring" | sed y/t/b/) echo "$mystring" or : mystring="Têté" mystring=$(echo "$mystring" | sed s/ê/e/) echo "$mystring" It is working Weird... Thanks for your help, I'm getting crazy :-)
  16. Hi, I have a difference of behavior when I execute a ksh script in a "Run script" action in Alfred and in a terminal. The code is as following: SPEC_CHAR="ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ" NORM_CHAR="AAAAAAACEEEEIIIIDNOOOOOOUUUUYPSaaaaaaaceeeeiiiionoooooouuuuyby" mystring="têté" mystring=$(print $mystring | sed 'y/'${SPEC_CHAR}'/'${NORM_CHAR}'/') echo "$mystring" When I execute in terminal, I have: /Users/vincent/Downloads> ksh repro.ksh tete But when I execute it in Alfred (see workflow with reproduction here http://d.pr/f/ShJl ), I get an empty string for $mystring Any idea what's wrong here? Mac OS 10.8.3 Alfred: 2.0.2 Reproducible: Yes
  17. Great workflow! Would be great to update it with 'fileicon' in order to get the icon of the files instead of generic folder icon :-) Cheers
  18. Very cool, Thanks! I've noticed that Alfred has difficulties to remember the most used item. I believe (but not sure) that it is because your uid are too short (i, c, ic,etc..) I replaced them with "screencapture1, screencapture2, etc.." and now Alfred can remember the most used items correctly. Cheers
  19. Many thanks for this! It works perfectly
  20. Hi, It would be nice to have an option to display color labels for files and folders in Alfred. Just a thought for a future release :-) Cheers
  21. Hi, I would love to have a File Action for example that provide option to share the file using builtin sharing from Mountain Lion (instead of opening file in Finder and press the share button) I could not find a way to do this, maybe an applescript that open a finder and automatically press the share button ? Any thoughts? Cheers -- Vincent
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