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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. No, there isn't. The fundamental issue (I would guess based on my understanding of Alfred's philosophy) is that it would potentially require Alfred to load hundreds of images, which is slow, and Alfred is all about speed. As @jdfwarrior said 3 years ago, it can easily be done with a workflow, however.
  2. I don't think this is a bug: you're !primed snippet can never work, because !prime will be expanded before you get the chance to type the d.
  3. Typinator. Stupid name, and not as pretty as TextExpander, but it imported all my TE snippets almost perfectly, and can do everything TE can. With snippet triggers, I guess Alfred can now technically do everything I want, but I have quite a few "form"-type snippets with multiple placeholders, and have little interest in trying to replicate them using Alfred. It'd take a very long time and wouldn't work as well.
  4. That makes sense. As noted, I don't think many of the authors of the outdated/broken workflows are going to see this thread. What I'd suggest, therefore, is using this thread as a place to describe the idea (and delete my posts so far to keep it clean), but using GitHub issues (and perhaps emailing authors) to create awareness of the offer. I think the best long-term solution would be to ask the author to turn over the workflow to an "Alfred Community" organisation on GitHub (rather than asking "would you accept a PR" every time the workflow stops working). That way, anyone who wants to chip in and fix a workflow can. What do you think?
  5. Only if I still used them myself, tbh. I think it's a good idea to offer to help fix/update workflows, and I'll help if you like. I think opening an issue on the relevant GitHub repo might be the best course of action, as I doubt the authors in question are still using the forum.
  6. Most of them still work fine, tbh. Even with hardcoded Alfred-2 directories, a lot of them still work, as many users still have their Alfred 2 dirs and/or the workflows use the equivalent of mkdir -p to create them. I won't update any of my workflows until I have new features to add for the simple reason that editing a workflow with Alfred 3 breaks compatibility with Alfred 2. Also, installing Alfred 2 and 3 at the same time causes issues.
  7. I'm not sure if that's actually possible. AFAIK, there's no reliable way to get a list of the most recently changed files (there is a mechanism, but IIRC, Microsoft products don't use it, so you can forget about Word and Excel). And adding the file as an attachment to the message you're currently writing is, as you say, basically magic. It might be possible using Mail.app, which has very good AppleScript support, but I think you can forget about it if you're using a different email client. More realistic is grabbing the last-edited file and creating a new email with it attached.
  8. Depending on what your workflow does, this library might be useful. Takes care of a lot of the boilerplate.
  9. Not from me, no, I'm afraid. I use neither OneNote nor Alfred snippets.
  10. I'm sure there are plenty of workflows for Airtable. Just no public ones. If you've read the API docs, you'll be aware that the API is entirely dependent on the structure of your personal databases. A workflow for one of my databases won't work with yours. The API itself is very simple to use. I could write a workflow for one of my own tables in a few minutes. As a result, it's just not worth spending a few days writing a reconfigurable workflow that could work with any table. It'd take just as long to configure the thing as it would to copy and edit a table-specific workflow. As the API is very simple to use, it would be a great first workflow to build. I'm sure that if you try, you'll get all the help you need on the forum.
  11. It sounds like Alfred is restoring the clipboard before OneNote responds to the paste event. Try lengthening the "Restore after" period in Alfred Preferences > Features > Snippets > [COG] > Tweaking
  12. I think of Alfred Remote as "Alfred Sidekick". It's more an app to keep next to your keyboard than a genuine operate-your-Mac-from-across-the-room remote. I recommend you check out BetterTouchTool and BetterTouchTool Remote. It works much better from across the room. It has a keyboard, touchpad, and common actions for any app that's running (plus you can add app-specific controls).
  13. If you don't already know Perl, I'd recommend you use Ruby or Python or PHP or JavaScript. Basically, anything but Perl. Almost nobody on the forum uses Perl, so you won't get much, if any, help. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
  14. Then use this script instead: # encoding: utf-8 import os import subprocess import sys csvfile = os.path.expanduser('~/Desktop/links.csv') count = 0 if len(sys.argv) > 1: count = int(sys.argv[1]) urls = [] with open(csvfile) as fp: for i, line in enumerate(fp): if count and i == count: break urls.append(line.strip()) for url in urls: subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/open', url])
  15. The right-hand box doesn't support regexes (beyond $1 etc. references to match groups). You'll probably have to use a Run Script box and do it in code.
  16. It's not strange at all. Why would you expect Chrome (or any web browser) to be able to open a bear:// URL? It's entirely meaningless to any application except Bear. You should use "default browser" and nothing else. The system will look which application is registered for the bear:// scheme and pass the URL to that application. Not to a web browser. They're for http(s):// URLs.
  17. I've fixed the link. Sorry about that. This forum software is riddled with bugs.
  18. TBH, that's more of a reason to share. It's more likely there'll be other issues. As noted, you were using the wrong kind of script. No amount of URL-encoding could have made that workflow work because the script you'd repurposed wrapped the encoded text in XML.
  19. Here's a fixed version. I've ripped out all the PHP stuff. That was completely broken, as it was a Script Filter script designed to show results in Alfred. It would not work the way you want. I've left in the normalise command, though I'm not sure it's necessary. What I added was a single Run Script action to URL-encode the input.
  20. You need to URL-encode anything you stick in a URL. If you're using a real programming language, it almost certainly has a function to do that. If you want more actionable help, please follow @vitor's advice.
  21. Is it a CSV file or just a plain text file? I.e. does it have more than one column?
  22. Updated to v1.27. This version replaces the old variable-setting mechanism with the new one introduced in Alfred 3.4.1. On the one hand, this makes it possible to set variables on an item as well as using type=file, but setting item- and mod-level variables does not work on older versions of Alfred 3 (Alfred 2 is unaffected).
  23. Updated to install Alfred-Workflow 1.27. Note: This version requires Alfred 3.4.1. If you're using an earlier version of Alfred 3, it might break workflows rather than fix them.
  24. size=4 is fine for level-4 headers (####). Not sure I need more than that. Should be doable, as long as you extract code blocks first and don't pass them through the rest of your regexes.
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