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Everything posted by deanishe

  1. I haven't looked at it in a few months, tbh. I'm still mulling over the config file format and core architecture. I've rewritten it ~5 times already, and every time I change it, I break my own most-used workflow The problem is, to get it right I need to add more engines, but the more engines I add, the more work it is to change… The end goal is to allow you to add a search for the currently-open webpage directly from Alfred if it supports OpenSearch. That would solve a big sticking point of what to do about Wikia, with its tens of thousands of sites, but is quite a job in itself.
  2. Using JSON/config files, not code. That's the direction I'm trying to take version 2, and if I can get the config format right, I will most likely rewrite at least the critical parts in Go/ObjC. I didn't want to include them in the "official" workflow. It's trivial to add yourself. The workflow expects you to add your own elements. That's how it works. And its design as described above makes it easy to extend.
  3. That's an unfair comparison of two incomparable things. Anycomplete is a plugin loaded once when the application starts. After that, it's permanently in memory and ready to run. Alfred starts an entirely new process each time it executes a workflow. Searchio! would be just as fast if it were run in the same way. Rewriting in Go would certainly make it a lot faster, but Anycomplete will always be faster for the above reason. It's also very easy to add your own engines to Searchio! because it's based on a single, importable base class, and uses reflection to discover engines. That is impossible in Go.
  4. That is Alfred's default behaviour when a workflow returns no results.
  5. You've broken the script or grabbed a broken version. This very important line is different in your version, and that's why it isn't working for you.
  6. Please post the actual workflow, not pictures and extracts of it. Upload it somewhere and post a link. It's unreasonable to expect us to first rebuild your workflow in order to help you.
  7. @Vero: Does 1Password actually need to be in the ignored-apps list? I mean, aren't the data you copy from 1Password marked as concealed by default?
  8. Heh. Looks like @Andrew's gonna have to fix it then Wonder what the difference is between setting the modifier via JSON and explicitly on the connection. In any case, I use modifiers-via-JSON a lot, so I guess many of my workflows are also affected by the issue, even though nobody has ever noticed it before.
  9. Double-clicking the connection coming out of your first Script Filter(s) and selecting "Don't close the Alfred window on actioning result" fixes the issue (i.e. Alfred stays open). I realise there's technically still a bug, but you should be selecting the above option whenever you pass control from one visible element to another to stop the "flash" of Alfred closing then re-opening.
  10. As a courtesy, you might have posted a link to the browser. To answer your question, the scripts for Chrome/Chromium work with Vivaldi. You just need to change the application name.
  11. The AppleScript tell application "Alfred 3" to search "na " will do that. Or attach your Hotkey to a Keyword and connect that to an Open URL.
  12. You could tell Alfred to use your custom search as one of its Fallbacks (the "Search Google for 'XXX'" items that appear when Alfred can't find any results). That way, you can just type your query into Alfred, and as soon as it doesn't match any default results, Alfred will give you the option to search with your Custom Search
  13. Naver.com is supported. The list of search engines on the forum wasn't complete (I've fixed it now). See GitHub for full details.
  14. Alfred only looks at one folder at a time. If you want to "jump" across multiple levels with a single query, the only (Alfred) option I know of is my Fuzzy Folders workflow.
  15. The workflow uses the same "recent files" mechanism as Alfred. If Alfred can't find the files, neither will the workflow. The problem is with MindNode. You should contact its developers.
  16. Type "reload" into the mini player.
  17. Then I think you might not have fully embraced The Alfred Way. Under the hood, Alfred uses the exact same search index and API as Spotlight. What sets it apart is the ability to create laser-focussed searches that are lightning fast, precisely because you're not searching everything. If you treat Alfred like Spotlight, you might as well just use Spotlight. Alfred's docs strongly encourage creating multiple, tightly-focussed searches, rather than one great-big one. You can treat Alfred as a Spotlight replacement with a few added smarts, but you're missing out on a lot by using it that way. It's possible I'm at the extreme end of the spectrum with 15+ different File Filters, but I honestly doubt it. That's how you're supposed to use Alfred, and as a rule, it will serve you better if you use it that way.
  18. @Jasondm007 There's something unusual going on here. Alfred will let you re-assign standard application shortcuts (I've re-assigned ⌘⌥M to @vitor's MarkdownBulletin workflow in Safari and Chrome, even though it's the standard shortcut for "Minimize All"). I suspect either Alfred or the system is special-casing ⌘W and preventing you from assigning it. It might also be because it's a shortcut that exists within Alfred Preferences (you also can't use ⎋ as a shortcut). EDIT: Also, there's no need to "page" everyone like that. Anyone who's posted in the thread will get a notification regardless.
  19. TBH, I put all of my File Filters in the same workflow. No need to fill up Alfred with two dozen workflows that are 70% identical.
  20. The same as you have done. There's no need to make copies of your actions (unless they're different). You can connect multiple Script/List filters to a single action, and assign a different modifier to each connection. All a Junction lets you do is make the connections a bit tidier, which can be helpful if you have loads of actions and/or filters.
  21. No it wouldn't. Modifiers are set on the connections to the Junctions. Right. I thought you were talking about something more exotic.
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