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    cands reacted to vitor in Note Taker — Keep small bits of text   
    Updated to 2024.3.
    Show asterisk help in File Filter. Do not close window on nview.

  2. Like
    cands reacted to paulw in Go To Here   
    Not at all, it's been fun to tinker with this and I'm open to the feedback.
    I updated the applescript to hopefully handle the Save dialogs not working. I also noticed that the previous applescript didn't always detect Open dialogs either. Now it attempts to cycle through windows of the application. “Save” dialogs are detected with an accessibility description property of "save". “Open” dialogs don’t have this property, so detecting them depends on a window name proprety of “Open”. I’m not sure whether either the accessibility description or the window name property changes when a user’s MacOS language settings are non-English.
    If anyone is using MacOS with non-English language settings, perhaps you could let me know if the latest workflow fails to detect Open/Save dialogs.
    Here's a new version: https://github.com/paulrudy/alfred-go-to-here/releases/tag/v2.0.2
  3. Like
    cands reacted to zeitlings in Window Navigator   
    What I was missing in the existing window switchers was a way to navigate between windows of the same application that are scattered across different desktop spaces, so I created one that does just that 😄
    Window Navigator

    Navigate to any window of the currently focused application or any application across all desktops, or switch windows within the current desktop space.

    Search the windows of the active app globally using the Navigator keyword. Search app windows in the current desktop space using the Switcher keyword. Search all visible windows of all apps globally using the Global keyword. ⏎ to navigate to the selected window.  ⌘⏎ to close the selected window. ⌥⏎ to quit the owning application. Configure the hotkeys for quick access.  
    1. Navigator

    2. Switcher

    3. Global

  4. Like
    cands reacted to apparentsoft in Get recent files (updated Trickster integration with Alfred 5 and DEVONthink support)   
    Hi, the developer of Trickster here. 
    We've updated our old workflow to work that shows recently used files from Trickster in Alfred, with support for newer Alfred versions and now also for special support for items added from other apps (currently only relevant for DEVONthink, really), so items that you recently browsed in DEVONthink and tracked by Trickster can be opened back in DEVONthink.
    The details of how it works and the download link for the latest version are in our blog post:
    Thanks to Sebastian (a customer of Alfred and Trickster) for making the initial adaptation of the workflow for Alfred 5.
  5. Like
    cands reacted to zeitlings in Scratchpad   
    Quickly access up to 9 ephemeral scratchpads for spontaneous note-taking.
    🟡 🟠 🔴 🟣 🔵 🟢

    With this workflow I'm adopting the Tot approach, deliberately limiting the available workspaces to keep things simple and avoid distracting overhead. It is intended as a lightweight and flexible scratchpad for frictionless ad-hoc note-taking, brainstorming, prototyping, temporary to-do lists, jotting down thoughts, sketching ideas, instantly responding to new information as it emerges, and anything else that requires a notepad in a moment's notice. 
    Define the two keyboard shortcuts, e.g.  ⌘⌥P  for the primary and  ⌘⌥⌃P  for the secondary entry point.
    Press the keyboard shortcut to open the scratchpad that was last used.
    Press the keyboard shortcut again or  ⎋  to dismiss the scratchpad without saving.  ⌘⏎  to save your changes¹  ⇧⏎  to preview as rendered markdown  ⌥⏎  to view all pads and search your notes²  ⌘⇧⏎  to cycle through your scratchpads  
    Press the secondary keyboard shortcut or enter the workflow's keyword (default:  sps ) to open a list of all scratch pads and the search mask.

    ¹ Changes are also saved when previewing and when switching the active pad.
    ² When searching for a pad containing a keyword, the first matching line is used as subtitle. Press  ⌘L  to view the matched line as large type.
    • Also, kudos to Quickpad!
  6. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Tapback Message — Add a tapback reaction to the current message   
    Updated to 2024.1.
    Order reactions by usage. Remove reaction numbers from subtitle.

  7. Thanks
    cands reacted to dit7c1 in CleanShot X   
    yesterday I reached the limit of messages to send, because of this I could not reply...
    I followed your advice and it worked!!! thanks
    To be honest, I don't remember earlier (initially) such a window may have been missed in a hurry or it did not exist at all.
    just in case, I will describe my steps, maybe it will be useful to someone:
    delete cleanshot x.
    just in case, reset the default workflow and delete the cleanshot x workflow.
    I rebooted the device just in case.
    settup the workflow.
    installing the cleanshot x application.
    the final stage, we call the search bar alfred, Vadim cs (or what you set by default), and here it is the cherished window with a request for permission - we agree!

    thanks all!
  8. Thanks
    cands reacted to Stephen_C in Some ideas if you use Firefox   
    Firefox has no AppleScript support so there are limits to what you can do. However, I have used Firefox for years and very much like it. There are some things you can do using Alfred and Firefox and I thought it might be useful to others to list them here.
    If you already have Firefox running and want to browse in a private window—but not provide in Firefox settings for Firefox exclusively to use a Firefox private window—you can link a hotkey (I use ⌥⌘V) to this AppleScript:
    on run tell application "System Events" keystroke "w" using {shift down, command down} delay 1 keystroke "p" using {shift down, command down} end tell end run (I don't like GUI scripting because it's liable to break but that has worked for a number of years now).
    However, I now take a slightly different approach. At the start of every day I launch Firefox in a private window with a hotkey using this AppleScript:
    tell application "Firefox" --- Bring app to the front, starting it if necessary activate end tell -- wait a moment and then simulate Shift + Cmd + W delay 1 tell application "System Events" to keystroke "w" using {shift down, command down} -- Simulate Shift + Cmd + P tell application "System Events" to keystroke "p" using {shift down, command down}  
    I then link that to a 2 second delay and then to a Call External Trigger action which calls a workflow that opens the websites to which I need to login. That workflow looks like this:
    The websites are listed in the Arg & Vars utility—each on a new line—and then split to send to the shell script, which is as follows:
    for var in "$@" do /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --private-window "$var" done You'll see in the screen shot the point at which the external trigger, referred to above, links to this workflow.
    That all sounds rather long-winded but the result is a series of websites very quickly opened in Firefox private windows as soon as Firefox is launched. (The latter workflow leaves one initial blank tab that needs to be closed but I simply do that manually.)
    It is, of course, easy to create a workflow using a Universal Action limited to a single selected URL which enables you to open the selected link in a Firefox private window. Just link the Universal Action to this zsh shell script:
    /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox --private-window $1  
    Finally, you can alway search Google from Firefox using a DuckDuckGo bang: there is a workflow for that.
    Warning: If you're using an older version of Firefox (possibly pre 121?) in the shell script code examples you'll need to change …/MacOS/firefox to …/MacOS/Firefox -bin.
  9. Like
    cands reacted to pseudometa in Standalone Read-Later-App that saves items in plaintext   
    Good idea, actually. I added that as opt-out feature: https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-read-later/releases/download/1.1.1/alfred-read-later.alfredworkflow
  10. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Unit Converter — Convert between different units of measurement   

    Convert dimensions via the conv keyword. Type a number to see all available units with their full name and symbol.

    Type a unit to filter.

    Pressing ↩ on a partial match triggers the autocomplete. See all possible conversion targets when matching a unit exactly.

    Type further to filter for target units. Connector words (“to”, “as”, “in”) are optional to help with readability. Rounding precision and notation can be set in the Workflow’s Configuration.

    ↩: Copy result to clipboard. ⌘↩: Paste result to frontmost app. Configure the Hotkey or use the Universal Action as shortcuts to convert results from Alfred’s Calculator, Clipboard History, or selected text.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
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    cands reacted to pseudometa in Standalone Read-Later-App that saves items in plaintext   
    Unfortunately not.
  12. Like
    cands reacted to pseudometa in Standalone Read-Later-App that saves items in plaintext   
    Simple standalone read-later-app for Alfred. Saves the items in plaintext on your device.
    - Use the keyword rl to add the current tab of the frontmost browser to your read-later-list.
    - Any item in your reading list also shows up when using the keyword rl. Press ⏎ to open the item in your browser and remove it from your read-later-list.
    Items are saved locally
    The items are saved in a local markdown file on your disk. You can set the location in the workflow configuration. The items formatted in the markdown task syntax. Unread items as open tasks: - [ ] [title](url) Read items as completed tasks: - [x] [title](url) This has several advantages: No dependency on any read-later service. The reading list is available offline. Since Markdown is a widely supported format, you can access your items in many other apps as well, such as Obsidian. Easy backup: Just copypaste the file. Easy sync: Just save the file in a Cloud Drive like iCloud.  
    ➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-read-later

  13. Like
    cands reacted to TobiasMende in Audio Switcher (Swiftly switch audio output and input devices)   
    Hi folks, I built something today using Alfreds new Workflow Builder. Maybe you find it useful.
    Why this Workflow?
    I find myself frequently switching between audio output and input devices. Existing solutions either are slow, take to many interactions or need third-party tools.
    Therefore, this workflow offers a couple of features to make switching audio devices easier and faster.
    It also allows filtering out devices you do not want to see in the suggestions.

    In order to make it even faster, the workflow provides Hotkeys and Remote Triggers for up to three input and up to three output devices and comes with its own Remote page.

    The workflow is of course configurable. 😁

    Some technical goodies:
    This workflow does not need any third-party tools such as `SwitchAudioSource` or `jq`. It relies fully on Swift and ZSH, which should both be available in modern OS X Versions. Furthermore, as it does not contain binaries, code signing isn't an issue.
    The code is on GitHub. The initial release (v1.0.1) is here https://github.com/TobiasMende/alfred-audio-switcher/releases/download/v1.0.1/alfred-audio-switcher.alfredworkflow  
    Inspired by:
    I am looking forward for your thoughts and feedback! 🙏
  14. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Google Scholar Suggest — Get in-line Google Scholar search suggestions   

    Get in-line suggestions from Google Scholar’s search results via the scholar keyword. Press ↩ to open the search results page in the default web browser.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  15. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Snippet Transformer — Import and Export Alfred Snippet Collections to and from CSV   

    Convert CSV files to Alfred Snippet Collections via the Universal Action. The Snippet Collection will be saved to the Desktop and opened for import into Alfred if the option in set in the Workflow’s Configuration.

    Converting from a Snippet Collection to CSV is also available.

    Alternatively, search for CSV or Snippet Collection files via the csvsnip and snipcsv keywords.

    Import macOS Text Replacements as a new Alfred Snippet Collection via the trimport keyword.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  16. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Tapback Message — Add a tapback reaction to the current message   

    Send a tapback to the current message via the tapback keyword.

    Configure the Hotkeys for faster triggering.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  17. Thanks
    cands reacted to chatchavan in Go to a mailbox in Apple Mail   
    1. With the Apple Mail app in focus, press a shortcut key to show Alfred with a special search field
    2. Type parts of the name of the folder to jump to and press enter
    3. The frontmost window of the Mail app will show that folder.
    https://github.com/chatchavan/alfred-workflows/tree/main/Go to mailbox for Apple Mail
    After importing the workflow, please specify the shortcut key in the first element of the workflow.
  18. Like
    cands reacted to pseudometa in Alfred Homebrew search   
    Search for a Homebrew package via the `bi` keyword. ⏎: Install the package (`brew install`) in the Terminal. (Uses the terminal app you have configured in your Alfred settings.) ⌘⏎: Open the package's homepage (`brew home`). ⌥⏎: Copy the package's homepage to the clipboard. ⇧⏎: Show package information (`brew info`) in Large Text. Reinstall a package already installed on your system via the `br` keyword (`brew reinstall`). Uninstall a package via the `bu` keyword (`brew uninstall`). Optionally, use the `--zap` option for a clean uninstallation. Search and install fonts available in the Homebrew font tap via the `bf` keyword (`brew install font-…`).  
    ➡️ https://github.com/chrisgrieser/alfred-homebrew

  19. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Banner Be Gone — Close notification alerts   

    Clear visible macOS notification banners via the notclear keyword.

    Configure the Hotkey for faster triggering.

    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
  20. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Words With — Find words that contain a particular pattern   
    Updated to 2023.1.
    New repository. New icons. New About. Add configurable keywords. use Dictionary Lookup. Rewritten in JXA. Remove OneUpdater in favour of Gallery updating.

  21. Like
    cands reacted to zeitlings in Extract Keywords   
    Extract Keywords
    Extract keywords and keyphrases from articles, books or any other document with YAKE!

    Send PDF, docx, doc, rtf or txt documents to the workflow’s File Actions Pass the text from your selection in macOS on to the workflow’s Universal Action Use the keyword and paste your text (default: kw) 
    The extracted keywords are presented in a dialog.

    The workflow relies on Python3 to install the YAKE standalone.
    pip install git+https://github.com/LIAAD/yake  official installation guide
    brew install poppler  formula on brew.sh

    Yake has internal stopword handling that cannot be influenced from the command line. However, you can still define a list of words that will be flat out purged from the input text. To set up a ‘purge word’-list, create a text file named as the language identifier for a corresponding language in the workflow root folder: assets/stopwords/de.txt.

    The workflow checks if the file exists and if it does, the words are removed.

    The purge-word files can be quickly accessed through Alfred by prefixing the keyword with a colon (default: :kw).

    YAKE! is a light-weight unsupervised automatic keyword extraction method which rests on text statistical features extracted from single documents to select the most important keywords of a text.
  22. Like
    cands reacted to zeitlings in DEVONthink Portal   
    Hey @Epitome, the issue was introduced with a dt3 update a while ago. Other than that, I've been using the workflow quite constantly myself without issues. 
    I've just uploaded an updated version that should work for you, hopefully. Let me know how it works out for you!
    Among numerous internal changes, some things are new, e.g.
    Import Memory - Groups previously selected for importing are remembered (configurable) Document Filters (Globally and per Database. Accessible via dvn .) Today (files worked on today) Recently Modified Recently Added Due Soon Overdue If a document is locked, it is indicated using Apple's SF Symbols. These may need to be installed. Internal configuration via dvn :c  
    V1.0.0 Release 🎉
  23. Like
    cands reacted to pseudometa in Hyper Seek: Inline Search Results, without a keyword   
    This one quickly became one of my personal drivers, since it speeds up search so much. 
    Relies on a few hacks, so I don't know whether it'd be something for the Alfred Gallery. But at the very least, I wanted to share it here.
    Inline Search Results, similar to Spotlight on iOS. Works without a keyword. Results are always shown alongside your other keywords. Multi-Selection of URLs to open. Global Search Hotkey: Search for terms, open URLs, write mails, etc. Add link to selected text: Turns selected text into a Markdown link.  
    ➡️  https://github.com/chrisgrieser/hyper-seek

  24. Thanks
    cands reacted to godbout in Alfred AirPods Pro Battery   
    4.0.0 makes the Workflow Alfred Gallery compliant: https://github.com/godbout/alfred-airpodspro-battery/releases/tag/4.0.0
  25. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Alfred Gallery — Search Workflows on the Alfred Gallery   

    Search workflows in the Alfred Gallery via the gallery keyword.

    ↩: Open Gallery page in default browser. ⌃: Show tags. ⌘↩: Install workflow. ⌥↩: Narrow search to creator’s name. ⌘Y (or tap ⇧): Quick Look workflow’s Gallery page.
    ⤓ Install on the Alfred Gallery | Source
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