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    cands reacted to nikolaeu in Smart calculations with Numi   
    Hey everyone!
    Numi is calculator that allows to describe tasks the natural way and instantly get an accurate answer. For example, $20 in euro - 5% discount or today + 2 weeks.
    To use workflow make sure Numi installed and running. Prefix your calculations with 'n': 'n (20% of 45)/12', 'n $20 in Euro' or 'n time in Tokyo'. Testing Alfred support ATM, so, it only available in development version (download at http://numi.io/static/dev/Numi.zip)
    Numi workflow: http://www.packal.org/workflow/numi
    Will appreciate for feedback!

  2. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in TemplatesManager — Save and reuse files, directory structures, and urls   
    Added the option to set a custom templates dir. This is will allow you to easily set up syncing with any service you like. The new custom_templates_dir Workflow Environment Variable enables that setting. If you leave it blank, everything will work the same.

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days (15 or less) and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  3. Like
    cands reacted to xilopaint in Alfred PDF Tools – Optimize, encrypt and manipulate PDF files   
    Currently the source files are moved to trash after merging so it's not possible. However it can be easily implemented. Give me a couple days and I will add the feature in the next release.
  4. Like
    cands reacted to vveleva in VVV Dark Solarized (Compact)   
    I created a compact dark solarized theme to match my iTerm colors, so I thought I'd share it in case someone else was looking for the exact same thing!
    Theme: VVV Dark Solarized (Compact)

  5. Like
    cands reacted to jason0x43 in Weather workflow   
    The current version of the workflow didn't have support for apparent ("feels like") temperatures; I've added that to version 1.3.0.
    Regarding the discrepancy between hourly and daily forecast, that happens sometimes. The workflow isn't actually interpreting the data to generate the forecast text; the text comes directly from the service (Dark Sky or Weather Underground). Sometimes the textual descriptions may not appear to agree with the hourly data. You can double check the workflow by visiting the relevant service (Dark Sky or Weather Underground) and double checking that what the workflow says agrees with a forecast for your location (or whatever location you were checking with the workflow).
  6. Like
    cands reacted to Benzi in (faster) Menu Search   
    BibDesk (programatically) reports all menus items under "Copy As..." to be inactive and disabled always. This is the reason why menu search is not able to pick up the sub menu items.
    One workaround possible to to display all menu items (enabled or not) - but this means that if a menu item is truly disabled, actioning that from Alfred will not have any effect, and you will not be able to know beforehand if the item is indeed disabled or not. The workflow will blindly list all available menu item entries.
    If you download and update the workflow to version 1.5.4, I have included some environment variables to control the default menu listing. In your case, because of BibDesk, you may want to set the value of "-show-disabled" to true. 

    Note that this will affect all menus across all apps. I'll attempt to come up with a better solution, but not very hopeful at the moment.
  7. Like
    cands reacted to Benzi in (faster) Menu Search   
    v1.6 - per app configuration
    You can now specify custom configuration settings to fine tune menu listings for at an app level. Type ms into Alfred to get started.
    Here's the settings.txt config I use:
    # always show disabled menu items appFilters { app: "BibDesk" showDisabledMenuItems: true } # for Safari, ignore the History and Bookmarks # menus since loading it take a lot of time appFilters { app: "Safari" ignoreMenuPaths { path: "History" } ignoreMenuPaths { path: "Bookmarks" } } # For Finder alone, show the Apple menu entries, # and ignore any recent entries listed in the # Apple > Recent Items menu appFilters { app: "Finder" showAppleMenu: true ignoreMenuPaths { path: "Apple" path: "Recent Items" } }  
  8. Like
    cands reacted to Benzi in (faster) Menu Search   
    You're welcome. Although you might want to re-download because I've tried to make it even more snappier
    v1.4 - Caching
    Menu results are cached for a very short duration, resulting in even faster filtering of menu items.
    Check it out!
  9. Like
    cands got a reaction from vitor in TemplatesManager — Save and reuse files, directory structures, and urls   
    Thank you @vitor for the update! It works well with Path Finder now.
  10. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in TemplatesManager — Save and reuse files, directory structures, and urls   

    New icon, and added support for Path Finder (thank you @deanishe).

    To update, download the latest version (same URL) or wait a few days (15 or less) and it’ll prompt you to on next usage, since it uses OneUpdater.
  11. Like
    cands reacted to vdesabou in Spotify Mini Player: Control your Spotify library at your fingertips   
    Version 7.1 is out http://alfred-spotify-mini-player.com/blog/Version-7.1/
  12. Like
    cands reacted to ianhowson in EggTimer v2 [updated to 2.0 final]   
    It looks like this is unmaintained, so I took the latest release, made the tweaks to suit Alfred 3 and stuck it on GitHub. 
    Grab it at https://github.com/ihowson/EggTimer2/releases/tag/v1.0.0
  13. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in [PYTHON FIX] How to fix Python workflows hanging Alfred on Sierra   
    There is a bug in my (unofficial) Alfred-Workflow library that causes very many workflows using it to hang quite dramatically on Sierra.
    If you are affected (i.e. you see Alfred's CPU usage spike to 100%), Activity Monitor will show two Python processes like this (choose View > All Processes, Hierarchically), with the bottom one at ~99% CPU (this screenshot is actually of a non-misbehaving workflow):

    Download and run this workflow, which will update any old versions of Alfred-Workflow in your installed workflows.
    That should get your workflows working again until the workflow developers can push official fixes.
  14. Like
    cands reacted to patgilmour in Duplicate Snippets option   
    I'm using a lot of very similar Snippets (email addresses for projects). It would be very useful to be able to right-click on an existing Snippet and "Duplicate" it, so I can tweak the text in a new Snippet.
    Also, as I create a lot of Snippets, the ability to create an Alfred shortcut that would take me straight to the Snippets tab would be useful too.
  15. Like
    cands reacted to Andrew in How to "open with" in Alfred   
    Alfred only applies fuzzy matching to Apps, everything else is keyword or word based throughout the rest of Alfred which is why the actions panel doesn't employ fuzzy matching. This has been by design in Alfred since the start (at a framework level), so is unlikely to change any time soon, but I'll make a note of this thread for possible considerations in the future.
  16. Like
    cands reacted to vitor in Key Codes — Translate keyboard keys to AppleScript key codes   
    This workflow is officially deprecated if favour of Alfred’s Dispatch Key Combo Output. You can find the old source on Github.
    Quick reference for when you need to tell application "System Events" to key code in AppleScript. Call it with kc.

    Type a search term to filter keys.

  17. Like
    cands reacted to Yiğit Konur in Write ~WhateverYouWant~ into Your Menubar (Help you to focus your main task)   
    It is my first Alfred Worklfow - especially first bash I've ever wrote for a reason deserves to share with people.
    As you know, BitBar is a cool plugin which helps you to manage your Menubar. At last 3 weeks - I was crazy busy by dealing with tens of different things in an hour. That is why I create this script to manipulate BitBar Plugin text by using Alfred Workflow. Installation is not easy but I'll help you:
    Install BitBar first. Create a directory under your Documents/BitBar-Plugins, move .sh file into this (~/Documents/Bitbar-Plugins/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh) Give execution permission to sh file by running this command in terminal: chmod +x ~/Documents/Bitbar-Plugins/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh  
    Alfred Workflow: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/raw/master/write-into-menubar-alfred-workflow.alfredworkflow
    BitBar Plugin: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/blob/master/write-into-menubar-bitbar-plugin.1s.sh
    ReadMe: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/blob/master/readme.md
    Github: https://github.com/yigitkonur/write-into-menubar/
    Download All Plugins: https://cloudup.com/csuF0DX90nf
    Packal URL: http://www.packal.org/workflow/write-menubar-bitbar-extension
    If you face with any problem, mention me on Twitter / @yigitkonur - create issue on Github - reply by here.

  18. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in Secure Password Generator   
    Update to fix a couple of bugs and update the icons. Grab v2 from GitHub or enter pwconf in Alfred and action the update item.
  19. Like
    cands reacted to tone in Movie and TV Show Search   
    Looks like the issues with the OMDb API are resolved. The workflow should work smoothly once again.
  20. Like
    cands got a reaction from vitor in MachineClean — Lock your keyboard temporarily, so you can clean it   
    Thank you for the clarification. I was pretty sure that I did not have to input password earlier, I must be remember wrongly or there was something peculiar with my system. Anyhow, to input password for this workflow works well, since it is typically not used frequently. Thank you again for making this convenient workflow.
  21. Like
    cands reacted to Andy Winecki in Karabiner Elements Profile Switcher   
    Hello there. I've fixed the ordering in karabiner.json file – it's now keeping the original keys order intact. It turned to be an easy fix with python. Hope it's more useful now!
    Here's the download link (make sure you're getting version 1.2): http://www.packal.org/workflow/karabiner-elements-profile-switcher.
  22. Like
    cands reacted to Andy Winecki in Karabiner Elements Profile Switcher   
    Alright. Well, I probably won't support older Karabiner Elements, but feel free to change the karabiner.json file path in the scripts files as you wish.
    As per lines ordering, I agree it'd be better to keep it intact. I might update the script to do this when I find a moment. Keep an eye open for updates ;-)
  23. Like
    cands reacted to deanishe in MailTo: Select multiple Contacts *and* Groups and compose in your favourite email app   
    2015-07-29: Version 2 released
    MailTo: Select multiple Contacts and/or Groups, and compose in your favourite email app
    Search your Contacts and compose an email to one or more recipients (or none) in your preferred email program. Also supports Groups.
    The main aim—versus Alfred's built-in, more comprehensive contact handling—is to make it fast and easy to select multiple recipients and especially groups.

    Search and add recipients from your Contacts database Send to Groups/Distribution Lists (they're the same thing) Also enter email addresses by hand Use any email client you want (uses system default as standard) Results prioritised by order of email addresses in Contacts Download/Installation
    Grab your copy from GitHub or Packal. Install in the usual fashion.
    Keyword is @
    @ + ENTER — compose a blank mail (no recipients) @ [part of name or email address] — search your Contacts for matches. You can also add email addresses not in your Contacts. ENTER/⌘+NUM — add selected email address to recipient list and go to email program TAB — add selected email address to recipient list and continue searching mailto — see and change current settings If you've entered an invalid email address, it will be removed from the recipient list when your email app is called. Supported apps
    In theory, MailTo should work with any email client (it uses the mailto: protocol).
    Tested and working with:
    Airmail 1 Airmail 2 Apple Mail Sparrow Thunderbird Postbox Airmail (email addresses only) Unibox MailMate Mailbox Beta (email addresses only) MS Outlook Google Chrome (if you've set a handler) Fluid single-session browsers Does not work with:
    Safari (it will just open your system default email client) More info
    Please see the documentation.
    Note on Groups
    When deciding which email address to use for members of Groups, MailTo will use the one you've specified, or then the primary email address for the contact (don't ask me how to set that; I haven't been able to figure it out), and then the first one in their list of email addresses.
    To specify which address to use for a contact in a Group, open Contacts and go to Edit > Edit Distribution List …
    Add recipient name when calling email client, i.e. "Bob Smith <bob.smith@example.com>" instead of just "bob.smith@example.com". 2013-11-01
    Add support for Groups Prioritise email addresses by primary status then order in Contacts Change ID (cache format has changed) Use MIT licence 2013-11-03
    Change config keywords to mailtoconf and mailtohelp so they don't get mixed in with search results from the default mailto action. 2013-12-03
    Properly format the mailto: URL so workflow works correctly with MailMate. 2013-12-06
    Added built-in, app-specific support for the email clients listed above. They should now work flawlessly without any need to edit settings. Note: the settings format has changed, so all your settings (yes, both of them) have been reset. There should be no need to edit them if you're using MailTo with your default system email client. 2014-03-24
    Fix plist parsing problems. 2014-09-13
    Add support for Mailbox Beta Add new keyword @ 2015-07-29
    Release V2 Supports more types of contact accounts Supports more email clients Users can add support for their own clients 2016-02-10
    Add support for MS Outlook Add support for Airmail 2 Remove duplicates based on name and email address
  24. Like
    cands reacted to Carlos-Sz in Pinboard 1.53 (Alfred 4): Search, Add and Delete Bookmarks   
    Alfred 4
    Read about the workflow below.
    Here is an update for Alfred 4: DOWNLOAD
    NOTE: Right now the workflow does not support URLs with "#" in it.

    Pinboard workflow is a front end for Pinboard that allows you:
    search filter by tags add public bookmarks add private bookmarks set a new bookmark as To Read delete a bookmark get the selected text as the bookmark description (see Syntax) interact with: Safari, Google Chrome, Google Chrome Canary, Chromium, Webkit and Firefox First Run
    Before running the workflow you need to set your Pinboard API Token:
    To get it go to your Pinboard account and copy the API in Settings>Password.

    To enter it open Alfred Preferences>Workflows then select Pinboard then, finally, click in Configure Workflow and Variables (as seen below):


    If you need help show Alfred and type the keyword phelp


    Search will always look for URL, title, description and tags.

    Basic search
    show Alfred and type the keyword ps type your query e.g. ps apple Filtering by tags
    show Alfred and type the keyword ps type a hash sign and select a tag from the list (autocomplete) e.g. ps #tag1 #tag2 : after the colon type your query e.g. ps #tag1 #tag2 :apple Actions
    return key: open the bookmark option key: delete the bookmark (you may need to manually reload the local cache) Add

    Public, Private and To Read Bookmarks

    The workflow will list always two options:
    Add Public Bookmark to Pinboard Add Private Bookmark to Pinboard Holding Command key will add it as an unread bookmark.

    Note: make sure your Browser is the front most window then use the keyword pa

    Note: Firefox may need that you reload the page. Anyway, the workflow always show the URL so you can check if it is right or not.

    Last Used

    The workflow also saves the last command (Last Used item) so you can easily replicate. And with a hotkey you can add a bookmark even without any interaction at all.


    You can optionally add tags and a custom description.

    To add tags simply type a hash sign and select it from the list (autocomplete) e.g. pa #tag1 #tag2 :

    After the colon, as seen above, you can optionally type the bookmark description e.g. pa #tag1 #tag2 :great workflow

    And in order to get the selected text as the bookmark description type enclosed brackets after the colon e.g. pa [] or pa #tag1 #tag2 :[]

    To add just a description just type it after the keyword e.g. pa great workflow


    Search, Add and Last Used have also a hotkey that you can set in Alfred Preferences.

    Local Bookmark Cache

    In order to make things a bit faster, the workflow caches all your Pinboard bookmarks and tags.

    However, due even Pinboard API limitations the workflow will not, for now at least, update the cache automatically.

    However, if your cache is more than one day older the workflow will let you know.

    Anyway, you can use the keyword preload to manually update the local cache.

    Finally, the workflow has an external trigger so you can update the local cache from other application or script. Just use the code below:
    tell application "Alfred 3" run trigger "reload" in workflow "com.sztoltz.pinboard" with argument "" end tell Download
    Version 1.5 for Alfred 3 Release date: 08 Jul 2016 Requires Alfred 3 macOS 10.11.5 Download Now  
    What’s New in Version 1.5 (08 Jul 2016)?
    - Fixed the add new bookmark bug
    What’s New in Version 1.4 (27 Jun 2016)?
    - Moved workflow setting to Alfred Preferences
    - Updated Help (keyword phelp)
    - NOTE: you have to enter your Pinboard API token again
    What’s New in Version 1.3 (08 Jun 2016)?
    - Alfred 3 support
    What’s New in Version 1.2 (05 Oct 2014)?
    - Yosemite support
    What’s New in Version 1.1 (29 May 2014)?
    - Fixed a description parsing bug thanks to Vítor
  25. Like
    cands got a reaction from johnyull in Notes with New Text File with Tag 4.0 (nvALT, direct paste, new file in Finder and more)   
    This workflow looks very useful but it doesn't work in Alfred 3 for me (Alfred 3.2.1, macOS 10.12.2), can it be easily fixed? 
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