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Tyler Eich

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Everything posted by Tyler Eich

  1. I followed your steps, but I can't reproduce the issue. I, too, have "Auto Paste on return" activated. Alfred 2 v2.1.1 (227) on OS X 10.9 (13A603)
  2. I actually got the command wrong in my original reply (ls should be ln). Did you use the command in the updated post? It works on my end; I didn't use Homebrew, but I moved my PHP install to /usr/local/bin/php, then symlinked that install to /usr/bin/php. Alfred works great, and which /usr/bin/php returns /usr/bin/php, as expected.
  3. I don't use homebrew. I'm working off my (limited) experience with symlinking and the command line, as well as some good old Google searching . That said, I did find a question on Ask Ubuntu about this. Seems that the only difference between your code and theirs is sudo. I guess I would try sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/php /usr/bin/php
  4. The only argument a script filter will accept is {query}. That said, a lot can be done with {query}. For example, in my Colors v1.41 workflow, I use the script filter to parse {query}. So, given the input rgb26,12,31, rgb triggers the RGB script filter; the code in that script filter separates each channel by splitting the {query} (26,12,31) at every comma. From this, I can generate a preview image and convert the color to other formats. Summary: use string manipulations in your code to parse {query} into separate arguments
  5. Yeah, Alfred links the php keyword to /usr/bin/php. You'll have to install PHP at that location, or create a symlink from your current installation to /usr/bin/php
  6. In Mavericks, the purge command requires super user privileges. So if a workflow uses purge instead of sudo purge, the script will fail. However, using sudo purge will not work directly because sudo cannot prompt you for your password from a 'Run Script' object. One workaround I found is to change the 'Run Script' language to '/usr/bin/osascript'. Then, use do shell script "purge" with administrator privileges in the text area. It will prompt for your password and the command will execute once provided. OS X Daily helped me solve this issue. The linked post makes a few notes about Mavericks' memory management, as well.
  7. How are you using this script in your workflow? (i.e. A 'Run Script' object set to 'osascript', or a 'NSAppleScript' object)
  8. Yes. I found the tag on several folders, including: /usr /bin /Users/Tyler/Music/iTunes/sentinel In total, the command: mdfind -count -onlyin / "kMDItemInvisibleFileType== *" returned 33 results on my system. Alfred has been serving my Mac since the v2 betas. Current Version: Alfred 2 v2.1.1 (227) on OS X 10.9 (13A603)
  9. Alfred will not handle regular expressions for you. However, you can easily accomplish this using a script. In Python, to remove all non-numeric characters (using regular expressions): import re formatted = re.sub(r'[^\d]+', '', '{query}') Code originally from Stack Overflow
  10. I haven't tested Colors on PHP v5.5.6. I'm running v5.4.17. From your screenshot, though, it appears to be working as expected. Perhaps there's an issue with your '/usr/bin/php' installation? Try running the same commands as before, but use '/usr/bin/php' instead of 'php'. Also, just for kicks, I made a custom build of Colors that uses '/usr/local/bin/php' instead of the 'php' alias. This will not work on most systems! However, since you have a custom PHP installation, it should work.
  11. Which version of PHP are you using?
  12. This link should help you: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3316-where-can-i-find-my-workflows-on-my-hard-drive/ Note that your Alfred preferences (the folder holding all your workflows) will be in a different location if you use an app (like Dropbox) to sync. The cache and data folders aren't synced; they should be in the same place regardless.
  13. There could be an issue with indexing. The Alfred Support Site article on Spotlight indexing might help. Cheers
  14. Unfortunately, this tool is for Windows, not OS X
  15. You are using 1Password 3, correct? I'm using 1Password v4.0.8 (408001), Chrome extension v4.0.1.99. I cannot replicate the issue on my setup. Just to make sure (since you didn't mention it): Is '1Password.app' listed under Alfred Preferences > Features > Clipboard > History > Ignore Apps? Cheers
  16. That was my reaction when I saw the preview image; looks just like college ruled notebook paper Nice work
  17. By default, Alfred will not search all your files without a prefix. See here: Try typing 'find' or [space] (appears as a ') before you type the filename you want. See here: The Alfred Support site has more information.
  18. Alfred responds to something like this: tell application "Alfred 2" search "Stuff I want to search" end tell If you send a path to Alfred, it will trigger his file browser. Cheers
  19. Key symbols: ⌥ = option, ↑ = up arrow, ↓ = down arrow, ⌫ = delete, ⇧ = shift That's Alfred's file buffer, activated by pressing ⌥↑ or ⌥↓ on a file result. Try pressing ⌥⌫ (while Alfred is visible) to clear the buffer If ⌥↑, ⌥↓, and ⌥⌫ don't work, you may have changed Alfred's preferences under Features > File Search > Buffer > Compatibility. In this case, try using ⌥⇧↑, ⌥⇧↓, and ⌥⇧⌫ To turn it off: Go to Alfred Preferences > Features > File Search > Buffer. Uncheck 'Enable temporary file buffer' There's more information at the Alfred Support website Cheers
  20. You might be interested in this post entitled 'contacts large type format'. Also, I can read the email address in your picture. I would fully obscure or remove that portion of the photo, just to be safe. Cheers
  21. There's a thread about where workflows are stored on the disk. That should help Cheers
  22. As of OS X Mavericks, notifications can include an extra icon. Alfred 2.1.1 includes the workflow's icon in the notification (if you keep that setting checked in the Advanced preferences). The workflow cannot control what icon is sent through scripting, though.
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