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Everything posted by Vero

  1. In the same way as all previous OS X releases, we'll be supporting Yosemite and you'll be able to continue using the same version of Alfred on it. We've got great plans for Alfred 2 in the coming months, which I bet you'll love Here's the first comment we posted on our blog after Yosemite was announced: http://blog.alfredapp.com/2014/06/02/alfred-and-os-x-10-10-yosemite/
  2. It's very much a conscious design choice; you need to keep in mind that this is one very specific scenario and isn't representative of the majority of users' use of keywords and searching. Alfred's knowledge/learning has been very carefully crafted to suit the most natural and common scenario, so that everyone can pick up Alfred naturally.
  3. Whatever the case, Alfred will definitely be updated to incorporate some of the new technologies coming into play in Yosemite
  4. Hi Jonathan, We really don't recommend playing around inside the Alfred preferences files or backing up bits here and there. You can either backup the whole Alfred.alfredpreferences or use settings syncing via Dropbox. These are much safer ways to ensure your data is copied across to a new Mac correctly. Cheers, Vero
  5. By default, Alfred doesn't search content, so try the "in" keyword prefixing your "outline cosc421" search to tell Alfred to search content as well. Alternatively, as a Powerpack user, you could create a file filter workflow for your course material. Join a "file filter" input to an "open file" action, and customise the file filter object to look for content you need within the folders you want, and it'll make searching the same folders frequently much easier. If you'd like a hand creating that workflow, give me a bit more detail on whether you're searching titles, tags, content, etc and I'll help you out
  6. Glad to see you're enjoying this one I've created a bunch for internal use, and frequently create various hotkey and file filter-based workflows for users that are certainly nowhere near as exciting as the fantastic ones you've all been creating! Please do keep bringing the best ones to my attention as I also love sharing them with users who are just beginning to discover how powerful workflows can be. In fact, my intention is to feature them more regularly on the Alfred blog, so expect to see more in the coming weeks! Cheers, Vero
  7. Hi Harri, you can speed up hotkeys by popping up the configuration for it in your workflow, right-clicking and choosing "Pass through modifier keys (fastest)" The default setting is marginally slower in order to be most compatible with all apps.
  8. Hi Dionysis, If you have a workflow where the keyword is "b", which you then follow by a space and your search term, just keep typing, e.g. "b peanuts". As soon as you've typed "b" followed by the space, any irrelevant results (e.g. "bandcamp") will disappear from results. It's more efficient than stopping typing to manually choose your workflow in the results, and Alfred will naturally filter down to only the relevant results as you keep typing. If 1Password bookmarks clutter your results, don't forget that you can also re-enable the 1Password keyword in the preferences so that you have to type "1p bandcamp" instead of bookmarks appearing in your default results. It also keeps your default results tidier! I'll move this to the v2 Discussion & Help section, as this isn't a bug, but please let me know if I can clarify anything for you Cheers, Vero
  9. I highly doubt that information is available as part of the metadata relating to an email; The metadata contains information about that particular message, not about its relationship to other messages, so it wouldn't be possible (as far as I know) to find out whether an email has been answered or not.
  10. Could you pop an email to info@alfredapp com so that I can help you directly? I'm sure it's something simple, but I may need a few more bits of information that will be easier to process by email
  11. Hi Heini, This is a perfect task for workflows. You can create a workflow using a File Filter object attached to an Open File object. Here's a File Filter tutorial for images you can use as guidance (replacing the file type to search with folders instead): http://blog.alfredapp.com/2014/04/24/tutorial-creating-an-alfred-workflow-without-a-single-line-of-code/ Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  12. This is likely to be a different issue to the other user if you're not syncing your settings between Macs. Do you have an App Cleaner application on your Mac? This can happen if a cleaning app tries to delete your settings during an upgrade. You should be able to retrieve the preferences files from your Trash if that is what's happened [Moving to Closed as this isn't an Alfred bug]
  13. You can press the Esc key to return to the list of search results from the file actions screen
  14. If you purchase the Powerpack, please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile. This will only be visible to me as administrator and I (or David) will then be able to help you create a workflow to do this
  15. To use the workflow highlighted by David above this post, you'll need the Powerpack (which unlocks the ability to use workflows and much more!). You can purchase the Powerpack here: https://buy.alfredapp.com/ Cheers, Vero
  16. Oh, and an additional question: Do you have a non-Apple keyboard like a Logitech one?
  17. Have you checked any workflows you've installed for the Cmd + \ hotkey? This isn't a bug in Alfred, so something will be causing the triggering on your Mac. Does it happen every time you press Cmd + \ or only occasionally? Could it be that you're pressing the Cmd key a second time accidentally? And finally, do you use any keyboard-modification apps like KeyboardRemap, etc? These could feasibly interfere with the key presses OS X reports.
  18. Cmd + Alt + \ is the hotkey for Alfred's File Selection, but Cmd + \ isn't set to any action in Alfred by default, so have a look at the hotkeys you've changed in Alfred's preferences (You'll find hotkeys under Clipboard, File Search > Action & Navigation, iTunes) or in any workflows you've set up.
  19. You can download the latest build of Alfred v2 by clicking on the purple "Download v2" button on the website: http://www.alfredapp.com/ You can then activate your license code - See the license FAQ for the type that will suit you best. Cheers, Vero
  20. Alternatively, to avoid 1Password entries cluttering up your search results, you could create a little one-object workflow to set a hotkey to bring up Alfred with "1p" followed by a space pre-filled-in. - Create a workflow with a hotkey object - In the hotkey settings, set the action to "Show Alfred" - Argument should be "text" - Type "1p" followed by a space and leave the cursor to "right" When you launch the workflow with your hotkey, Alfred will appear with the keyword "1p" already filled in waiting for you to enter your argument
  21. Could you please try removing /Applications from your search scope and then clicking "Reset"? If this doesn't resolve your issue, pop an email to info@alfredapp com and we'll help you out further Cheers, Vero
  22. Hi CT, Please use the forum search feature before posting feature requests. Workflows already exist to do this, in a few variations, so please have a look at these. Here are a few: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1531-create-new-folder-version-10/ http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/1866-create-new-folder/ Cheers, Vero
  23. Hi CT, The workflow's actions most likely are taking precedence over the default actions, so have a look at what Cmd + Return does in that particular workflow. Remember that workflow creators are also there to help, so posting in the appropriate workflow's thread will be more satisfying. [Closed, not a bug in Alfred] Cheers, Vero
  24. If you'd like fellow Alfred users to help you out, I would suggest that you provide more information; link to the bookmarklets and more details on what you're trying to do. If you've tried creating a workflow, it's also worth sharing what you have so far. There are a few existing DevonThink workflows that seem quite popular on the forum, so it may be worth having a look at those workflows, or talking to the other DevonThink users who might be able to help. I've moved this to Workflow Help & Questions, where you're more likely to get help with this topic
  25. Add a space after your keyword "r" and only keywords that are set to "r" + space will show. I'm moving this to workflow help & questions, so that you can share your workflow if you have any more questions.
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