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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Hi Neal, This checkbox was removed when Apple released iTunes 11 and stopped AppleScript control for the shuffle mode for external apps like Alfred. Unfortunately, this means that shuffling tracks this way isn't possible anymore. (But we're keeping an eye on iTunes releases, in case they re-allow it) I hadn't removed that bullet point from the support site, but have done so now - so thank you! Cheers, Vero
  2. Hotkeys are now a part of workflows, making them much more powerful than before. Here's a tutorial on creating hotkeys: http://support.alfredapp.com/tutorials:hotkeys If you're just looking to set a bunch of hotkeys to open applications, let me know and I'll share my hotkeys workflow to get you up and running quickly
  3. If you're on a non-English keyboard, you may want to change the hotkey to something easier for you. You'll find the hotkey in the preferences under Features > File Search > Actions, at the bottom of the panel. Swap it for anything that suits you and doesn't clash with your existing hotkeys
  4. Hi Roger, Typing "Users" should indeed show Users & Accounts from System Preferences. If you don't see this, first check that you've kept "Preferences" checked under Features > Default Results > Essentials. If you have, it's likely that the metadata on your Mac is missing for that system pref. Go to Alfred's Advanced tab and click "Rebuild OS X Metadata" - This can take up to an hour, but will ensure that OS X's index is up to date, so that it can provide the right results to Alfred. In the future, if any files aren't found, you can use this troubleshooting page for useful steps: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:indexing Cheers, Vero
  5. Hi Piers, you'll see on our website a "Support" link in the header; it gives you the options of checking the support site, the known issues and the forum for help, as well as giving you an email address you can contact us on if the above three channels don't answer your question. As the majority of questions raised are already answered in one of these channels, this almost always allows users to answer their own questions (while meeting fellow Alfred users!) We respond to emails and tweets almost instantly and to emails as quickly as we can, but by getting users to help each other, we can focus more of our time on the app's development and future plans Cheers, Vero [Moving to closed]
  6. We're not planning on setting up an IRC channel officially, but if someone creates one, we'll try to pop our heads in every so often.
  7. I've had a look at the settings and updated this so you'll be able to add more images to your post
  8. As 1Password 4 was only recently released, I'm guessing the latest beta will be fine to use and represent small improvements and fixes on the big recent release. Your best bet is to keep a copy of your keychain backed up before you update. That way, if anything goes wrong, you can revert to the older version and re-download the stable version of 1PW to your Mac
  9. You can type "translate" followed by the phrase or page URL you want to translate and hit return. This brings up Google Translate with your defaults (so if you've already said you want to translate, let's say Turkish to English, it'll already be set for that). You can also create custom searches for specific languages.
  10. I appreciate your point of view and your input in two threads; English wasn't my first language either as I grew up raised in French, and I understand that not everyone is necessarily completely at ease with English. Regarding the 1Password comparison, the (very lovely) 1Password team consists of 40 people, while ours is a team of two (with the help of jdfwarrior in the US and our community, of course) so we simply do not have the bandwidth to manage translations. There are numerous translation services out there; I've used some of them, as well as managed a team of in-house translators, in a previous job I had and am aware of the time it takes. Once the translators have done their part of the work, every single word needs to be reviewed and assessed to make sure that the translator's perception of the word in English is correct in the local language (Three translators may translate the same thing in three different ways). In itself, this would add extra weeks to every release of Alfred. Translating the app would also open the door to requests for support in non-English languages, which we can't provide, as Google Translate usually garbles up the simplest sentences. I pride myself in providing the best customer service possible, and this would be near-impossible with non-English support questions. As such, we still are not planning to translate Alfred, as our priority continues to be developing and releasing new features quickly and efficiently, rather than add a two months delay every time we want to do a release. As mentioned before: 1. Create custom searches for your loved non-English sites 2. Change keywords in system prefs, etc to local language keywords 3. If your English is better than your friends', be their guide and tutor
  11. When posting images to the forum, you need to ensure that your link ends in .png, but also that the image is publicly available. If your Skydrive/Box.net accounts are private, you won't be able to post these publicly. Beyond this, you'll need to refer to Skydrive and Box.net's own customer service if you need help working out how to use images from there, as they may have additional restrictions to stop users hotlinking their images. We recommend Dropbox as this works well for those who want to host their pictures somewhere.
  12. First, I'd suggest checking in the Update tab that you're only set to get notified on "Updates" not "Pre-releases", as pre-releases are more frequent by nature. If you wait until the general updates are available, you'll see by looking at the dates in the change log that these happen on average once a month. Keep in mind that Mavericks was released a few weeks ago, so a second update was needed to make sure we provided users with the best compatibility possible, so last month included two updates instead of just one. The main reason we show some details about what the next update contains is to let you know if something has changed. It's been rare but there have been occasions where changes to OS X have required a little change in hotkeys in Alfred, for example when iTunes 11 was released. Having said that, you can easily turn off auto-update in the Update tab on the Mac that you use less frequently and do the updates manually when it's convenient for you
  13. There are numerous calendar workflows in v2, so if you post a link to your v1 script/extension, I'm sure fellow Alfred users will be happy to help you out I've moved this to the Workflows Help & Questions section as you'll get more help there.
  14. You can sync your settings between both of your Macs - Go to Alfred's Advanced preferences and on the right, you'll see a button to set your sync folder. Most users choose to use Dropbox (but I would recommend not using the ~/Dropbox/Apps/ folder as this can result in problems). Finish syncing completely from your first Mac to Dropbox, then let Dropbox sync on your second Mac *before* you set up syncing on the 2nd Mac Enjoy!
  15. Hi Laurent, launch Alfred's preferences to Appearance > Options and you'll be able to set Alfred to appear on default screen, mouse screen or, if you're using OS X 10.9 Mavericks, on the active screen (where your current active app is). It's all in there Cheers, Vero
  16. You say that Alfred is not finding "most" of the references but is finding some? If it's finding some with the filter, this is a good start. Could you give examples of what is and isn't found? Are you searching by content or title? If you're searching by content, try adding kMDItemTextContent in the File Filter's Advanced prefs. You may also want to check the box for "Show files marked as System Files" in the Search Scope tab. It's a bit tricky to help you out as we're not familiar with Sente and the way it stores its data, but hopefully the above will help.
  17. Alfred falls back to Google Search when no search results are found on your Mac. What are you searching for? And do you have tags on your Mac that use this keyword?
  18. I've been testing this and attempting to replicate the issue on a couple of our test Macs on Mavericks, but haven't seen the behaviour you describe no matter what combination of apps I try. Is there any chance you have another application, or even a workflow, installed that responds to Cmd + C or Cmd + C + C and might be doing something else at the same time with your clipboard contents? I'll keep an eye out for anyone else who might report this behaviour, but in the meantime, if you could perhaps try setting up a new profile on your Mac and seeing whether you encounter the same behaviour at any point, it'd be useful as it would help narrow down whether an external factor is playing a part in this.
  19. If you just add /usr/local/Cellar/ to Alfred's search path, then this is recursive. Alfred doesn't support public.symlink as OS X's metadata server has very limited support for this, making searches very inefficient. If Alfred ever takes on the job of indexing himself, then we'll take into account symlinks.
  20. You can switch on "Full fuzzy match from word boundary" in Alfred's Advanced preferences, but this can result in noisier search results so here are a few alternative options: - Use Spotlight Comments (by pressing Cmd + I on the app you want to add a comment to) to add shortcut/nicknames for the apps where you do this regularly - Create a mini workflow (Using the "Launch file group from keyword" template) for apps you want to create nicknames for - Create hotkeys to launch your favourite apps from a hotkey instead, which is even quicker These would be more efficient than switching on full fuzzy matching
  21. This could be one of two things: 1. It's possible that Mavericks has reset the "last used" flags on files, which means Alfred and Spotlight have no data from which to gauge what your most recently used files are. This will resolve itself as you start using your Mac with Mavericks, so you'll just need to exercise a little patience as you start picking your files. 2. If Alfred doesn't seem to be learning, it's quite possible that Mavericks is stopping Alfred from saving his preferences and knowledge. I would recommend doing the following: - Launch Alfred's prefs to the Advanced tab and click "Clear Knowledge" - Launch Disk utility and click "Repair Permissions" so that if Mavericks file permissions are wrong, these are fixed. This isn't a widespread issue so it's likely to be caused by the above; Remember that Mavericks has been out for just over a week and may not be working perfectly smoothly yet.
  22. Hi Rich, As this is an issue with Mavericks and workflows, rather than an Alfred bug, I've moved this to the Workflows Help & questions so that other workflow developers can help you out.
  23. Hi Stavros, This is a different issue to the one above; your Mac isn't allowing Alfred to save his preferences to disk. Launch Disk Utility and choose "Repair Permissions", and Alfred should then be able to correctly save his preferences changes.
  24. Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile to allow us to confirm your Powerpack status? How did you originally search for these AppleScripts? Are you referring to old extensions or simply files on your Mac? Let me know and I'll be happy to help
  25. [Admin: Merged a few threads together on this topic] As I said above, and as Andrew also explained previously here, Alfred shows phone numbers as Contacts.app gives them to him, so if you save a contact with a particular format, it will show that format. We have made a note to investigate further to see whether we can make Alfred format phone numbers beyond what Contacts provide, so this may change in the future
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