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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Looks like you've already had a good answer, but if you want to learn more about Alfred's File Buffer, have a look at this page: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:file-buffer
  2. This sounds like a corrupted permissions issue, so try the following steps: - Quit Alfred - Launch Disk Utility and repair permissions - Restart your Mac - Relaunch Alfred to see whether things work as expected Let me know how you get on
  3. When setting a hotkey, Alfred saves the keycode position provided by OS X (e.g. Cmd + Alt + the 6th key in the top row of the keyboard) rather than Cmd + Alt + Y. As a result, if you change keyboard layout, the same *position* will work, rather than the same letter Y if it has moved on the different keyboard layout. Set your hotkey combination in the keyboard layout you use most frequently and remember the key position of your hotkeys.
  4. When you use File Selection, you need to ensure you've selected your files in Finder before pressing the hotkey combo (Cmd + Alt + \ by default, but check Features > File Search > Actions for the combo you've set if you changed it) In other words: 1. Select files in Finder, e.g. on your Desktop 2. Press your File Selection hotkey combo You should then see the list of file actions appear. If this list doesn't appear, it's likely that you've set your hotkey to something that clashes with another app or with a workflow on your Mac. [Moving to Discussion & Help as it isn't a bug]
  5. There may be some permissions issues on your main account, so have a look at the troubleshooting steps here: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:persisting-preferences
  6. This is intentional, as a number of users have reported issues when using the Dropbox Apps folder. I'd recommend using another folder in Dropbox, e.g. create a ~/Dropbox/Alfred/ folder but if you really want to use the Dropbox Apps folder, here's how you can do so: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:dropbox-apps-folder
  7. Hi Mike, Drop us an email in info@alfredapp com and I'll be happy to help you order the Powerpack for your friend Cheers, Vero
  8. Alfred should find your Dock and any other preference panes, so first, check your Default Results preferences in Features > Default Results, to make sure the checkbox for Preferences is ticked. If Alfred can't find certain apps/files/prefs, it's likely to be an indexing issue, so launch Alfred's preferences to the Advanced tab and click the "Rebuild OS X Metadata" button. It'll pop up Terminal and require your password, then your Mac will rebuild your OS X metadata. Once it finishes, type "reload" into Alfred to refresh your app cache. Cheers, Vero
  9. Oh I've been laughing my guts out while trying this out. Genius. Great way to unwind for a few seconds before cracking on with work
  10. Can Spotlight find the preferences pane? If so, Alfred should find it, provided that it's in the search scope. You can also create a custom workflow with a keyword to open it.
  11. Hi Tim, The iTunes XML library file that contains the details of your music collection may have changed or been moved, possibly resulting in artwork not being found. To check that Alfred is looking at the right library, compare the two file paths in Alfred and iTunes: In Alfred: In Preferences, under Features > iTunes > Advanced In iTunes 11: In Preferences, under Advanced These file paths should match, ensuring Alfred can see the latest XML file available. If the path is incorrect, change it in Alfred to match iTunes' path. Once you've done this, rebuild the library again and see whether all your artwork is found. Let me know how you get on with this. Cheers, Vero
  12. Hi Scott, I've replied to your email a few moments before you posted this so please check your inbox and let me know if your issue is resolved Cheers, Vero
  13. Hi there, This isn't an error message we've encountered before. Could you please delete this file and re-download from http://alfredapp.com by clicking the purple "Download v2" button? Also, please ensure that you do not use a third-party unarchiver and only the OS X unarchiving tool. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  14. What David suggests requires the Powerpack, as result actions (e.g. "Open with..." action) are a Powerpack-only feature. Of course, if you do upgrade to the Powerpack, you get a whole lot more goodies than just this
  15. Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your profile? David can then provide you with further support with this
  16. If any resources are missing (e.g. this icon) you may have a corrupt install of Alfred as, if he can't find the icon from 1Password directly, he should fall back to an internal 1Password icon so you should never not see this icon. It might be worth re-downloading Alfred from our website and, if you have any third-party unarchiver tools, don't use these to unarchive the download. You might also benefit from rebooting your Mac once this is done Cheers, Vero
  17. OS X treats ~/Library/Scripts/ as a System folder and, as such, marks files in this folder as essentially invisible to the default search. With the Powerpack, you can create a custom search filter and include System files, which means you'd be able to find files and folders within ~/Library/Scripts/ but for now, your best bet is to keep your scripts in ~/Scripts/ Cheers, Vero
  18. We haven't heard of any issues where Alfred fails to launch, so this could be down to a corrupted download. I would recommend manually downloading Alfred 2 from your Applications folder, then re-downloading from the website again. If you use any third-party unzipping tools, please make sure you don't use these to unzip Alfred and just use the default OS X unzipper. Let me know how you get on
  19. Might be worth posting in the Workflow Help & Questions section of the forum, as other users might be able to help you write a suitable script (if Mailplane allows it). If it's not possible, it'll also be worth seeing if the lovely Mailplane developers can lend a hand in making it possible
  20. In the way you're describing, Alfred has no way of knowing you want to attach the files selected in Finder. Instead, use Alfred's File Selection, you'll be able to attach the files you've selected to an email. To do this 1. Select one file or more in Finder, then press Cmd + Alt + \ (the File Selection hotkey is set in Alfred's prefs in Features > File Search > Actions, in case you've changed it to something else) 2. This will show you the available actions for your files 3. If your contact is a local contact, choose "Email to..." so that you can choose a contact within Alfred OR if your contacts aren't locally available, just choose "Email" and fill in the recipient once Mailplane has created the new email with the attachments. This should allow you to attach your files to Mailplane emails
  21. If you're seeing updates to 2.2, you're currently set to receive pre-releases. There have been a few builds of v2.2 in pre-release over the past few days as we've made some further fixes and improvements ahead of the general 2.2 release. If you'd prefer to only get general releases, go to Alfred's Update tab and choose "updates" rather than "pre-releases" from the dropdown menu at the bottom.
  22. I'm guessing that when upgrading to Mavericks, the path to your iTunes library might've changed, so Alfred's looking at a library that no longer exists. Open Alfred's Features > iTunes > Advanced preferences and click the 'find' button to re-find the music library, followed by the reset music library button below this. More info on this troubleshooting page: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:itunes-library Let me know how you get on with these steps Cheers, Vero
  23. I've also tested this theory and numerous .co.uk and .com.au, etc addresses work just fine out of my address book. Could you please launch your Contacts app and check what field type the @ca.rr.com address is in? You need to make sure it's in an email field, as if it's in a Notes field, or some other field type where it's not recognised as an email address, it won't be launched in your email client. If you're seeing the issue with one particular contact and no other, I would recommend creating a new contact card for them from scratch, then deleting the old one. That way, if anything was entered in the wrong fields, you'll be able to fix this as you create the new one Cheers, Vero
  24. Hi there, Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This allows us to confirm your Powerpack status first We'll then be happy to help you out! Cheers, Vero
  25. Hi Thermidore, As far as I can see, these results should work for the artist name in question so could you please go to Alfred's preferences > iTunes > Advanced and manually re-find your iTunes library? Once you've done this, reindex your music library by popping up Alfred's iTunes Mini Player and pressing Cmd + R. Once reindexed, see whether the results are found correctly. My Russian is non-existent, but could the characters in the name be similar but non-identical? Cheers, Vero
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