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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Here's a file filter workflow that will allow you to search all text content for Contacts: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5818788/Alfred/Contacts%20Filter%20for%20Text%20Content.alfredworkflow It's a handy workflow I created for the same purpose. Prefix your search term with the keyword "co" to search in depth in your contacts
  2. If you search Google Drive and perform a search within GD, what URL do you see? This information should help us get to the bottom of the issue. You can email us on info@alfredapp com if you would prefer, in case it contains any personal details you'd rather not post on the forum.
  3. To update to the pre-release, go to Alfred's Updates tab and choose "pre-releases" from the dropdown at the bottom. Alfred will then let you know that there's a new version you can download. Note that pre-releases are more frequent around release time, so you'll get a few notifications of updates. You can revert to just getting the general updates later if you prefer If you post your custom search, we'll be able to take a look - but do try the Google Drive search in 2.5 first.
  4. Could you please fill in your registered Powerpack email address in your forum profile? This is only visible to administrators and allows us to ensure users requesting Powerpack help are legitimate users. We'll be happy to help you create the workflow once you've filled these details in
  5. Hi Stephen, Could you confirm where you're syncing your preferences? We recommend avoiding the /Dropbox/Apps folder as it's caused problems for numerous users (even though the Dropbox team can't identify any reason why this would be) I'd say that when users report preferences issues, 99% of the time, this has been the root of it. Also, launch Disk Utility and repair permissions on your Mac, as this can sometimes affect preferences as well. If neither of the above resolve your issue, could you please try creating a new account on your Mac and seeing if preferences save normally? This will help identify whether the issue is specific to your user profile or across your whole Mac. I'll keep an eye on this thread today Cheers, Vero
  6. I'm sure you'll get more answers, but here's a response I posted to a similar question on Quora a few weeks ago highlighting just *some* of Alfred's features: http://www.quora.com/How-is-Alfred-better-than-the-default-Spotlight-app-in-Mac-OS-X/
  7. There are a few workflows for conversion already here on the forum. Take a look at these and see if that's what you have in mind: http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3825-alfred-workflow-for-units-and-currencies-converter/ http://www.alfredforum.com/topic/3980-offline-unit-conversion-workflow/ Depending on your requirements and your knowledge, you could either tweak these yourself or make suggestions to the developers for improvements.
  8. Hey Chris Sounds like you're sorted out now, but as a heads-up: Let Dropbox sync all its files before setting up syncing in Alfred. Otherwise, if Alfred doesn't detect a preferences file, he'll create a new one in the location you selected. This can lead to Dropbox conflict files and lost preferences data, so it's worth giving it a moment to finish syncing first.
  9. You can use TextExpander text expansion snippets in Alfred's text field, but I'm guessing the fill-in forms are a fancier feature of TE I've never used
  10. The same info is also on the v2 support site http://support.alfredapp.com/features:recent-documents
  11. Alfred does some AppleScript on the main event thread (for backwards compatibility) which means that if you launch the Mini Player and iTunes takes a long time to load for some reason, Alfred will wait until iTunes is loaded. Normally iTunes should start instantly so, if you can, try to work out what might be holding iTunes up when starting, or start iTunes manually first. [Moving this to Noted, as this may be behaviour we can avoid in the future]
  12. You need to set this up under the Fallback Searches at the bottom of Features > Default Results Here's a tutorial to help refresh your memory: http://blog.alfredapp.com/2014/08/11/tutorial-setting-up-your-own-fallback-searches/
  13. The keyword works differently to what you described; the "in" keyword followed by a search string uses OS X's metadata index to look for files that contain that word within the searchable text content. For example, with "in budget", Alfred will search for files within your search scope that contain the word "budget" in the content and present you with these results. If you want to create more refined search filters, this is where File Filter workflows (part of the Powerpack) come in handy, as you can customise your searches to either look at particular file types or locations on your Mac. I'm moving this thread to closed, as this isn't a bug in Alfred.
  14. How many items are in your Login Items list? Are there other login items that could be causing a delay on startup? Do you have an unusual setup, e.g. are your Applications on the main HD of your Mac or on a network drive, external drive, etc? If there's anything non-standard, please let us know as it might help us troubleshoot the issue
  15. I've added it to the help page about Hotkey Triggers accessed through the question mark through the Hotkey and Related Apps panes for that object. As you can imagine, we can't add every tip or bit of text to the preferences themselves or it would be a mess of text-heavy preference panes
  16. Alfred is intended to stay out of the way when not used, so this isn't possible. Having said that, if you want your last typed query to stay visible when you bring up Alfred again, you can do this in the Advanced preferences under the History section.
  17. The only reason Alfred will be unable to set a hotkey is because the hotkey is already in use elsewhere. Take a look at this knowledge base entry for tips on where to look for hotkey clashes: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:cmd-space Also, take a look at any workflows you've set up in case they're using the cmd + space hotkey, and check other hotkeys within Alfred's preferences (e.g. clipboard, iTunes mini player) in case you've set them to cmd + space by mistake
  18. Could you please fill in your registered Powerpack address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-related questions? Once you've filled this in, we'll be happy to help you out (provided it's possible!)
  19. Right-click on any theme to duplicate it - you'll then be able to edit any of the duplicates. You just can't edit the default themes at the top of the list
  20. Thanks for filling this in You can create a file filter to do exactly what you describe. Launch Alfred's preferences to the Workflows tab and click the + to choose Templates > Files and Apps > File Filter from keyword and open. In the File Filter object, set your keyword and drag the folder(s) you want to search into the search scope. Here's a tutorial on creating a file filter, which you might find useful for more details on this type of workflow: http://blog.alfredapp.com/2014/04/24/tutorial-creating-an-alfred-workflow-without-a-single-line-of-code/
  21. This is possible with the Powerpack, so if you upgrade to the Powerpack and fill in your registered email address in your forum profile, I'll be happy to help you create a workflow for this Cheers, Vero
  22. Hi there, could you please fill in your Powerpack registered address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-related questions? We'll then be happy to help you out
  23. In addition to Shawn's post, you'll need the Powerpack (http://alfredapp.com/powerpack/) to launch this from an Alfred workflow.
  24. Have you had a look at the Clipboard Merging? You can find the details in Alfred's preferences under Features > Clipboard > Merging. By holding Cmd + double-tapping C, you can merge what you're copying with the latest entry in the clipboard. As such, you could merge all your items together as you copy them, so that you only have one to paste If that's not exactly what you're looking for, you could probably create a workflow to paste the latest 10 entries, for example. Pop a post in the Workflow Help & Questions section if that's the case, as I'm sure fellow workflow users will be able to help you create what you want.
  25. In Alfred's preferences, go to Features > Web Search > URLs / History. You'll see a large box containing your recently typed/pasted-in links. You can use the "clear" button in the bottom right to remove them all, or you can disable the feature altogether by unchecking the "Store and show history of URLs used in Alfred".
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