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Everything posted by Vero

  1. Hi Diego, Could you try a few different contacts to see whether you can replicate this with any contacts in a group vs not in a group? I've been testing this and can't replicate it; all of my contacts open in emails, regardless of belonging to a group or not in Contacts.app Are you contacts in your Mail.app and are their email addresses in a valid format? If you can, please provide some more details. If you don't want to post contact details in public, you can email info@alfredapp com to keep your contacts private. Cheers, Vero [Note: Moving out of bug reports and into Investigating section]
  2. Here's a little more detail on how Alfred's clipboard works. You use a hotkey (Cmd + Alt + V by default) to bring up the Clipboard viewer, which will show you the items you recently copied to your clipboard. It's the forward item on this screenshot (I had to borrow one from our website as my personal clipboard contains private info ) Once you can see this panel, you can start typing "email" and all items containing "email" will be filtered down on the left. If the top item isn't the one you want, scroll down until you find the one you want (You'll see the summary of the snippet on the right-hand panel) or access it using Cmd + number for the top items. Alfred's clipboard is exclusively plain text, so formatting is stripped as you paste the clipboard content. (You can also use a workflow to create a "Paste as Plain Text" hotkey to save you time when pasting the last item you copied) You can see the Clipboard history settings here: http://support.alfredapp.com/features:clipboard In the settings you can choose: - Which apps Alfred should ignore (e.g. password apps) - How long Alfred should remember your clips for (24 hours to 3 months) You can also create text snippets if you want some re-usable bits of text like your address or signature. You access these through the same clipboard hotkey, where you'll see "All Snippets" at the top. Keeping in mind I've never used Ditto before, hopefully this gives you a better idea of how the clipboard history works
  3. We won't be updating the version that is available in the Mac App Store at this time, so your best bet is to get v2 from our website. You can then purchase the Powerpack if you wish, but at least, you'll be sure to always get the latest updates to the free version regardless
  4. Hi Sam, Could you please let us know what query you're typing to search for it and where the file is located on your Mac? Here is a more in-depth troubleshooting page for finding files that can probably answer your question, but if not, please give some more details and I'll help you out Cheers, Vero
  5. Hi Susan, I order to take advantage of the features these kind chaps have presented you with, you will need version 2 (available from our website alfredapp.com) and a Powerpack license, which you can also purchase on the website. Cheers, Vero
  6. It's down to Apple what can or can't be accessed through AppleScript in apps like iTunes, so we're keeping an eye on any new developments from Apple.
  7. Hi there, Sorry for the slower-than-usual reply iTunes provides limited access to playlists so Alfred can start a playlist, but you won't be able to browse through the playlist to pick a song. However, in normal conditions, it should start the playlist from the beginning (first song). Do you have "shuffle" switched on? If so, you'll need to turn it off manually first so that Alfred can start your playlist from the beginning. Since iTunes 11, Apple removed/broke the AppleScript that allows third-party apps like Alfred to switch "shuffle" on and off. After this, if you still have issues playing your playlist normally, could you please check that Alfred is looking at the correct iTunes library? You can compare these two paths: In Alfred: In preferences, under Features > iTunes > Advanced In iTunes: In preferences, under Advanced These should match, confirming that Alfred is looking at the correct library. Let me know how you get on Cheers, Vero
  8. Great to hear, we'll keep an eye out for the next articles too, as the first one was excellent
  9. Have you tried these combos first to see if they work? Cmd + number works fine on a French keyboard, regardless of the fact that the number is the secondary character assigned to that key. I've re-tested this on a standard layout French keyboard and it works just as expected Just to clarify, don't press the Shift key. Simply press the cmd key and the key where the number is - in other words, you'll be typing Cmd + & for Cmd + 1.
  10. It is indeed the File Buffer (which is very handy for processing multiple files at once). You can see what hotkeys are used here: http://support.alfredapp.com/features:file-search#file-buffer
  11. Hi there, have a look at this knowledge base entry for details on using OS X input sources with Alfred when you have multiple keyboard languages/layouts available: http://support.alfredapp.com/kb:keyboard-languages Let me know if you still have any issues Cheers, Vero [Note: Moved to Closed, as it isn't a bug in Alfred, just something to set up in the way you want it to behave.]
  12. Create a new workflow and have a look at the objects in the + in the top right. You can connect a keyword to an iTunes action to do exactly what you want (if I've understood you correctly) All I've done here is pick a keyword object (with no argument) and set the keyword as "up" and "down". I then connected each one with its respective action from the + button in the top right (Actions > iTunes Command and then select from the dropdown menu) Let me know if you'd like me to share the workflow above, but it'll only take a few seconds to create your own and you can set your own keywords as you go.
  13. Thanks for coming back and suggesting this. Obviously, the ideal remains for Apple to resolve the issue, but in the meantime, I'll keep it in mind if anyone encounters this issue
  14. Could you please zip up your alfred.alfredpreferences file and email it to info@alfredapp com so that we can take a look? Andrew will take a look and see whether there's anything unusual in there that could cause an issue.
  15. Alfred doesn't delete any files if the name already exists in the location you've set, and would just use the file that's there. I don't know how Skydrive works, but it may be worth setting your sync location somewhere local on your Mac (e.g. on your Desktop) temporarily to see if everything works. If Alfred sees and changes the preferences normally there, it may be that Skydrive isn't a suitable service for syncing your preferences.
  16. Hi there, as the iTunes Mini Player is a Powerpack feature, could you please fill in your Powerpack details in your forum profile first? Thanks, Vero
  17. Hi Jono, Alfred doesn't include History when the "Bookmarks" checkbox is checked in Default Results, so it could be appearing for one of two reasons: 1. Check you haven't manually added it under the "Advanced" button in the Default Results prefs 2. You may be seeing your URL history, which you can switch on/off in the preferences under Web Search > URLs/History Let me know if those are the results you were seeing Cheers, Vero
  18. With regards to your first issue, which version of OS X are you using? If you're using the latest version of OS X, you may be affected by a Mavericks bug where, on unlocking your Mac, windows like Safari will be appearing stuck in the top left corner of the screen due to Mavericks mis-judging the position of your screen. As a result, Alfred also appears off-screen, giving the impression that the Alfred search box isn't appearing and some OS X windows are gone. As this is a Mavericks bug, we are hoping Apple will fix it soon. Until then, I'd recommend disabling the sleep or lock command (depending on what you're using) and using the screensaver command with a password instead. For the second, as David asked, are you seeing any apps in your Alfred results? If these are not appearing, you may just need to rebuild your OS X metadata index, which you can do by going to Alfred's Advanced prefs and clicking "Rebuild OS X Metadata".
  19. Alfred is most likely appearing, but off-screen, so it seems that the window isn't showing at all. Alfred positions himself relative to the display info provided by OS X, so if OS X is reporting the wrong size/position, apps can appear in the wrong place. Some users have reported that issue with other apps as well, where they "bunch up" in the top left corner of the screen when coming back from sleep. It only seems to affect a small handful of users, and it's likely to be one of two things; 1. Mavericks has a known issue with window management, where it reports the wrong window size, resulting in apps like Alfred appearing in the wrong place. You can see the thread on the Apple Discussion forum here: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5516275 2. Window management apps can also interfere with display information, so are you using any of those? If so, I'd suggest disabling any of these for a while and seeing whether you still experience that behaviour issue. I'll move this to the Help forum, in case anyone else has any further suggestions. Cheers, Vero
  20. Hi there, Could you please fill in your Powerpack details on your forum profile before taking part in Powerpack-related topics? Cheers, Vero
  21. Hi Pere, Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address before asking Powerpack-related questions? We'll then be able to take a look and help you out Cheers, Vero
  22. Hi Paul, As Andrew said to the user above, is there anything unusual in the way your contacts are stored? Alfred uses the OS X contacts API directly and should return results as quickly as OS X provides them, which is usually instant. If you want to revert to the way contacts were found in v1, look at Andrew's posts above yours and follow the steps. Drop us an email on info@alfredapp com if you have any issues Cheers, Vero
  23. Hi there, could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before taking part in Powerpack-related discussions? Thanks!
  24. You can create a workflow that launches a default or custom web search from a hotkey. Here is an example I created, where (once you set it) your hotkey will allow you to launch a Google web search without prefixing it with "google": https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5818788/Alfred/Hotkey%20to%20Google%20search.alfredworkflow You can then modify it to launch a different web search or launch in a specific browser for example.
  25. In Alfred's Advanced prefs tab, you can choose under "History" to store the typed queries, so that pressing the up arrow in Alfred's empty search field will show your recent queries. You can also tell Alfred to remember the last typed query for 5 minutes, so that if you've typed "imdb ironman", popping the Alfred window back up within 5 minutes will show you that query again.
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