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  1. Like
    Vero got a reaction from pierrecranga in Snippet picture   
    At this time, snippets are plain text only. Of course, we're keeping an eye on feature suggestions for future updates.
    [Edited: Moving this to Feature Suggestions as this isn't workflow related]
  2. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Chris Messina in {date} and {time} format in Snippets   
    Hi guys,
    This is already possible in Alfred 3, but as it's still in beta, the documentation isn't live yet.
      You can just use {date:FORMAT} e.g. for ISO 8601: {date:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZZZ}   Take a look at http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-31/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patternsuntil our own documentation is live to be more specific with your date formatting.   Cheers, Vero
  3. Like
    Vero reacted to rkoellges in 1Password bookmarks not working with 1Password for families?   
    Thanks Vero! I suspected as much.
    Let's hope the AgileBits is every bit as agile as their company name promises. ;-)
  4. Like
    Vero got a reaction from rkoellges in 1Password bookmarks not working with 1Password for families?   
    At this time, bookmarks from the other vaults are not accessible to Alfred. The 1Password team are aware that this is something you, and we, would like this addition, so it'll hopefully come at some point in the future
  5. Like
    Vero got a reaction from joshyboyrules in Remove sound when snippet auto expands by keyword??   
    Click the cog next to "Automatically expand snippets by keyword" and uncheck the "Play sound" button
  6. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Yanlu in Exclude certain file formats from file search   
    Hi Yannick,
    Thanks for posting here - easier to respond than in a few Twitter characters.
    First, take a look at your preferences under Features > Default Results. Uncheck "images" there (and I would recommend unchecking most of the extras unless you truly need these in your search results every time; I personally only have Folders included from the Extras list). 
    If you've checked the "Unintelligent" checkbox below, uncheck that one as well.
    You can then prefix your search with the keyword "open" (or just press the spacebar for a shortcut to the same search) which then expands your search to more file types.
    If you specifically want to search for one or a few file types, your best bet is to create a File Filter workflow to search for images (or more specifically pngs if needed). Here's a guide to creating your own file filters:
    This should get you started nicely; Take a look at the other Guides and Tutorials to discover more of what Alfred can do here:
  7. Like
    Vero got a reaction from davemiles in Recommended Workflows for a Newbie   
    Welcome to the community, Dave
    Have you taken a look at the workflows on our site? There are some really cool integrations with apps and websites we all love:
    You'll also find some workflows on Packal, which is run by a community member:
    And of course, I'm sure others will come in with recommendations soon
  8. Like
    Vero got a reaction from FroZen_X in How to share custom searches (without powerpack)?   
    The post Frozen_X has shared dates from Alfred v1 so the preferences don't look quite the same, but the idea remains the same. Here's a more current version of this documentation:
    If your friend has Alfred 2 installed as well, they'll be able to simply click the URL, which begins with alfred://, and they'll see the pop-up asking if they want to import the custom search.
    If they're using Alfred version 1 (e.g. from the Mac App Store), they'll need to update to the current version of Alfred first.
  9. Like
    Vero got a reaction from FroZen_X in I used to be able to find Photoshop by just typing 'shop', now it doesn't work anymore   
    Pop up the "Get info" panel for Photoshop and add a Spotlight comment for "shop", which will allow Alfred and other apps to find it based on that keyword:
  10. Like
    Vero got a reaction from FroZen_X in snippets in v3?   
    You guys might want to keep an eye on the blog tomorrow...
  11. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Weaselboy in snippets in v3?   
    You guys might want to keep an eye on the blog tomorrow...
  12. Like
    Vero got a reaction from FroZen_X in How to know the version of the Workflow you are using with Alfred?   
    In v3, we'll include a field for workflow creators to include a version number, which will then be prominently visible. We'll share details when ready, but this is something that was on our list to help users identify which version of a workflow they're using
  13. Like
    Vero got a reaction from robster in Fix links to David's demos and plugins   
    That's a very valid point - I've contacted David so that he either pops them on a more permanent location, or sends them to me and I'll update the links for these workflows and examples.
    Hopefully I'll be able to update these in the next few days
    Thanks for flagging it, 
  14. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Dmitry T. in App specific keywords   
    Hi there,
    Take a look at the Related Apps tab when creating a hotkey workflow, as you can tell it to only activate when certain apps are active:
    This doesn't apply to keywords, but you may find that feature useful to launch using hotkeys instead
  15. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Paper9oll in How to filter search results   
    Do you ever need to search for the contents of these Adobe folders? If you don't, you can pop open Spotlight's Privacy preferences and drag the folder there to exclude it from your Mac's results.
    Once you've done this, type "reload" into Alfred to refresh his application cache, and you should no longer see the Adobe apps in your results
  16. Like
    Vero got a reaction from evanfuchs in Appearance settings lost on restart [Resolved]   
    It sounds like there may still be a bit of permissions corruption which, as you say, may or may not have been caused by the latest update.
    1. Could you please temporarily un-sync your preferences (e.g. by setting the folder to ~/Documents/Alfred/) then see whether your preferences save correctly?
    2. If your preferences do save correctly at that stage, please create a new, different sync location on Dropbox and try again. 
    3. If that also works fine, you'll just need to make sure that, if you're syncing two Macs, you go to the second Mac, wait until Dropbox has finished updating (including downloading the newly set preferences) and select this location in Alfred's preferences, so that both Macs look at the same prefs.
    Once you've done all this and you're satisfied that the new preferences contain everything you need, you can discard the old ones.
    Let me know how you get on
  17. Like
    Vero got a reaction from nikivi in Is there a way to open up Alfred Preferences with a hotkey?   
    The default way to show your preferences is to pop up Alfred's window, then pressing Cmd + , (comma) which is the standard OS X way of showing an app's preferences.
    However, you can also create a workflow where you connect a hotkey of your choice to a "Launch Apps" object, and drag in the preferences from:
    ~/Applications/Alfred 2.app/Contents/Preferences/Alfred Preferences.app
  18. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Weaselboy in Mega Supporter   
    Hi Ben,
    Yes indeed, you'll get a free upgrade to version 3 when it's available. Thanks for being a Mega Supporter
  19. Like
    Vero got a reaction from anbao1777 in Power pack version 3   
    Following up on what Tyler's already said very well, we absolutely do not intend to mislead anyone; It's quite common for products to be announced ahead of release. Apple announces the next operating system around 6 months before release. This is a chance for the Alfred community to get excited with us ahead of the release, allowing us to sneak preview features along the way.
      If you purchased a license this week, you'll get a free upgrade to version 3 as soon as it's released. You can of course use version 2 in the meantime to enjoy the existing features!   If you ever need to get in touch, you can reach us here, on Twitter (@alfredapp) or by dropping us an email at info@alfredapp com any time! We'll get back to you as quickly as we can, provided we're not sleeping   As Tyler said, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask - We have a brilliant community here, filled with friendly people.   Cheers, Vero
  20. Like
    Vero got a reaction from deanishe in Use https as the default web url protocol   
    Hi David,
    As so many websites aren't configured to support this, Alfred can't assume that sending you to an https:// URL will resolve correctly. You'll find many websites simply won't load when you go to the https:// version of it, as they don't support it. 
    So while we'd like to do this, it isn't possible at this point and the responsibility needs to lie with the web browsers using the HTTP Strict Transport Security (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security).
    Having said that, we've used https:// URLs for all default web searches we provide where it's supported, and all of Alfred's own traffic is https.
  21. Like
    Vero got a reaction from evanfuchs in Numerous apps not showing up?   
    Have you taken a look at the steps in the Indexing page?
    Also, when reindexing from Alfred, be sure to check the box for "Delete /.Spotlight-V100" so that OS X can build a full fresh index. Once it has completed (up to an hour), type "reload" into Alfred to refresh the app cache.
    If you still can't find your apps, could you please drag of one of the apps Alfred can't find into the Metadata tool and copy the output into this thread?
  22. Like
    Vero reacted to surrealroad in Alfred 2.0 and Notes.app   
    Perfect. My workflow is here:
    I'm going to see if I can use a similar approach with my reminders workflow.
  23. Like
    Vero got a reaction from bpiwowar in Open in terminal for "File Search"   
    Once you've navigated to your folder, press the right arrow to show Alfred's File Actions, where one of the actions is "Open Terminal here". It's quick to access; From your file navigation, press the right arrow, type a character from the action you want and hit return.
    You could even add your own actions via a workflow if you want to have the ability to specify a non-default Terminal client.
  24. Like
    Vero got a reaction from atothek in Newbie - Several Workflows Not Working   
    We'll try to help you work out what's happening with the workflows you're trying to use. First, could you please enter your registered Powerpack email address in your forum profile? The address you've entered doesn't appear to be a registered Powerpack address. Thanks
    Edited: I saw the typo in your address & corrected it. All good! I'm also moving your question to "Workflow help & questions" as it'll be seen by more users to help get to the bottom of your issue.
  25. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Ra-f in Alfred remote cannot connect [Resolved]   
    Have you tried setting up Direct Connect between your Mac and your iPhone? You can do this by tapping the "Add" button in Alfred Remote, then choosing "Direct" in the top right of the connection screen.
    When using Direct Connection, we recommend using a static IP address for a more predictable behaviour. You can also use your Mac's hostname (e.g. Veros-Mac.local).
    Enter your IP address and the port number. Your IP address is set in OS X (usually automatically), while you can set the port in Alfred's server configuration.   Let me know if you need any help with this   Cheers, Vero
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