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    Vero got a reaction from Alan He in If Contact has many fields, Alfred won't show everything, can't scroll to see more either   
    @nikivi I've never seen so many links stored in a single contact card, so it's a pretty unusual scenario. You can use Cmd + O to open your contact card in the Contacts app and browse it from there. 
    Or you could save your URLs as a snippet collection so that you can get even quicker access to them if that's what you're looking for.
    [Moving to Investigating.]
  2. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from luckman212 in possible bug, or just PEBKAC issue with keyword metadata (kMDItemKeywords)   
    @luckman212 Sorry about the slow reply on this one.
    I've mentioned this to Andrew to take a look at how Alfred treats the individual keywords. However, the simplest solution in the meantime would be to add "disk space" as a single keyword. This will give you the exact results you need without having to wait for us to investigate.
    [Moving to Investigating]
  3. Thanks
    Vero reacted to vitor in Integration with 1password8   
    To add to what @Vero said, that specific issue is from the 1Password8 beta. The app itself doesn’t yet have the mechanism to listen to third-party apps tell it to “open and fill” a website.
  4. Thanks
    Vero reacted to MevetS in Can't give Alfred Full Disc Access   
    Click the "+" below the list of apps, and then navigate to Alfred and select it. It will then be added to the list and you can check the checkbox.
    Good luck and have fun using Alfred. 🙂
  5. Thanks
    Vero reacted to vitor in Case Converter (including Title Case) - now working on MacOS 12.3   
    If you’re using /usr/bin/python3, it should just work if the user already has the Developer Tools (DT) installed. If they have Homebrew, they have the DT. If they don’t have the DT, that shebang will trigger macOS to show a GUI prompt to install them in two clicks.

    There’s a rare chance that the user will instead get a variant of xcrun: error: invalid active developer path. The cause seems to be a macOS update breaking the previously installed DT. xcode-select --install in the Terminal fixes it.
  6. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Alan He in Backup my settings   
    @Ilan Welcome to the forum
    Depending on whether you've been syncing your preferences or not, here's where you'll find your preferences:
    Non-synced Mac:
    ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred/
    Synced Mac:
    Check Alfred's Advanced preferences, where you'll see the sync folder you've set in the bottom right.
    In that location, you'll find the Alfred.alfredpreferences bundle. Copy it to the same location in your new user profile to use these preferences. You'll need to activate your Powerpack license on your new profile as well.
    Let us know if you need any further help.
  7. Like
    Vero reacted to gregkim in Modern Cuteness 👾💘 (Spring 2022)   
    Hey all - my first ever contribution to an online forum 🙃
    Had to be the one I've gained a ton from - thanks y'all! 
    Modern Cuteness Alfred Theme 👾💘 [Spring 2022]

  8. Like
    Vero reacted to smartishhome in Unable to delete personal snippets   
    @Vero That was the problem!  I did as suggested and set the preferences folder to the new location of my OneDrive data and after accepting the notice that Alfred popped up and the quick close and restarting of Alfred I was able to delete the personal snippet just like it used to work.  
    The OneDrive data is definitely buried in the user Library.  I have enough data stored in OneDrive that it was apparent which folder structure I needed to dig into to reach the relevant directory.  It may be less apparent to users that have less data being synced in OneDrive so the file path below is how I navigated to where I needed to be (which is easier for me to show than to try and put words to it).
    The following paths both lead back to the same file system object. 
    So the path that now works correctly is:
    /Users/smartishhome/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.OneDriveSyncClientSuite/OneDrive.noindex/OneDrive
    which equates to the familiar OneDrive folder accessible from the Finder Sidebar (via the button with a Microsoft cloud icon followed by the word OneDrive).  See attached image for reference.  
    Hopefully, that all makes sense but if it's muddy I'd be happy to clarify further.  

  9. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Bemawr in macOS 12.3 removes support for python 2.7   
    @Bemawr If you take a look at the link @tone shared, it looks like there's another workflow for Pocket in the list of workflows that have already been updated for Python 2, so it's worth seeing if it does what you have in mind
  10. Like
    Vero reacted to rhyd in Search Omnifocus: free text search your Omnifocus data   
    I've created a new version of this workflow that doesn't rely on Python. It's still rough around the ages but available if you want to try it. More details available here.
  11. Like
    Vero reacted to jarrodjob in Gratitude Post - I love the Alfred Remote App.   
    Simple Gratitude Post.  I love the flexibility of this app.  It's better than StreamDeck to me.  Thanks.
  12. Like
    Vero reacted to CandiceJoy in Apple has removed Python 2 from macOS   
    Also managed to convert one of my workflows to work
  13. Thanks
    Vero reacted to vitor in Apple has removed Python 2 from macOS   
    And I’m happy to report the list isn’t only growing, but shrinking as well! When a Workflow is officially updated, it’s removed from the table. In the past three days, that has happened four times. Some of them have non-Python 2 alternatives listed, but that column was only added three days ago so it has plenty of room to expand (submissions welcome!).
    @CandiceJoy To answer your Python 3 question from a developer perspective, the simple answer is that the Python team broke compatibility from version 2 to 3. It’s largely considered a botched transition which took over a decade to complete and is still felt, to the point the creator of Python has publicly stated there may never be a Python 4.
  14. Like
    Vero reacted to dfay in Case Converter (including Title Case) - now working on MacOS 12.3   
    This is now working in MacOS 12.3 with Python 3.
    Thanks to @giovanni for doing the hard work on CodeCase.  I just used FileMerge to see what he did, and replicated it here.
  15. Like
    Vero got a reaction from milopus in ESV Online Bible   
    Pop by this thread and share your details
  16. Like
    Vero reacted to Pa7trickStar in dict.cc - Translate English to German   
    This one is under active development and works under Monterey 12.3:
    Please consider buying the dev a cup of coffee when you are using the workflow 😉 Seems with the recent updates form Apple it takes quite some effort to keep tools like this working..
  17. Like
    Vero reacted to vitor in Calling non-standard runtimes from Alfred   
    When configuring a Run Script or Script Filter, Alfred provides a Language dropdown listing the runtimes which have historically been included with macOS. But what if you want to run a script from another language which you have installed on your system? Be it Node.js, Lua, or something else, it’s dead-simple to call them. Either:
    Save your script with a proper shebang (examples: #!/usr/bin/env node; #!/usr/bin/env lua) and use External Script as the Language, pointing to your script. Use /bin/zsh (or /bin/bash) as the Language and tell the runtime to call your script (examples: node MY_SCRIPT.js; lua MY_SCRIPT.lua). The first executes (marginally) faster but the second allows you to send preset arguments to your script. They work as they are assuming the languages were installed with Homebrew, as Alfred includes its directories in its PATH.
  18. Like
    Vero got a reaction from TomBenz in Open all URLs in a Chrome bookmark folder   
    @PreemoIt's a tricky question as we don't know either what workflow you're referring to, or which ones you've already come across. That's most likely why you haven't had any replies so far. A quick look online finds quite a few Chrome bookmarks workflows 🤔
    Are you always opening the same 5 static links? If so, you could create a workflow with one keyword that opens all links, like the one in this example.
    Let me know if that meets your needs
  19. Like
    Vero reacted to rhyd in Search Omnifocus: free text search your Omnifocus data   
    What @Vero said... Will post an update later this week on a replacement workflow.
  20. Like
    Vero got a reaction from DaniP in Search Omnifocus: free text search your Omnifocus data   
    @DaniP Welcome to the forum  
    It looks like the workflow you're using relies on Python. As of macOS 12.3, Apple have removed Python 2 from being a default installed language. As such, workflows that rely on it stop working once you update to 12.3.
    Taking a quick look at the workflow GitHub, it looks like @rhyd is already working on an update to the workflow, which no longer relies on Python:
    I'm sure @rhyd will share an update when they've got something ready for community members to use.
    Alternatively, you can reinstall Python 2 by following these instructions:
  21. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from kturner75 in Popup shows on inactive monitor   
    @kturner75 Open Alfred's preferences to Appearance > Options, and take a look at the right side where you'll see "Show Alfred on..." and choose your preferred option, whether it's mouse screen, active screen or default screen, to get the behaviour you prefer.
    I have mine set to use the mouse screen.  
  22. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Alan He in Option not to show path to applications   
    @Jono Under Appearance > Options, you can decide when the subtext should appear. If you don't want the subtext, you can remove it (though I'm not sure I'd recommend it as, when searching for folders or files, it gives valuable context)
  23. Like
    Vero got a reaction from rootameen in Don't clear input when hiding alfred?   
    @rootameen Welcome to the forum
    This is the setting you're looking for:
    You can set the query history to be saved and shown if within 5 minutes from the last time you showed Alfred.
  24. Like
    Vero got a reaction from Fabio in Call or SMS Contact V2.2   
    You don't necessarily need a workflow for FaceTime. You can add a custom action in Features > Contacts, so that when you open a Contacts card for a friend, you can set the default or alternative action to be as follows:

    You can then search for your friend's name in Alfred, open their contact card, choose the email address (or phone number if that's what you have set up, you'd just need another custom action for that) and use your combo (in my case Cmd + Return) to launch Facetime.
    You'll still need to click the green button to start the call but it's still very quick
  25. Thanks
    Vero got a reaction from splitpersonality in Change Alfred default Contacts app?   
    @splitpersonality A look around the forum shows that BusyContacts have their own URL handler (busycontacts://show/{uid}) and you can find out more about it here:
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