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Everything posted by jdfwarrior

  1. Found it The opening item tag isn't terminated at the end of the line, add the necessary > at the end to fix it
  2. Hey man, I looked around at this the other day for Andrew and here's a little bit of info that I came up with. I'd enjoy to hear your feedback on it so maybe we can figure out a solution for this... Anyway.. Looking at the sample script from above, the character that you are referencing as being an apostrophe is actually a (according to the character viewer) a single right quotation mark (unicode character U+2019). An apostrophe is unicode character U+0027. Using the script above, if I manually encode the character, it works fine. So, if I change the right single quotation mark character to \u2019 then it works normally. This makes me wonder if it's some form of encoding issue with the script area in Alfred. If you look at the change log for Alfred 2.1.1.. 2.1.1 18th Nov 2013 • Add native tag support, with new ‘tags’ keyword which uses 'AND' logic for multiple keywords • Improved layout for file search prefs for the new tag option • Better support for OS X Mavericks multi screen, with new appearance option to “Show Alfred on Active Screen” • In the Contacts Viewer, show addresses in Apple Maps by default, falling back onto Google Maps if Apple Maps isn't available • Add Apple Maps into default web searches for users on Mavericks • Show workflow image in notification in Mavericks with checkbox to disable in Advanced prefs • Improvements to the iTunes AppleScript integration • Fix some preference layout issues in Mavericks • Turn off OS X auto substitution in Alfred's script editor fields e.g. smart quotes • Fix escaping of ! in folder names for 'Open Terminal Here' file action • Improved selected item mouse hover behaviour in default results • More resilient inline definitions for non EN locales • Stop trailing / being added when copying an optionally escaped path to clipboard • Update tool chain and to using Xcode 5, improve build scripts The entry that I made bold was actually something similar. In a fresh install of Mavericks, the substitutions were on in the Keyboard prefs. When I tried to type a single or double quote in the script editor area, they were the substituted versions and caused the script to not work properly. As a solution, Andrew disabled substitutions in the script editor but that doesn't mean that if you copied and pasted the character in there or something that it can't be there. So.. I'm wondering if this is the same issue. As mentioned, if you have to have this character in the script, you could encode it manually and it would work normally.
  3. Happens to the best of us Let us know if you have any other issues
  4. If you are entering foreign/accented characters then yes this would probably cause an issue. We've seen issues with this before. Andrew tried multiple ways of encoding and normalizing user input but we weren't able to nail down an exact fix for this. Otherwise, the XML you have appears to be correct. Have you taken a look at the example workflows included with Alfred? In the Workflows area, click the + in the bottom left as if you were going to create a new workflow and select the Script Filter XML Format example and take a look through it.
  5. Great. Glad you were able to work it out. Let us know if you have any more issues.
  6. I need to get back to work on this. I haven't had time to touch it this week. I got a few people to test it the other day and things didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped. I need to trace down what the issue is. Don't know if it's differences in API (caused by differences in server version)? It works great with the versions I currently have installed.
  7. Ah great, yeah I got busy and completely forgot to get back on this. Glad you worked it out though.
  8. How do you tell it to dial with DeskConnect? Some form of API? URI Scheme? If you could share a few more details with me, I'd be happy to help you work this out.
  9. Run Script items are the correct item to be generating feedback with. Trying using a Input->Script Filter item. Let m know if that solves your issue
  10. 1. Are you able to mount and browse the old drive image? 2. Were you using any kind of app to sync your preferences before? (Dropbox, etc) If you can mount and browse the image and were NOT syncing preferences, Alfred 2's preferences reside in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences. If you copy that file from the old drive image into the same place on the new installation, everything should copy over. Not sure how Alfred would handle his preferences being overwritten while he's running so you MAY have to restart him to get the preferences to take affect.
  11. rofl no worries man, it happens to all of us from time to time
  12. The $PATH issue is a result of Alfred not loading your profile when executing the scripts. Easiest way to fix this is to just use the full path to the file rather than relying on $PATH
  13. Yeah this one could be modified pretty easily to make new files instead. Would just be a new keyword and instead of mkdir I'd use touch. I'll get it back to you shortly. Just getting ready for the day
  14. Don't take this as a "it's definitely coming" because I'm not saying that, but I talked to Andrew about this earlier today and provided him with the link to the Apple documentation for the url scheme for doing this. He said he would take a look at it.
  15. If you use Dropbox or something else to sync preferences you could use that tool to undelete the files that stores them. If not, heres a link to download a folder of all the default web searches. Drop it in ~/Library/Application Support/Alfred 2/Alfred.alfredpreferences/preferences/features/
  16. Are you sure that this was working before? Spotlight seems to have issues with indexing and/or searching network drives. This is a long standing issue with OS X. Apple Support Discussion
  17. The Apple Maps workflow that you created works by parsing the text entered and then building a custom URL based on that text. While this functionality could potentially be added to Alfred, it isn't currently there and the current implementation is working just as it was intended. For now, for generating directions will remain the best done with a workflow.
  18. To do this with a workflow, instead of using the terminal command workflow action, try using the Run Script. This will allow you to run bash, ruby, perl, python, php, etc scripts in the background without opening a terminal window.
  19. This should already be possible with Alfred. Have you tested to confirm that it works?
  20. 1. Is the problem occurring with a single file or all files? 2. Could you try with a new file? Select a file, press Cmd+I and add a new tag, then try again. 3. With the file that isn't working, could you also try renaming the file and then renaming it back to the original name and trying again? 4. Does Finder or Spotlight show the file when performing a tag search on the file?
  21. Wanted to do a quick post really quick as a response to a user on Twitter asking about opening files in new tabs. User @moomadcow referenced an article on the QuickSilver blog that mentioned opening files in new tabs and then linked to a plugin for QS that provided the functionality. There isn't currently any form of API or native support for opening a location in a new folder. That's why something like this doesn't already exist in Alfred. Alfred opens files by performing the same type of action you would see if you were to use the open command from the terminal. This method provides better compatibility and allows the command to work the same way if you use Finder, Path Finder, or anything else. I looked into this plugin and found that it is a rather basic AppleScript that provides the functionality. This could be turned into a workflow file action for Alfred but wouldn't be a potential addition as a core feature of Alfred. The way the script works is by using AppleScript to simulate clicking the "New Tab" option in the menubar and then setting the path of that window to the desired location. This isn't a very reliable way of providing the functionality though. This script would have the same shortcomings outlined in this post. Basically, UI scripting with AppleScript doesn't work the same across all locales. Read more about the issue in the mentioned post.
  22. Alfred reverting back to the fallback searches indicates that nothing was found matching your search query. Just to make sure, can you go to Preferences->Features->File Search and ensure that the File Tags option is ticked? Afterward, use the keyword listed with the File Tags feature. The default is "tags". So an example search would be "tags homework". This would search for all files that had been marked with the homework tag. If no results are still returned and you are sure that there are files located on your machine that match that tag, try having a look through this knowledge base article on how to troubleshoot Alfred not finding the files your are looking for. KB Article
  23. I believe Andrew has a ticket to look into implementing this in the future but there has been no timeline for when it would be added.
  24. You could use curl from the command line in conjunction with grep to search the output? Don't know how familiar you are with scripting and such. Let me know if you need help with it
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