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  1. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Alan He in The State of Alfred Remote app   
    Alfred Remote will be receiving a big "Version 2" update, I'm already planning the feature set and improvements.
    It's also worth noting that we've been adding features to Alfred Remote through added objects within Alfred itself, so while Alfred Remote hasn't had a core update, it has had new abilities added over the past few years.
  2. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in List Filter is not respecting multiline fields in CSVs [Fixed 3.6.1 b907 pre-release]   
    This is now fixed in the 3.6.1 pre-release.
    I've newly written Alfred's CSV parser to adhere to RFC 4180, and will create a document page to cover how Alfred deals with the ambiguities surrounding quoted lines with significant leading spaces. Essentially, for a line to be quoted (allowing for newlines and commas), the " needs to be either at the very beginning of a line, or directly after a comma. If there are spaces after a comma then a ", this field is not treated as quoted, and any " marks are treated as literal.
    I spent some time looking at how some of the online CSV parsers (differently) dealt with this specific ambiguity, and felt that this way best covered all bases
    As mentioned earlier, Alfred's CSV parser never discards significant spaces, but the List Filter subsequently trims the title and subtitle fields.
  3. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @FroZen_X no timeframe yet, as this change will be wrapped up with some other similar ones to consolidate some code.
    Remember that you can wildcard in that view too. The original behaviour in the navigation was based more on shell which is why it deviates. This is now a bit outdated as Alfred has grown which is why it's going to get an overhaul to bring it more in line.
  4. Thanks
    Andrew got a reaction from Hincin in Snippet expansion with cursor placement in Xcode   
    @Hincin Unfortunately, there is no way for Alfred to know the underlying behaviour of Xcode... the snippet is 2 characters long, which is the equivalent of pressing backspace twice. When I do this manually in Xcode (as you've recognised), this deletes [] on the first backspace, then the character before it on the second, before inserting the snippet.
    The only workaround is to use a keyword which doesn't get manipulated by Xcode, or if there is a way to turn off certain auto-replacements in Xcode, turn them off for your relevant matching snippet keywords.
  5. Thanks
    Andrew got a reaction from Tom Hightower in Hotkey to quickly edit existing snippet   
    This is now in the b901 pre-release. I've been meaning to add this for quite some time!
  6. Thanks
    Andrew got a reaction from tullyhansen in Hotkey to quickly edit existing snippet   
    This is now in the b901 pre-release. I've been meaning to add this for quite some time!
  7. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from GuiB in File navigation → Filter by fuzzy words not just numbers   
    The main reason I avoid full fuzzy in the rest of Alfred is performance and result noise, but I agree with what's said here.
    I'll look at improving this!
  8. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from GuiB in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @deanishe this is now available in the fs navigation view in 3.6 b900, either click the button bottom right of the window or use cmd+shift+i
  9. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @deanishe this is now available in the fs navigation view in 3.6 b900, either click the button bottom right of the window or use cmd+shift+i
  10. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @deanishe this is now available in the fs navigation view in 3.6 b900, either click the button bottom right of the window or use cmd+shift+i
  11. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from nikivi in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @deanishe this is now available in the fs navigation view in 3.6 b900, either click the button bottom right of the window or use cmd+shift+i
  12. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from cands in File navigation → Filter by fuzzy words not just numbers   
    The main reason I avoid full fuzzy in the rest of Alfred is performance and result noise, but I agree with what's said here.
    I'll look at improving this!
  13. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Nhat in File navigation → Filter by fuzzy words not just numbers   
    The main reason I avoid full fuzzy in the rest of Alfred is performance and result noise, but I agree with what's said here.
    I'll look at improving this!
  14. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in File navigation → Filter by fuzzy words not just numbers   
    The main reason I avoid full fuzzy in the rest of Alfred is performance and result noise, but I agree with what's said here.
    I'll look at improving this!
  15. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from FroZen_X in Option to turn off file preview in navigation mode   
    @deanishe agreed, this preview should be able to be turned off.
    Also, the fuzzy matching option for fs navigation isn't working as well as it should do. When @FroZen_X posted the request the other day, I took a look at the matching code... really, with fuzzy enabled, you should just be able to type e.g. fixum and it filter to just that item (instead of *fixum).
  16. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from muyexi in Initiate web search from Alfred 3 not working   
    @Jim Wood Users have been reporting this as a Google Chrome bug after Chrome has updated in the background, where URLs aren't being opened (from any source, not just Alfred).
    You just need to relaunch Chrome.
  17. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from cands in Searching for keywords with a workflow is insane   
    @nikivi this is a concept I've been toying with internally for quite some time and I agree, it's extremely useful. It's very likely something similar to this will find its way into Alfred's core in the future!
  18. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from deanishe in File Filter - Retrieve Original Query Parameter   
    @deanishe You are correct that the external trigger history is excluded due to the potential mid-processing statefulness.
    Alfred essentially has 3 states in the default results:
    Straight up typing stuff in Same as 1 but filtered to a single input (this is i.e. if you were to press return on an input which requires an argument, Alfred only shows results from this input) Direct input via an external trigger (Alfred shows the icon on the right hand side) Options 1 and 2 above are included in Alfred's history, option 3 is not.
    One potential solution to this is having a new option which makes an input behave in mode 2 instead of mode 3 when being shown as a result of an inbound connection. This would allow you to switch to using the "run trigger" AppleScript instead of "search" AppleScript, get the benefit of Alfred's history while also ensuring that you only see the results you intend the user to see (i.e. if there are multiple matching keywords which would break your current method).
    This way, you wouldn't need to know the keyword (plus "with space" state if you need to reconstruct a valid search string).
  19. Thanks
    Andrew reacted to natebeaty in Can't get iTunes Mini Player to play the correct songs   
    So far so good! Thanks again for the fix.
  20. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from 40-02 in Search in clipboard history is case sensitive for non latin layout [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    @40-02 thanks for your patience with this, it's involved writing a [high performance] custom filtering routine for SQLite.
    if you update to the latest 3.6 b895, I've added a new option in the Features > Clipboard > Advanced preferences. Select the "Diacritic and Unicode case insensitive matching" option, and this should now work as expected
  21. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from vitor in Snippets: search snippet content as well   
    Alfred 3.6 pre-release b895 has had a bit of an overhaul for the snippet matching. The snip keyword and clipboard history viewer snippet search now share the same search code so they are consistent.
    I've also added some options in the Features > Snippets preferences to also match by snippet content.
    Finally, you can now also turn off the word based matching for snippets so they are consistent with the non-anchored broad search of the clipboard history content.
    Let me know how you get on!
  22. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Ryan McGeary in "Migrate my settings" does not migrate "with space" setting on Keyword inputs [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    @Ryan McGeary this should now be fixed in the 3.6 b893 pre-release
  23. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Concept in Since upgrading to High-Sierra "lock" takes 5-10 seconds to lock the screen [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    Note that this is now part of the Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release, so no need to download the workflow. If you are already using the workflow, you can revert to using the built-in lock command
  24. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from Ryan McGeary in "Migrate my settings" does not migrate "with space" setting on Keyword inputs [Fixed 3.6 b893 pre-release]   
    @Ryan McGeary this'll be fixed in the next pre-release. Not a bug per-se, but I thinking about this, it's close enough related to the keyword that it should be migrated too. 
  25. Like
    Andrew got a reaction from nikivi in Allow jumping to Contacts fields in Alfred Contact view from keyboard   
    @nikivi when thinking about a feature request like this, it's better to step back and look at what you're trying to actually achieve rather than looking at how you are currently manually doing something. What you are actually trying to achieve would be better if there was some way of allowing workflow based programatic access to contact information rather than fudging simulating a keypress to "hopefully" select the bit of information you're looking for (e.g. 'g' could match github, or goodreads etc).
    There is a good chance that I'll be adding a Contacts Filter workflow input at some point in the future which will have the ability to pass out the selected contact's info into the workflow for subsequent processing.
    I'll have to think about wether there will ever be keyboard based shortcuts within the Contacts viewer, as there is currently no focused search field which would make it operate differently to other areas of Alfred.
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