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  1. Connect an External Trigger to a Show Alfred Utility with {query} as the Argument. Then use a Shortcut which calls the External Trigger via AppleScript or the URL Handler.
  2. As per the documentation, that is exclusive to the Script Filter Input. What you seem to looking for are user-configured keywords. Or use a List Filter, which may be more appropriate.
  3. You’re using DALL-E 3 but telling it to generate more than one image. That model can only do one.
  4. {var:} doesn’t expand inside a script, you have to use the rules of the language. In this case "${url}", "${title}", so forth. Note the quotes. Always quote variables inside shell scripts unless you have a strong reason to not do it (which will happen very rarely and only on specialised cases). This is true even when running scripts outside of Alfred. Additionally, avoid USER because that’s an environment variable set by the system which maps to the account name on your Mac. Overwriting it could have adverse unpredictable consequences on that script’s run. This also applies to running scripts no matter the environment. Finally, the screenshot shows the script isn’t being found. You have to make it accessible in a place Alfred sees.
  5. This workflow? It doesn’t, no. If it’s taking that long, there’s either a problem on your end of the connection or something went wrong on Apple’s side. I’d wager something hanged and would recommend restarting it.
  6. Note Taker may give you some ideas. In short, Edit and Preview use different triggers (↩ and ⌘↩) and the Text View is stacked so ⎋ takes you back to pick a different option if you want. Additionally, when using ⌘↩ to Preview, you can then ⌘↩ again to Edit in Alfred. Another approach would be to have ↩ Preview and ⌘↩ Edit, and on the Preview mode having ↩ go to Edit. Many options, it kind of depends on what you want the default flow to be.
  7. Welcome @wjb, You need to use the API, the ChatGPT Plus subscription is something separate. See the FAQ for more information. If that’s not the issue, please provide the information requested under “How do I report an issue?”.
  8. I need to see the diagnostics for the file.
  9. I misread the second post at first, thought you hadn’t come up with something, and coded a quick idea. I’m curious to see what you came up with but since I already made it and it’s only an example and not a full workflow, I’m sharing it anyway for reference. The first thing I’d recommend is checking if you really need the full script to run in the background. It might be that you can get huge speed gains by making a section of it run in parallel. In an older version of Short Films, before the Grid View existed, the user’s machine would do all the processing of downloading thumbnail images then crop them. The first versions of this were slow and as part of the workflow I added a launchd agent to do the operation periodically¹. But then I backgrounded just the download and crop tasks and the speed boost was massive, to the point the agent wasn’t that important². I never investigated this thoroughly, but I bet the sequential web requests were the bottleneck. When you get a file from a server you’re not just waiting for the data to download, there’s also time taken to do a handshake and negotiate the secure connection. These add up. When sending each task to the background, multiple connections could start at the same time, reducing the delay³. But let’s say the code is already as fast as can be. Another approach is to use two objects (⤓ Example Workflow). You’re already having to save data and read it anyway, and Alfred objects can fork to any number of other objects, so there’s no reason you have to run the slow code and display the information in the same object. This has the added benefit that termination of your “view” object (the Script Filter) does not necessarily mean terminating the slow script, allowing you to quit and return later to see more data as it is available. ¹ An approach I still use with some workflows where you want the data to be cached even before you run the workflow. ² The current workflow doesn’t use it at all, but the approach in general is quite different. ³ If doing this today, I’d try to optimise it even further by having curl download every file in the same connection instead of creating multiple.
  10. See an earlier post on the thread.
  11. @maikfrank See discussion on GitHub. It‘s likely to be the same thing.
  12. Easier way is to use the Custom Argument in the Inbound Configuration and leave it empty.
  13. Your example JSON was quite clear, thank you. I have opened an internal issue for it.
  14. I did. I opened an issue internally to look into further. Regarding the copy, it’s reproducible only when filtering is off.
  15. Updated to 2024.1. Order reactions by usage.Remove reaction numbers from subtitle.
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