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Everything posted by Vero

  1. @Roger Welcome to the forum. This issue is widely discussed in the thread @Stephen_C has already pointed you to, assuming you're on macOS Monterey. (As a tip, in the future, please be more descriptive and specific about your issue so that we know how to help you). If you are indeed on macOS Monterey, you'll find this detailed page helpful: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/troubleshooting/indexing/monterey/
  2. @Undertaker01 You have three options for where to show Alfred, which you'll find in Appearance > Options: https://www.alfredapp.com/help/appearance/#options You can either show Alfred on default screen, mouse screen or active screen. Cheers, Vero
  3. @LorenzoA It's unusual for a proper reindex with appropriate permissions for Terminal not to solve the issue, but you may want to have a look at Andrew's workaround here instead, which will set the search scope more explicitly, working around the macOS issue: Cheers, Vero
  4. Have you granted Alfred permission to show notifications? Open System Preferences > Notifications > locate Alfred 4 and check that you have notifications allowed and banners or alerts on, as per your personal preferences. Cheers, Vero
  5. @Koen_73 It's not normal for issues like these to come and go within such a short amount of time. Do you use any third-party tools that may be manipulating your index (e.g. Onyx) or some cache cleaning tool? As there's likely underlying macOS issue with the search scope, try the following: - Open Alfred's preferences to Features > Default Results - untick the two options for macOS Applications Folder and Folders in Home, and remove all the folders from the list - add in your Macintosh HD (or equivalent, which adds just / to your scope) Your scope should then look like this: Type "reload" into Alfred to clear the cache, then try doing a file search. If you still don't see the results, try prefixing your search with the spacebar, e.g. show Alfred and type: [spacebar]Mijn Let me know how you get on. Cheers, Vero
  6. @Undertaker01 Which application's save dialog are you referring to? Do snippets work in normal conditions, e.g. in a plain TextEdit window? Which version of macOS and Alfred are you using (please say exactly which version, not "latest")?
  7. @Beatrix Willius Alfred is intended to be controlled via keyboard, not by mouse - The sidebar is only an indicator that there are results below. You're better off using one of the follow keyboard-based methods to navigate results: Type a few more characters to find the accurate result where relevant Use the up/down arrows to browse through the results Use Function + up/down arrows to skip to the next page of results Hope this helps! Cheers, Vero
  8. @Kikker Even when a file already exists, the normal macOS behaviour is to ask whether you want to keep both, stop or replace. Rather than just try copying to a network location, start by creating a new folder on your Desktop, then drag your Alfred.alfredpreferences file to this new folder where there isn't already a preferences file. If I'm misunderstanding what you're trying to achieve in copying your preferences, could you please provide more details?
  9. @Kikker Where are you copying the preferences to in order to back them up? And what is giving you this error, macOS Finder or a third-party app?
  10. @hjuk First, please ensure you're using Alfred 4.6.1. Next, could you please let us know whether you've migrated your preferences from a previous Mac. If so, could you please take a look at this thread, which explains how to work around this macOS Monterey issue.
  11. @vlar Could you confirm you're using Alfred 4.6.1? The other reason you may see "unable to import" is if you're using a browser or post-download third party unarchiving tool that's trying to unarchive the workflow. If that's the case, either disable the tool or use an alternative browser.
  12. @vlar Here's your workflow, updated to add an Arg/Var object which takes the clipboard and turns it into the argument that is then passed on to your Notification https://www.dropbox.com/s/qmk7bwknyzl9e4h/CSFIP for vlar.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Hope this helps!
  13. @vlar Could you please share your workflow so that we can see what you've got so far? You may just need to add an Arg/Var utility before your Post Notification to add the Clipboard to the output from your script. Cheers, Vero
  14. @Ariamis This particular message isn't problematic, so could you keep an eye for any other error messages if it happens again? Beyond that, do you use multiple monitors on and off? I'm thinking of an issue we haven't seen in quite a few macOS major versions, but occasionally macOS would lose resolution of what your screens arrangement was and would show Alfred off-screen. It's unlikely to be this, but if you use multiple monitors, it may be worth seeing if it happens after changing setup. Another thing you could try (which I realise isn't great for someone who's developed Cmd + Space muscle memory) would be to change your hotkey combo for a while and see if the issue ever occurs with another combo. That would help narrow down whether it *is* something interfering with the combo. It's all I can think of for now, so let me know if any other information comes to light in your setup on your work profile.
  15. @Alan He This thread is quite a mess of questions and unclear responses, so could you please help me understand more specifically where you're at by answering the questions below. Are files in standard locations found on your Mac, such as Documents, Downloads, Desktop, etc? If you are specifically having issues locating files in ~/Library/ - what are the files, and exactly how are you searching for them? The macOS ~/Library/Containers/ folders are not really intended for browsing and searching, and are usually files an app needs to function. If you must find files in that location, you may be able to create a File Filter workflow, but if you can be clear on why you're searching that location, it may help us guide you further.
  16. @Papep0r Could you please provide a link to your actual workflow? If you've restored from a Time Machine and are on Monterey, have you checked whether your files are found normally? You're likely experiencing the same issue as many users here, where the macOS Monterey Migration Assistant bug is causing your results to not be found (regardless of using the File Filter workflow) Could you please carefully follow the instructions I've provided in the post linked below, as this will resolve indexing issues in Monterey: If your issue matches the one above, please respond in the linked thread if you need further help. Cheers, Vero
  17. @Pocho Could you please provide more details of which version of 1Password you're using, when the issue started, exactly what behaviour you see? The more information we have, the more likely we'll be able to let the 1Password team know what's happening - you may also want to contact them yourselves. If they give you a helpful response, please let us know here, or by email. Cheers, Vero
  18. Slack has its own snippet tool and alters what you paste itself, so you can take a look at Slack preferences to see if you can stop it from manipulating your text content. Otherwise, as I suspect you'll want to keep Slack's own snippets available, you can split a snippet into two (e.g. [first block of snippet that ends where you'd want the cursor to be] type your free text [second snippet])
  19. @komacforever Welcome to the forum Could you please provide more details so that I can help you out? - What is your snippet keyword? - What is the full text, including the dynamic placeholders, of your snippet content? - What happens to the cursor when pasting into TextEdit specifically? - What about your other snippets? Does a plain text snippet with no dynamic content paste normally? - Which build of Alfred and Monterey exactly are you using? Please be as specific as you can so that I can help you establish what might be happening. Cheers, Vero
  20. @clienttel You can drag any apps to Spotlight's Privacy tab, then type "reload" into Alfred to refresh the app cache. This will remove the apps from Alfred and Spotlight's results, but you'll still be able to manually navigate to them in Finder if you need them. Cheers, Vero
  21. @gimboland Welcome to the forum. Alfred truncates to 10,000 characters by design, and has always done. While it's interesting to see how you're using Large Type, this is outside the intended purpose of the feature. Moving the thread to Feature Suggestion, as fellow Alfred users may have ideas on alternative ways to achieve what you have in mind Cheers, Vero
  22. @Alan He Could you please try installing the workflow linked below and search for files using the "pb" keyword. This workflow uses a simplified version of Alfred's built-in file search and may narrow down why the default search isn't working for you. https://www.dropbox.com/s/63vgpclmapf74q9/Pared Back File Search Test.alfredworkflow?dl=0 Let me know what your findings are with this, and try with various files in various locations, such as a newly created file on your desktop. I can then guide you further to using a workaround so that you don't have to use the workflow every time.
  23. @Zenn Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-specific questions? This is only visible to me as administrator and allows us to confirm your registered address. Any questions, just drop me a line. Cheers, Vero
  24. @newbie1234 Could you please fill in your Powerpack email address in your forum profile before asking Powerpack-specific questions? This is only visible to me as administrator and allows us to confirm your registered address. Any questions, just drop me a line. Cheers, Vero
  25. @Ariamis Welcome to the forum. Could you please take a look at Console next time this occurs and see whether you're seeing the message referred to in the post below? This only seems to affect a handful of Alfred users on Monterey, so if your issue is the same, please let me know and I'll close this thread, so that we can keep any updates on the topic in a single thread. Cheers, Vero
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